Apparently there are still many people out there who don’t know much about school consolidation. A quick yet comprehensive way to find out is to read the Grassroots Handbook Against School Consolidation by David Mullis.
See also the statements against consolidation by
both school boards.
Many citizens spoke at the
29 August 2011 VBOE meeting
where all but one Valdosta School Board member
voted for the statement against consolidation.
VBOE then held three open forums:
- 8 September 2011 at Valdosta High School
- 20 September 2011 at Valdosta Middle School
- 25 October 2011 at JL Lomax Elementary School
- 4 October 2011
Tonight,1 November 2011
Update 12:55 3 Nov 2011: LCBOE’s own video is now available on YouTube.
Then there’s the quite detailed Valdosta City Council resolution against consolidation. Before that there were the numerous statements pro and con by Valdosta City Council members when they voted 25 August 2011 about putting the referendum on the ballot.
Compare to the videos of CUEE’s
- 24 March 2011 Kick-Off meeting, or
- the videos of CUEE’s 27 September 2011 dog-and-pony show where CUEE demolished its own case.
Then there was a meeting 21 October 2011 at the VSU Continuing Education Center with invitations by telephone in the middle of the night. Who called it was unclear, who was invited even less, for what purpose there was no consensus, yet there was a decision by the pair of presiding college presidents. It was not advertised to the public and apparently not even to the newspaper of record.
Friends of Valdosta City Schools
- gave a press conference 7 July 2011 at which several people spoke against consolidation
- and, in conjunction with Vote No for the Children, SCLC, NAACP, etc., held a 300-person march 22 October 2011 at which even more people spoke.
Finally, there was the one and only forum with pro and con consolidation advocates standing side by side answering questions, organized 2 May 2011 at the Lowndes County Democratic Party meeting by Gretchen Quarterman.
So, if you don’t know about consolidation, pick your source, and you can find out a lot pretty fast. Read, watch, or attend in person tonight.
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