Tag Archives: Election

18 years later in Troup County

“Unification” of LaGrange City and Troup County schools was in 1993. Eighteen years later, it’s still a mess.

Natalie Shelton wrote March 2011 for LaGrange Daily News Online, Parents: Seek other options to school consolidation

In considering the change at West Side, officials noted in last year’s budget proposal talks that about 73 percent of its students are bus riders, brought from all parts of the county. The school posts a per-student transportation cost of $1,198, more than twice the zone average of $529.

“Why is West Side so important to the county?” parent Brandi Kennedy asked. “You have buses picking up kids all over the county to go to West Side.”

Because children are chosen to attend the magnet school through a lottery, Kennedy said she couldn’t understand funding the fine-arts focus of the school when it is not more prestigious than other county schools.

There are some unhappy parents and students: Continue reading

Detracking Troup County, according to Terry Jenkins

In Troup County, school “unification” was all about race and desegregation, according to the speaker our local Chamber is bringing in Tuesday evening.

Dr. Terry Jenkins, co-authored an interesting paper in 1997, Detracking Troup County: Providing an Exemplary Curriculum for All Students.

As series of decisions, not unrelated to race, made by the “white fathers” of the city of LaGrange, led the citizens of the city to vote their school system out of existence and to become a part of the county system.
The quotes around “white fathers” are in the paper.

Hm, back when I first encountered CUEE, they were speaking to SCLC in Valdosta late last year, Rusty Griffin among them, and the theme was desegregation. They did not receive a warm welcome. Funny how CUEE changed its tune to “unification” after that.

But the local “white fathers” are still insisting on making decisions for all of us.


Chamber Punts for CUEE

Received today. Guess they’ve forgotten about CUEE’s Kick-Off event back in March, at which CUEE Vice-Chairman Rusty Griffin spoke. -jsq
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 15:36:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: Rusty Griffin <chamber @valdostachamber .com>
Subject: School Unification Forum: 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday


Make your plans now to attend the first Vote YES public forum on school unification, which is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 27 at the Rainwater Conference Center.

Our guest speaker will be Dr. Terry Jenkins, who served as the Superintendent of Troup County Schools during the unification process of LaGrange and Troup County school systems in 1992.

Many of the same issues and rumors being discussed locally were also debated when LaGrange and Troup County were voting to unify their school systems. In his presentation, Dr. Jenkins will discuss how the school unification issue unfolded in Troup County, its impact to improving test scores and graduation rates, and how the decision to unify their school systems has transformed the community for the better.

T-SPLOST Southern Region Cost Changes

Update 6:30 PM 26 September 2011: Please see the corrected version received from Corey Hull today. -jsq

Received yesterday from Corey Hull, with this cover sheet message, responding to my request in the T-SPLOST public meeting Monday.


In the attached spreadsheet you will find the each project associated with four columns: the original estimate, the updated estimate, the TIA funding (any difference from the TIA and updated cost estimate is a secondary funding source i.e. federal, state, or local), and whether that project is currently included in the constrained list.

GDOT provided the updated costs estimates (based on current GDOT bids) and in some cases those estimates were further revised by GDOT and the local governments where appropriate. All project scopes remained the same with the exception of RC11-000049 and RC11-000042 (highlighted in yellow), these project termini were changed significantly.

I hope this answers your questions, let me know if you have any more.


Corey Hull, AICP
MPO Coordinator
Valdosta-Lowndes MPO
327 W. Savannah Ave.
Valdosta, GA 31601
Visit our Facebook Site!
229.300.0922 (c)
229.333.5312 (f)

The spreadsheet he sent is on the LAKE website in Excel spreadsheet and HTML versions. If you want to know what the projects are, you need to look at the unconstrained and constrained project lists. More later.


Cobb EMC loses special election by huge margin

Cobb EMC lost a court-ordered special election yesterday by 2561 to 1113, according to Take Back Cobb EMC’s facebook page. That was the vote against mail-in voting, because the insurgents believe mail-in voting helps incumbent directors win re-election. It’s Cobb EMC’s incumbent directors who want to build a coal plant in Ben Hill County, about 70 miles north of here.

MJDOnline explained the issues 14 September 2011, Don McKee: Decision day comes Saturday for Cobb EMC members

There are two questions in the form of proposed bylaw amendments to be decided by members Saturday: (1) whether to allow mail-in voting for directors, and (2) whether to prohibit payment of retirement benefits to directors.

