You can hear Lofton recite much the same laundry list in
this video LAKE already posted of the 21 Dec 2010 VLCIA board meeting,
starting about 3:50 in.
I remarked on that
a week ago; I guess Lofton didn’t read that one.
Alice sums it up in this Dilbert strip Scott Adams posted the day after that VLCIA board meeting:
You know, one problem for VLCIA of not posting videos of their own events on their own website is they lose control of their messaging, instead having to resort to unannounced speeches where they don’t expect any critics to be present. Critics like these back at the VLCIA 6 Dec 2010 “Forum”.
Videos and pictures of Brad Lofton, Executive Director of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authoriy (VLCIA) at First Presbyterian Church, Valdosta, Georgia, Thursday, 6 Jan 2011 and at VLCIA board meeting 21 Dec 2010 by John S. Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange. More to come.
Short Link:
Carl Wray at Dublin Industrial Authority enticed a solar panel plant & 350 jobs with no air pollution or health risks. Why can’t Valdosta hire a man like Mr. Wray? Why did the five members of the Industrial Authority hire Mr. Lofton?