The CUEE Board: not quite all city

Let’s meet the CUEE board and ask them a simple question.

The Chair, Leroy Butler, named them in this order: Rusty Griffin (Vice-Chair), George Bennett, Tom Kurrie, Walter Hobgood, Johnny Ball, Jack Edwards, Jud Rackley, Gene Godfrey, and “last but certainly not least” Ruth Council. (Not named but listed on CUEE’s website are David Durland, Terry Hunt, and Ronnie Mathis.)

As I told Rusty Griffin, I congratulate CUEE on holding public meetings about their plans.

Kick-off meeting, 24 March 2011,
Community Unification for Educational Excellence, Inc., CUEE,
They’re for consolidation of the Valdosta and Lowndes County School Systems.
Videos by John S. Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.

Here’s the question:

How many of the current CUEE board are from the county outside of Valdosta?
Only their chairman will admit to that. So it looks like the answer is one county member out of all those board members we just saw. Or maybe none of the rest of them want to admit to being from the county.

Remember, their motto is:

It’s Your Decision. It’s Your Choice.
Yet they got this far with a board of whom only one will admit to being from the county outside Valdosta. A board that’s recommending a referendum on which nobody outside the city of Valdosta gets to vote. Sounds to me it’s a small group of Valdosta people who want to decide for the entire county.

The chairman mentioned that the question goes to credibility. Why yes, it does. I know this because I submitted the question. I asked them the same question back in May 2010, so they’ve had plenty of time to fix this credibility problem. If, as their chairman said, “everyone is a stakeholder”, why is the county not represented equally in CUEE?


PS: That was the last question read aloud. The chairman said those were all the questions they had. In the video of the introduction of the board members, you can see Rev. Floyd Rose in the back of the room asking why none of his questions were read out. It seems the chairman mis-spoke.