Mr. Prichard has made many comments in reference to several of his employees; in recent news paper articles and on the evening news indirectly of course that “they” had bios opinions and even questioned my character in one article.
Mr. Prichard also informed everyone there were no inhumane treatment issues other than the pot belly pig. Well I believe in this document from County Manager Joe Prichard to Ms. Mary Green with Department of Agriculture animal protection says otherwise. I believe Mr. Prichard’s recent statement to the media was though our investigation we found no wrong doing… lets list them here.
After your visit I (Joe Prichard) did an in-depth investigation of the charges. In his last statement he indicated he spoke to some employees.
Teams of two individuals to conduct euthanasia (There have always been teams of two) we are selecting individuals with the most experience. (We were told if you’re not certified to euthanize in 6 month you would be let go). The following criteria have not been met. Everyone in the shelter is certified to euthanize and they still do. Perhaps that’s why two individuals were terminated for euthanasia violations.
On the following day the director will maintain the records. However the shelter was written up for I believe it was 32 or 36 cc’s missing that was an entire page under her direction.
Control an access to drugs: Obviously the tech room was the only room they were originally targeting… I wonder why? Perhaps indicated in section 7. And I also wonder why they changed it to the entire shelter?
Other procedures, discrepancies on the methods used during euthanasia? In my statement I wrote I have seen animals smothered in the shelter, could this be the “other procedures/methods”?
Vet Care: the last sentence “those animals will be euthanized by a humane method specified by law. Does it mean they were not done as such before? Again in my statement and Ronnie Ganas statement.
Personality conflicts between the Department of Agriculture and Lowndes County employees, I have a video which is rather interesting but I would call it more than conflicting personalities. And then we have the chain of command again, if we would have followed procedure. Why would he want any claim forwarded to him? Would he perhaps fire an employee for going to the Department of Agriculture with issues involving live animals in the shelter?
I am not
going to comment on this I think it says enough.
Again no comment needed
Items of concern and some others discussed in our meeting. I can assure you of cooperation and attention regarding all matters related to the adherence of rules and laws associated with our animal shelter per Joe Prichard.
Hers is my concern; these were obviously violations of the law. Which include inhumane treatment to name just one. Regardless of his personal opinion of any employee, it is or should be his duty as the county manager to adhere to the law. I have no problem saying I feel extremely discriminated against because it is obvious Mr. Prichard was aware of what was going on in the shelter and chose to attack my character and indicate I had a bias opinion to deviate from the problems. How he chooses to handle these matters of concern is obviously a problem.
Retaliation… oh yes I am positive I know the answer.
Susan Leavens