LAKE: Board Packet, Lowndes County Commission, 9 February 2015 [Up] Here are the rezoning items from the board packet for the 9 February 2015 Work Session and the 10 February 2015 Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission. For the maps from the Engineering Department items, see separate post. The County Clerk once again provided this information only on paper. This time the maps are in color, but it appears she charged extra for that. Why isn't at all clear, given that the request clearly asked for electronic copy by email, and the rezoning items are prepared by the County Planner in electronic format and sent to the Planning Commission that way. The Engineering item maps did arrive by email, after the response to that separate request was not only just on paper, but also didn't include any maps. The county could save everyone, including county staff, time and money by just emailing these things. Or, even better, now that the agenda item submission pages are linked into the agenda, add the rest of the board packet material in there and nobody would even have to make a request, and no staff would have to answer such requests. Anyway, in here you will find Planning materials for