About solar, he praised Hannah Solar for perseverance: Continue reading
About solar, he praised Hannah Solar for perseverance: Continue reading
When: 11:30 AM Thursday 12 May 2011This is according to Donna Holland, Clerical Assistant, who answered the telephone at VLCIA just now when I called to inquire.
Where: 1626 New Statenville Road/GA 94
adjacent to Mud Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant
Where is that? Well, here’s where the Mud Creek plant is. 1626 New Statenville Highway appears to be the postal address for the same plant. Here’s a map: Continue reading
Here’s the video:
Wiregrass Solar is connected to the grid —Col. Ricketts @ VLCIA 19 April 2011
Biomass protesters,
Regular monthly meeting, Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority, VLCIA,
Norman Bennett, Roy Copeland, Tom Call, Mary Gooding, Jerry Jennett chairman,
J. Stephen Gupton attorney, Allan Ricketts Acting Executive Director, 19 April 2011,
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman and John S. Quarterman
for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.
So I called Col. Ricketts this morning to see if it was back on for today, considering that the weather had already passed by. He said no, they had cancelled it, not wanting to chance having people in a tent in bad weather. He also said the press release had gone out yesterday.
I asked him to let me know when it was rescheduled, reminding him that LAKE likes to take videos of VLCIA events, and we like the Wiregrass Solar plant, so it would be a bit of free publicity for them. He said he would, and he expected it to be probably within the next couple of weeks. I asked him to send LAKE a copy of the new press release when it was sent out. He said he would.
We’ll be happy to post such a press release.
We have plenty of sunshine here.You’d think the Valdosta City Council would know that, since only about a month ago Mayor Fretti assisted groundbreaking for Wiregrass Solar LLC. Maybe it takes somebody from Spain to remind everyone. Spain, which is a leader in solar power in the world. Spain, which is actually north of Georgia.
Here’s the video:
Here’s the video:
Here you can see his timeline slide.
It’s a bit hard to read, but he mentioned at least these items: