Tag Archives: ZBOA

Videos: SPLOST VII Resolution and mystery proclamation and appointment @ LCC 2013-09-09

Charlie Clark The big surprise in the eleven-minute meeting was they called up former County Engineer Charlie Clark to explain the Utility Director’s comment about making a profit on wastewater to Lake Park Elementary School. Yes, the SPLOST VII Resolution is to put it on the ballot in November, “to reimpose the tax”. So much for those town halls that never happened. Yep, it’s Mac McCall for reappointment to ZBOA. No Proclamation this morning, so it could still be for South Georgia Pride like Valdosta Mayor John Gayle refused to proclaim last year. And they vote tomorrow night at 5:30 PM.

Here’s the agenda, with links to the videos and a few notes.

327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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SPLOST VII Resolution and mystery proclamation and appointment @ LCC 2013-09-09

Presumably the SPLOST VII Resolution is to put it on the ballot in November. So much for those town halls that never happened. I’m guessing the ZBOA appointment is for the finally-expired term of Dave Kirk; they appointed John “Mac” McCall last December to the unexpired part of Kirk’s term, so McCall would be the odds-on reappointment. Maybe the Proclamation is for South Georgia Pride like Valdosta Mayor John Gayle refused to proclaim last year. Why do we have to guess what all those items are for, anyway? Why don’t they just make the agenda items descriptive, or, even better, link the board packet items in with the agenda? The two For Consideration items are more intelligible, but would still make more sense with those board packet materials.

Here’s the agenda.

327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Videos: Mostly trash, plus 3 appointments, 1 rezoning, 2 wastewater @ LCC 2013-06-11

Once again the big topic was trash, and it wasn’t on the agenda. The Chairman made up a rule to limit citizen speakers to 15 minutes total. After five citizens managed to speak anyway, all to applause, and the owner of Deep South Sanitation got a standing ovation, the Commissioners offered nothing but excuses.

Here’s the agenda, plus links to the videos and a few notes. See also the videos of the previous morning’s Work Session.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2013, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Paul Alvarado, Attorney, for ZBOA @ LCC 2013-06-10

Another board, another incumbent reappointed. Paul Alvarado, Attorney for ZBOA @ LCC 2013-06-10 Now I’m not saying that’s a bad thing: experience and continuity can be useful. But I do think applicants could say more about why they want the job and Commissioners could ask a few questions about their experience on the board. At least applicants are mostly showing up to speak; that’s an improvement.

5.c. Valdosta/Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals

At the 10 June 2013 Work Session, Zoning Administrator Carmella Braswell introduced applicant Paul Alvarado. He said he had been serving since 2007, and was not only a voting member of ZBOA, but also had been providing legal advice.

Now I have used Alvarado as an attorney, and have Continue reading

Videos: 3 appointments, 1 rezoning, 2 wastewater @ LCC 2013-06-10

Update 23 June 2013: Now with sound!
Update 24 June 2013: Added links to separate posts for the newly audible items.

Unscheduled: Emergency Director Ashley Tye said more about the proposed juvenile justice grant; Kevin Beals announced the winners of the county’s Wellness Weightloss Challenge; and three unscheduled Library Board applicants. You can hear starting with the third of those last, but you can’t hear the few potential appointees for KLVB, VLCCCTA, ZBOA, because the county’s sound system was out (due to a consultant or lightning, depending on who you ask) and Gretchen didn’t notice and go to the camera’s mic until a few minutes in. They did talk about fixing the sewer force main that spilled into the Withlacoochee River. Nothing was said about the exclusive franchise for solid waste services. Maybe you’d like to come tonight and say a few words.

Here’s the agenda, plus links to the videos and a few notes.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2013, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Three appointments, a rezoning, and 2 wastewater but no solid waste @ LCC 2013-06-10

No names for appointments (KLVB, VLCCCTA, ZBOA), and nothing on the agenda about solid waste collection or the public hearing they didn’t hold or why they picked Veolia’s highest bid or ADS buying more companies when its spokesman said that wasn’t forseen or how much the Commission forsees waste collection fees going up or suing a local company at the Lowndes County Commission. Wasterwater is on the agenda twice, which is good after that sewer spill into the Withlacoochee River, but nothing about a five-year action plan. Let’s listen to what the preacher Commissioners pray about: that’s usually a clue to what’s on their minds, even if they proceed to do the opposite.

