Continue readingPerception (from the Latin perceptio, percipio) is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of the environment by organizing and interpreting sensory information
– WikipediaI have sat on the sideline for a while on the issue of consolidation. Perhaps I am still on the sideline since I am not going to tell you how to vote. Regardless of the decision on November 8th I will continue to support education in one or two systems. In any event I feel compelled to at least provide some words for consideration. Here is my perspective from the sideline.
It is very apparent that we have pride in our schools. Pride is both
Tag Archives: Kia
CUEE demolishes its own case

The last question asked to give an example of any company that had declined to come in because of multiple school systems. Not only could nobody give an example, but someone, I believe it was Walter Hobgood, stood up at the podium and said when he was working for a large company he had never encountered a case where they looked at the number of school systems.
Early on Chamber Chair Tom Gooding went on at great length about Continue reading
Kia and education: a connection after all

Here are the last three of those paragraphs:
The center “will educate a person to work in an advanced manufacturing plant,” Gilley says, just the kind of plants that are coming to Troup County over the next year or so. Using industry-standard equipment, students will be educated to meet the manufacturing community’s workforce needs.Hm, so the locals think the technical college has more to do with industry than the K-12 schools.In fact, the manufacturing community already is calling on the center. DaeLim, a supplier to Kia and Hyundai (the latter has a plant nearby in Alabama), expressed interest in students doing prototyping of plastic parts once the center, which opened June 1, is up and running.
“We’ve left a good platform on which to build. We have good faculty, good staff. I think we have good community relations,” Gilley says of his time at West Georgia. Then he looks to the future and what he’ll miss most about his job. “We offer programs that allow people to get better paying jobs. I’ll miss having the power to make decisions that change people’s lives.”
An article by Jeff Bishop in, Partnerships may develop between CEC, new hospitals, notes the connection between high schools and industry is through West Georgia Tech.
Hm, maybe Wiregrass Technical College could be important….
After Kia: still school problems in Troup County; no mention of unification
an interview with Mayor Drew Ferguson IV of West Point, Georgia
by Larry Copeland in USA TODAY, 25 March 2010,
Kia breathes life into old Georgia textile mill town.
Nope, no mention of schools, education, or unification.
Nice picture of the mayor with a Kia, though.
Karen Kennedy published a lengthy article about the Kia plant in GeorgiaTrend in August 2008, LaGrange/Troupe County: The Kia Effect, in which the first mention of schools is for the period after the Kia plant opened:
The biggest need Mayor Ferg-uson sees in West Point right now is public education. “We have a wonderful elementary school.” But there is no middle or high school in the city limits. “The current formula for education funding is not working,” he says of the state’s approach, which bases money on students who are already in the system, not on students who will be coming through the system in the near future. “If you don’t have great education opportunities people will live far away and drive [to work]. Schools should be looked at as an economic driver.” They are a way to help recruit good strong families to an area, he adds.That’s right, after the Kia plant, there are big problems with the schools, and there’s not even any mention of unification.
Kia and school unification in Troup County, Georgia: any connection?
The county’s own
announcement of the Kia plant opening
says nothing about schools, much less unification.
Troup County’s web page about their
Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development
does mention education, but says nothing about school unification.
county history page mentions the Kia plant but nothing
about education being a factor, much less school unification.
Even if that anecdotal connection between school unification and the Kia plant had some evidence behind it, that’s not an example of improved education!