Reform groups Cobb EMC Owners Association, Take Back Cobb EMC and Cobb EMC Watch strongly oppose allowing mail-in voting until new directors are elected. They argue that mail-in voting would give an overwhelming advantage to incumbent directors with unlimited EMC member funds at their disposal in campaigning for re-election versus the very limited funds available to challengers.

“The historical evidence of mail-in voting shows that it favors the incumbents over challengers,” Cobb EMC Watch says. “It gives the corporation tremendous leverage to manipulate and influence the voting process. The corporation can use its much greater financial resources to back its slate of candidates.”

One would guess the second item on the ballot passed: Continue reading

Chamber of Commerce berates school boards

Even the Chamber of Commerce Board may no longer be unanimous in support of “unification” after losing both school boards and the newspaper of record. But that doesn’t stop “itself” from speaking for local business leaders and berating the school boards for not doing what “itself” hasn’t done. That’s the sort of “high road” we’ve come to expect from proponents of “unification”.

The Chamber sent the appended letter to two tax-funded publicly-elected bodies, making it a matter of public record. I’m sure the Chamber has the resources to host their own copy of their own letter, so here I’m publishing it with my commentary in red in the boxes on the right. Bold text marks what the comments refer to. -jsq

Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 16:46:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: Tom Gooding
Subject: School System Unification Message

Dear Chamber Members:

Below is a letter that the Chamber Board of Directors would like to share with all of our members. The letter is being sent today to all members of the Valdosta City and Lowndes County School Boards and both Superintendents. In a meeting yesterday of the Chamber Board, there was strong consensus to maintain our commitment to school system unification and to CUEE.

Both school boards voted in open meetings, with the vote of each member recorded on video. Yet the chamber just has “strong consensus” and we don’t know who voted which way for what. That’s the kind “high road” we’ve come to expect from proponents of “unification”.
Most important, the Board members were firm in their belief that the Chamber’s role in the upcoming discussions regarding school system unification must remain “on the high road.” Thank you for your support of the Chamber in this effort.

Tom Gooding
Chairman of the Board
Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce

September 9, 2011
TO: Valdosta City and Lowndes County School Board Members and Superintendents:

The mission of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce is to serve as a unifying force, a focal point for enhancing the economic, social and cultural well-being of the communities it serves. In this role, the Chamber has been a leading voice for many of the critical issues facing Valdosta and Lowndes County, including the ongoing debate around unification of our separate local school systems.

The Chamber does and will continue to energetically support school unification. Our Board of Directors voted unanimously to support unification

Unanimously? But your chairman says it was “strong consensus”. Maybe we’re talking about some previous unanimous vote. In which case apparently even the Chamber’s board is no longer unanimous in support of “unification”.
and polling showed the overwhelming support of some 78% of our membership (over 1,500 strong) for unification as well. The Chamber did not take on this effort lightly and would not have done so without the belief that the unification of the two school systems would far outweigh any perceived disadvantages.

The business leaders of our community are disappointed

Really? The Chamber speaks for all business leaders of our community? Funny how I’ve run across quite a few who don’t agree with the Chamber on this issue.
that the debate around school unification has recently become divisive and more importantly misleading, based on emotional and fear arguments rather than facts. As you know the Chamber has been a long-time community advocate for children and believes a unified school system is the first step to ensuring equal opportunity, improving educational achievement, and thus enhancing the economic well-being of our entire community.

It has been said that “business” is behind the Chamber’s unification efforts, as if making our city and county increasingly attractive to business and industry, which can provide jobs to both the parents of our children and, upon graduation, the children themselves, were a negative. It isn’t.

Our existing businesses and industries are disappointed that our local public schools are not producing graduates who are qualified for today’s workforce, not to mention the substantial number of students who drop out well before graduation. The statistical reality is that Valdosta High School has not met the State of Georgia’s AYP (annual yearly progress) standards for five consecutive years. It is likely that when the state releases its graduation rates this year using the new, more accurate federal standard for measuring graduation rates, both of our school systems will show significant decreases in graduation rates.

Here in 2011 we continue to

Um, how about stop using “County Schools” as a selling point for subdivisions?
endure schools that are essentially segregated by economic status. Unless something changes dramatically, this community will continue to travel a path
Such advertising has helped get us so far down that path that there’s not a lot further to go.
of racial and economic resegregation.

The Chamber is disappointed in the recent actions taken by the two School Boards and also by Dr. Cason and Dr. Smith for blurring the facts in their recent letters to the editor of the Valdosta Daily Times.

That’s pretty rich considering the VDT’s own editorial apologized to Dr. Smith that the VDT had “unintentionally fanned the flames”, and the same editorial provided a list of questions it said consolidation proponents haven’t answered. Tell me again who’s blurring the facts?
Yes, there indeed have been improvements in our schools and for that the Superintendents should be commended — but the overall pattern has not changed significantly and the overall outlook for all of our children is not encouraging. The Chamber also realizes school unification, by itself, will not be the sole answer to every challenge. But the data clearly
Where are these data? All the letter cites is a poll of the Chamber’s own members. That’s not data: that’s wishful thinking, as Sam Allen of FVCS pointed out at the VBOE meeting.
shows that communities of our size with a single, unified school system are more successful in planning and implementing school reforms, have greater parent and community involvement, and build stronger professional programs for teachers and principals — all of which are critical factors in raising student achievement and sustaining academic gains over time.

The citizens of Valdosta clearly want the opportunity to vote on unification.

Too bad the Chamber doesn’t think the citizens of the rest of Lowndes County deserve a vote, or at least the Chamber can’t even be bothered to mention that in CUEE’s scheme we don’t get a vote. Even though the Georgia Constitution says we should. CUEE has made it pretty clear they don’t care about county voters.
More than 7,000 voters — more than those who have voted in recent City elections — signed the petition calling for the upcoming referendum.

As we go forward, the Chamber urges both School Boards to support and encourage an open and fair dialogue about this issue.

          You first, CUEE and Chamber (is there a difference, by the way?). Oh, wait, CUEE did go first, with that dog-and-pony Kick-off thing back in March, in which they conveniently ran out of time to answer questions about how “unification” would improve education for the least fortunate. They don’t have a plan to improve education, and “unification” won’t do anything to improve education.

The only real dialog about school consolidation I’ve seen was at the May Lowndes County Democratic Party meeting, where proponents and opponents gave their positions, and then stood side by side and answered questions from the audience.

More importantly, rather than simply saying no to unification as both School Boards and both Superintendents have recently done,
Did the Chamber read the school board statements? Each of them spelled out their reasoning at some length. Here they are:
the Chamber also believes the community would benefit from the School Boards and their Superintendents coming forward to meaningfully participate in the dialogue of what a unified school system would look like and stating publicly that, should the referendum prevail — a very real prospect — on Nov. 8, both School Boards will work together to ensure a smooth planning and transition process to a unified school system.
          So the Chamber wants the school boards to say they expect the referendum to succeed, right after both boards said they don’t want it to succeed. Kind of like how CUEE told people that if they signed the petition for a referendum, that didn’t mean they were for “unification”. And how CUEE counts anybody who attends its committee meetings as supporters, even if they just went to see what CUEE was up to. Is such Orwellian double-speak what we want taught to the children of our community?

Besides, both school boards said in their statements that they were open to discussion, so the Chamber pretending it is making the first move on this is, ah, disingenuous.

How about if the Chamber and CUEE state publicly that there’s a very real chance that the referendum will not pass, now that both school boards and the VDT have come out against it, and if it doesn’t pass the Chamber and CUEE will give up on “unification” and not bring it up again?

A number of communities throughout Georgia and the South have merged their city and county school systems during the past 15-20 years. Indeed, there are only some 22 separate city and specialized school systems left in Georgia versus 159 county school systems in our state.

          On the one hand Valdosta and Lowndes County aspire to metropolitan status. On the other hand, the Chamber wants to compare us to every county in the state, no matter how small. Yes, Lanier County has a unified school system. No offense to Lanier County, but it also has only about 10,000 people to Lowndes County’s approx. 109,000 people.

However, if “unification” passes, Lanier County, already by far the fastest growing county around here, will grow even faster as bright flight runs beyond the “unified” school system. Unless the Chamber and CUEE plan to drag all of Lanier, Echols, and Brooks Counties into their “unified” school district, the metropolitan area will not be unified.

Also among those cities with their own school systems is Dublin, which landed that MAGE Solar plant. Apparently having two school systems is not an impediment to getting industry to move in, after all.

The results in terms of student performance, tax rates, retaining professional faculty and increased community support, while not perfect, are very encouraging. We would urge the School Boards and other interested parties to study those efforts.
          Once again the Chamber cites no evidence. Apparently the Lowndes County Board of Education did study consolidated school districts, since its resolution concluded consolidated school districts neither improved education nor saved money; quite the opposite: taxes went up. Since CUEE and the Chamber don’t actually provide any information on the “results” they find fit their confirmation bias, LCBOE is more credible on this.

The Chamber Board of Directors itself looks forward to meeting with members of both School Boards to discuss how we might work together on behalf of our children, sooner rather than later. We take this opportunity to formally invite the members of our School Boards and our Superintendents to meet with us. If not now, when?

Where was the Chamber Board at the recent school board meetings? If not then, why not? FVCS was quite visible, but CUEE and the Chamber were not visible. Does “The Chamber Board of Directors itself” only appear behind closed doors, not in open meetings?

Maybe “itself” should stop trying to dictate to everybody else.


Tom Gooding
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Myrna Ballard


Georgia and Florida Railway (GFRR) – Valdosta to Willacoochee Rehabilitation $6.25 million T-SPLOST

Now here’s a T-SPLOST project I like: upgrading the railroad that runs from Valdosta to Moody AFB and on to Ray City and Nashville in Berrien County, and Willacoochee in Atkinson County. This proposal is to aid freight, but with this upgrade to the track, the same track would be even more readily usable for passenger rail. That same track was used for passenger travel up into the 1950s. My mother used to catch the train at Barretts (just north of Moody) to go visit her relatives in Pearson (a bit east of Willacoochee).

It’s true the project sheet talks about “potential customers in the region”:

This project will provide for more efficient train operations along the rail corridor to accommodate the increase rail traffic serving the existing and potential customers in the region.
However, rail promotes development in existing population centers and at stations, unlike all along automobile roadways.

This project is also another example of how the economic area of Moody AFB includes Continue reading

Public comment form on T-SPLOST Roundtable

Received today on T-SPLOST meeting in Waycross today. -jsq
The SGRC website has been updated to correct the error for the public comment form. Thank you for letting us know and helping to spread the word about these public meetings.

-Southern Georgia Regional Commission

The correction has this new link to the form. The form says:
Public Comment Form
Southern Georgia Regional Transportation Roundtable
and asks for your name, address, phone, email, and your comments. I bet you could email that information if you don’t want to print out the form and write on it. The public notice about the regional T-SPLOST meetings said:
Comments are being accepted by email at chull@sgrc.us, by fax at 229-333-5212, or by mailing them to SGRC, ATTN: SG RTR, 327 W Savannah Ave., Valdosta, GA 31601.

For more information please call Corey Hull at 229-333-5277.


Sonny Vickers, Mayor of Valdosta?

A usually-reliable source says Sonny Vickers will be appointed interim Mayor of Valdosta tomorrow by the Valdosta City Council at its 5:30 PM 8 September meeting.

Since he’s running unopposed for City Council District 3, Sonny Vickers can resign from that post, get appointed mayor, and get re-elected as Council 3 in November.

This is the same method used in 2003 when former Mayor James H. Rainwater died before the election. Council appointed David Sumner interim mayor. According to the VDT 31 August 2011:

At that time, Councilman David Sumner assumed the role of mayor, but had to resign his council seat to do so. He had already qualified to rerun for his seat in the November 2003 election, was re-elected to his seat and stepped down as mayor at the end of 2003, re-assuming his duties as a newly elected councilman at the beginning of 2004.

If they don’t appoint Vickers interim mayor tomorrow, the Valdosta City Council will probably appoint somebody else. According to the VDT today:

Vickers is among those being considered for appointment by council, along with Dexter Sharper and David Sumner, who are also former council members. Vickers pointed out that he did not submit his name for consideration, but rather it was mentioned in conversations with other council members.
We’ll see.

In the November election, one of Brooks D. Bivins, John Gayle, or Gary Minchew will be elected mayor (unless of course there’s a runoff).


T-SPLOST meeting in Waycross today

Update 12:30 8 September 2011: SGRC provided a fixed link to the public comment form.

The first SGRC public meeting about the T-SPLOST Draft Constrained Investment List is today in Waycross:

View Larger Map
Wednesday, September 7, 2011; 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.; at the Southern Georgia Regional Commission Waycross Office; 1725 South Georgia Parkway West, Waycross, Georgia; presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m.
If you live near Waycross, you may want to compare your local projects in the Draft Constrained Investment List with the previous unconstrained list to see what’s still in there and if there are any 50% cost increases like the Old US 41 North widening.

The VLMPO SGRC web page includes a link to a Public Comment Form but as you can see that link gets “page cannot be found”. Doubtless that’s an accident, given that VLMPO is and SGRC are among the most devoted to transparency of local governmental organizations.

Fixed now, with this new link to the public comment form.

I’d like to point out VLMPO SGRC does T-SPLOST administration, but is not responsible for the content of the project lists; those come from your local governments and are selected by the T-SPLOST regional committee and the Georgia Department of Transportation.

Here’s the PDF public meeting notice received 30 August from VLMPO SGRC along with the cover letter already published. HTML version is appended below.

-jsq Continue reading