Here’s the video:
LCBOE resolution against school consolidation, read by Supt. Smith
education, referendum, consolidation, statement,
called meeting, Lowndes County Board of Education (LCBOE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 30 August 2011.
Videos by John S. Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.
This text is my transcription of what was read. I have added a few links.
WHEREAS the Lowndes County Board of Education, Valdosta, Georgia, met on August the 30th 2011, to discuss positions regarding the consolidation of the Valdosta City School System and the Lowndes County School System.
WHEREAS the Valdosta City School System met in session on Monday
August the 29th 2011 to adopt a position opposing consolidation of the Valdosta City school systems with the Lowndes County school systems.WHEREAS virtually no increase in academic achievement has been identified as a result of efforts to consolidate school systems.
WHEREAS the consolidation of school systems has consistently led to an increase in the tax burden on the taxpayers of the newly consolidated schools, financial claims about widespread benefits of consolidation are unsubstantiated by research.
WHEREAS school consolidation as proposed appears to serve a public relations purpose in a time of fiscal crisis rather than substantive fiscal or educational purposes.
BE IT RESOLVED the Lowndes County Board of Education fully supports the position taken by the Valdosta City School System opposing consolidation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Lowndes County School System respects the autonomy of the Valdosta City School System and will continue to work cooperatively with them to provide the highest quality of education for students of both school systems.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED any effort to consolidate the Valdosta City School System with the Lowndes County School System must be initiated with the efforts of the educators and parents of both the city and county school systems. Further, all citizens, city and county, must be made an opportunity to participate in any election to consider the consolidation of the Valdosta City School System with the Lowndes County School System.
This 30th day of August 2011.
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