Breaking his
self-imposed nonresponse policy,
Brad Lofton responds to
Dr. Noll’s summary.
To: “Michael G. Noll”,
“Mary B. Gooding”,
“Ricketts, Allan” <>,
“Copeland, Roy”,
“‘John S. Quarterman'”,
“Susan R. Wehling”,
Kay Harris
From: “” <>,
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 09:56:14 -0500
Subject: RE: Wiregrass Power, LLC
Good morning Dr.Noll-
We have provided ample evidence supporting our project over a very
lengthy period of time, and I am sorry that you simply can’t come to
terms with that. No one but WACE has made any claims about our efforts
to substantiate this project. If we had done no additional due
diligence at all (and we have done plenty), the seven month
environmental study and approval by the state Environmental Protection
Division was completed, and they found this project safe for Georgia.
The Feds not only support it, but they are providing tax credits and
have publicly called biomass a great tool to reduce GHGs.
We’ll be happy to review all of the additional studies and vast amount
of environmental and other support with you for the tenth time if you
would choose to finally meet with us in person as we’ve been asking for
over two years. We will not, however, debate you over e-mail. As I
promised, we will add your e-mail today to our file, but with all
approvals and permits in hand, we are indeed moving forward now and are
excited about a Spring groundbreaking.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone