On Monday, qualifying week begins for candidates interested in running
in the November election for
Valdosta Mayor, City Council At Large and
Council Districts 1, 3, and 5;
Hahira City Council Districts 2 and 3;
City of Dasher
Post 3 and 4;
City of Lake Park Mayor and four council
Remerton Mayor and five council seats;
Valdosta School Board
Districts 4, 5, and 6.
The VDT points out that city elections usually don’t get much turnout,
but this year there are two referendum questions on the ballot that
may cause record turnout.
They are:
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This is typical of all elected & appointed government bodies locally. The
common opinion is citizens are only valuable for voting. After we vote
we are to go home, never ask questions, never complain, & never comment
until it is time to vote again. The common consensus is we are not capable
of understanding what our elected/appointed officials are doing so we
need to stay out of the process totally. This is nanny state government
via local venues. We the people are reduced to you the unendowed &
unimportant. John – Our political views are usually polar opposites,
but we are always 100% agreed on shinning the light on government
black-outs. Keep up the good work.
Ensuring that people who will
engage in dialog and seek the benefit of the entire community are
appointed to boards lies in the hands of the elected officials.
Electing people who engage in dialog and seek the benefit of the
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Mr. Quarterman, what can we do, do we have to go to the state legislature
to get a law passed to force these so-called public officials to answer
questions and respond to the citizens?
First of all, my compliments to anyone such as Leigh Touchton
who has been doing politics around here longer than me for asking
my opinion, because that indicates they are pretty good at it
and are probably asking many people their opinions.
My answer: carrots along with sticks, and shine some light!
That all builds political capital, which will be needed for elections.
We need many people building a community doing many things.
If I knew a simple answer that would change things magically overnight,
I’d recommend it, but I don’t.
I don’t even know if I know a long answer, but I’m pretty sure that
any answer will require a community, because
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The Quitman 10 were arrested in Brooks County for alleged irregularities
with absentee ballots, the day after two of them were elected to the
Brooks County Board of Education.
Saturday (tomorrow) a statewide rally for them will be held in Macon:
Saturday at 11:00pm – Sunday at 2:00am
Stewart Chapel AME Church, 887 Forsyth Street
Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sen. Robert Brown, Rep. Tyrone Brooks, Sen. Vincent Fort, Rep. David Lucas, Ms. Helen Butler
Two weeks ago I delivered the official NAACP letter to all City Council
members (and Mayor Fretti) asking for a written response as to their
position on biomass and selling reclaimed water to the Wiregrass, LLC,
proposed incinerator.
No response. Not one.
I have heard that at least two Council members refuse to do so because
“it might be used against them.”
Citizens are entitled to hear where their elected officials stand on
these issues. At least Councilmen Vickers, Wright, and Yost have stated
publicly that they support biomass, even though black infants are already
dying in Valdosta at a rate twice as high as white infants. According
to Mr. Wright,
From Valdosta City Council minutes on their webpage. I was told point blank
by Mr. Carroll that he would not deliver his opinion on biomass (or anything
else apparently) until the moment he casts his vote. -Leigh Touchton
Councilman Yost stated that Mr. Rhynes asked some good questions earlier
about the proposed Travel Ordinance and a mountain has been made out of a
mole hill on that subject. The reporter that usually covers the Council
meetings did call Councilman Eunice and that was reported in the newspaper.
She was asked by Councilman Eunice to call other Council persons to give
their view on the Ordinance and what happened at that meeting. She stated
that everyone was on their way to Savannah to attend the Conference.
Councilman Eunice was also on his way to Savannah when she called.
Councilman Yost stated that if she had asked then he would have given her
his opinion; however, now that Mr. Rhynes has asked he would give his
Over the past four years, I have had a significant number of citizens
contact me. Some with complaints, some with questions and yes…even some
with compliments. I have never refused to meet with anyone. Some want
to know what my position is on an issue. As a rule, especially on items
that may come before council for a vote – I do not state a position. I
choose to wait for the public hearing at which time all final arguements
both for and against an item are stated and on the record.
Mrs. Noll contacted me directly this past week and we met and discussed
…apparently Yost thinks your criticism of people not staying is something
he can use to good effect to nullify the need to publicly address
citizen complaints.
Well, good luck to him: it doesn’t seem to be working that way.
I think I’m an equal opportunity criticizer.
I pointed out that the council is not a law enforcement body
and gave a recent example of that.
And I pointed out that the mayor of little old Gretna
put out a proclamation saying no biomass
and the great city of Valdosta could go ahead and do that
instead of waiting for somebody else to make the decision for them.
And yes,
I criticized the protesters for not staying.
I’m not surprised various people choose to ignore part of what I said
and pick up on other parts; life’s like that.
I understand that some people don’t like to take a strong position
in public.
Clearly not everybody has to be an advocate for or against any given topic.
However, my opinion is that anybody who runs for elected office should be willing
to say in public what their opinion is.
Sure, sometimes it’s good to say “I’m thinking about it” or “I’m studying it”
or even better “I’d like to know more about X”:
that could promote a dialog.
Even “I’m working on it behind the scenes” would be a useful public statement.
But elected officials refusing to take any position is ridiculous,
and I see nothing wrong with laughing out loud at the ridiculous.
VERNON, Calif. — Vernon is a bleak, 5.2-square-mile sprawl of
warehouses, factories, toxic chemical plants and meat processors that
looks like the backdrop for “Eraserhead,” the David Lynch movie
set in an industrial wasteland. It has a population of 95 — and 1,800
businesses, drawn by low taxes, lax regulations and cheap municipal power.
It also has a history of corruption and public malfeasance going back
nearly 50 years.
The rest of the story is mostly about how it’s gotten so bad
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