Here’s the agenda.

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Videos of ZBOA April meeting @ ZBOA 2013-04-02

Here are videos of the two Lowndes County cases (both in Lake Park) and the one Valdosta case at the April meeting of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA).

ZBOA is setting an example for local elected and appointed authorities by publishing its own agendas and minutes which you can find here on the City of Valdosta website. The minutes for the March 2013 meeting are not up yet, but the agenda is. Here’s transcription of the case descriptions.

Here’s a video playlist:

Videos of ZBOA April meeting
Regular Session, Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA),
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE), Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 2 April 2013.


Videos of ZBOA March meeting @ ZBOA 2013-03-05

Here are videos of the March meeting of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA). They had two cases, one each for Lowndes County and Valdosta.

ZBOA is setting an example for local elected and appointed authorities by publishing its own agendas and minutes which you can find here on the City of Valdosta website. The minutes for the March 2013 meeting are not up yet, but the agenda is. Here are the two cases from that agenda:


2. VAR-2013-02 — Cracker Barrel Old Country Store (4914 Timber Drive, Lake Park)
(TABLED from the February meeting)
Variance to ULDC Chapter 9.01.06(A)(3) as it pertains to nonconforming signs.


3. APP-2013-01 — Macedonia First Baptist Church (715 J.L. Lomax Drive)
Variance to LDR Section 230-9(D)(8) as it pertains to the size of a freestanding sign.

Here’s a video playlist:

Videos of ZBOA March meeting
Regular Session, Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA),
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE), Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 5 March 2013.


ZBOA meets today (April 2) @ ZBOA 2013-04-02

The Lowndes Valdosta Zoning Board of Appeals meets today (Tuesday April 2) at 2:30pm in the Valdosta City Hall Annex Multi Purpose Room.

ZBOA Meeting

ZBOA Meeting

There are two Lowndes County cases in Lake Park.


2. VAR-2013-03 Roger Budd Jr. (1000 Lakes Blvd. Lake Park) Variance to ULDC Chapter 5.04.09 (E) as it pertains to the design standards for permanent off-site signs on State maintained road.

3. VAR2013-04 Ben Futch (5443 Danieli Drive North, Lake Park) Variance to ULDC Chapter 5.02.01 (D)(8) and 5.02.01 (D)(9) as they pertain to the minimum building setbacks and maximum floor area of an accessory structure.

and one city of Valdosta case.


4. APP-2013-01 Wesley Foundation (1601 N. Patterson St.) Variance to LDR Section 214-1 as it pertains to the minimum setbacks for the R-10 zoning district.

Full agenda available at : http://www.valdostacity.com/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=6106

ZBOA doesn’t often have observers so come and see your government working for you.


Video playlist @ LCC 2012-11-13

The County Commission continues to do the peoples’ business in secret. The solid waste exclusive franchise agreement was tabled for a month, due to some mysterious new information, and two citizens pleaded with the Commission to reconsider the whole thing. The developer who got to speak at Monday’s Work Session asked for his development to be tabled for a month, and the Commission did so. After the meeting, three people from Moody AFB trooped into a side room with the Chairman.

Also, if it’s a privilege to serve and an honor to be appointed, why does the Lowndes County Commission not tell us who they are appointing? In the Work Session they muttered some proposed names unintelligbly, and in the Regular Session they didn’t say anything about who some of the new appointees are, and none of the appointees spoke. As near as I could tell, only one bothered to show up: VLCIA reappointee Mary Gooding.

Update 2012-11-20: Jody Hall reminds me he was there as an appointee. He says he was ready to speak, but nobody asked him to.

Here’s a video playlist:

Video playlist
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 13 November 2012.

Here’s the agenda again, this time with links to the videos plus a few notes.

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