Received yesterday on People, citizens with the same rights as everyone else, being intimidated and bullied –Jeff, another in a series of opinion pieces. -jsq
Please note this comment left on the You Tube video by acon4awhile (I guess this means a conservative for a while. Could this be one of the “Blue Republicans” who have jumped parties to try to get Ron Paul nominated because the Democrats like his promise to legalize drugs and other liberal interests? Good possibility since I first linked to the Blue Republican web site from one of his posts.)
“There’s 2/3rds needed to close the debate over the slate, but just 50% + 1 to pass the slate. So where does this lead? Making people
wait so long they have to leave and then vote on the slate that already passed?? I’m assuming there can be a motion to amend the slate passed once some of the original majority have to leave, adhering to a filibuster. I guess we could have been more aggressive, but could have been just as successful. We got 14/28 district and 8/22 state for Ron Paul that day.” acon4awhile in reply to acon4awhile (Show the comment) 1 day ago
This comment speaks for itself. The intent was
to stall through endless questions and arguments until “the majority” had to leave and the Ron Paul supporters could re-vote the slate to pick their delegates. I know for a fact that is their objective because I have researched their blogs and member pages. As I stated in my other comment all the majority had to do was vote to choose delegates one by one which would have stopped all arguments. As each nominee came up for vote the majority could then vote in their choices and vote out all the Ron Paul stallers. Again, in hind sight that is exactly what should have been done since the Ron Paul supporters are not at all appreciative of the fact they were allowed 14/28 and 8/22 delegate spots when they could have been prevented from having any. What they wanted was the nation wide push to get all their delegates voted to the exclusion of what they termed the “establishment”. Their real anger was because they could not report in that they were successful in manipulating the convention process to establish the objective of total take over.As for the accusation that the “establishment” did not attempt to help the “newbies” understand the process, they did not show up for any previous always public meetings to ask about the process.
The said “establishment” spends much volunteer time and money encouraging college students and any new members all year long. I personally spent two hours today decorating a venue so that the college Republicans can host Sam Olens. More volunteer time and money will be spent before and during the actual event. As we were preparing the venue site the phrase “this is their show (meaning the college Republicans) and we are just here to assist as needed was repeated during the entire time. That is the only attitude I have observed in my association with the current “establishment” when it comes to welcoming new blood and new ideas.
I borrow the Lake poster’s description of the “establishment”, “They even begin to feel superior to most people and even in what at best case scenario, in some twisted way, think that they are the only ones capable of making decisions and seeing the big picture. That they are actually doing others a favor because those other people just are not smart enough to make good decisions!” Anyone who reads the posts and comments of the Ron Paul supporters who associate with this gang movement to disrupt and over power the convention processes can see that very attitude to be their touchstone motivation.
-Barbara Stratton
I look forward to seeing videos of the previous meetings, or of the rest of that meeting, for that matter. Meanwhile, videos of the Democratic DNC delegate selection process are available, and there is no contention about the process or the results.
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