LAKE: Partial Commission Packet 2015-09-08 [Up]
In response to an open records request by Gretchen, the County Clerk's
office provided
However, the Clerk did not provide anything via email for other two Utility Department items nor for the Engineering item. Those were provided only on paper, despite the copiers in the county offices having a PDF key that can scan and turn into electronic form. LAKE will see about scanning and posting that pile of paper, since the Clerk did not. Here we have included at least the agenda item sheets for the rest of the agenda items, marked as * in the list of PDFs below.
We'll also do what the county staff didn't: turn the mound of paper into electronic format and post that. Update 2015-09-08: OK, that's added, to the items marked above and below with *, which are the Shiloh Road Roundabout and the bids for the Bevel Creek and Coleman Road lift stations. Except there's no bid from Xylem for replacing the Coleman Road pump. Did they not bid, or did the Clerk's office not supply that bid? See also Work and Regular Sessions both Tuesday @ LCC Work 2015-09-08. -jsq
Open Records Request5.a. REZ-2015-15 Grant, 6309 Mullins Ln6.a. South Perimeter Road Utility Extension6.b. Indication of Roundabout Support for Shiloh Road6.c. Bevel Creek Lift Station PumpXylem for Bevel Creek Repair *Xylem for Bevel Creek Replacement *6.d. Coleman Road Lift Station PumpXylem for Coleman Road Repair * |