Tag Archives: WACE
‘Mr. Lofton has no proof whatsoever that biomass is “safe”.’ –Dr. Noll
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 03:10:58 +0000Continue readingGood evening everyone.
It is obvious by now that Mr. Lofton has no proof whatsoever that biomass is “safe”. He does not have one statement by a medical organization, not one scholarly publication he can share with us that backs up his claim. (Coincidentally, the same is true for other claims, as the event on January 13 will show.)
Members of WACE (and others in the community) have tried to receive proof
Brad Lofton’s memory fails him again

No one but WACE has made any claims about our efforts to substantiate this project.Who are all these people, then, asking questions at the VLCIA’s 6 Dec 2010 event?
For example, this one, following up about the Environmental Impact Study he requested back at the EPD air quality hearing (see video of that event). He didn’t get an answer then, and at VLCIA’s 6 Dec event he still only got allusions to studies and standards that were not produced.
You can see Brad Lofton in that video, listening. Did he forget so quickly?
What about SAVE’s event at VSU at which Dr. Sammons spoke? What about the well-attended Biomass Town Hall that Pastor Angela Manning organized? And other events.
What about my question at the 6 Dec 2010 VLCIA board meeting? Continue reading
“In other words, you do not have any proof!” –Noll to Lofton
From: Michael G. NollContinue reading
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 23:42:44 +0000Mr. Lofton.
Let’s remain focused on the health risks associated with your biomass project, the most important issue for our community. (WACE will deal with other claims you make, yet can’t back up with scientific studies, on January 13.)
The only thing the public has received in regard to your claim that biomass is safe are your “assurances” and the testimony by a hired gun, who is not even a medical professional, and who also could not back up his claim. No scientific studies. No statements by medical organizations. No links to scholarly publications. Nothing.
At the same time,
“folks come into the community.” –Col. Ricketts responding to WACE in VLCIA board meeting
In these two videos, Col. Ricketts responds to materials sent to VLCIA
by WACE.
He dismisses certain material as being
from Massachusetts
or being from
“folks come into the community.”
That’s rather rich, since as near as I can tell,
all of VLCIA’s “expert” panelists at their
6 Dec 2010 event
were from not from around here.
Some were from states a thousand miles from here.
Maybe somebody can transcribe
Brad Lofton’s enumeration of those “experts” from the board meeting,
since as near as I can tell VLCIA has provided no written list of them.
And of course Sterling Planet is located in Atlanta, not Lowndes County.
In the first video, Col. Ricketts says he’s responding to WACE materials: Continue reading
“We will not, however, debate you over e-mail.” –Brad Lofton to Dr. Noll
To: “Michael G. Noll”, “Mary B. Gooding”, “Ricketts, Allan” <aricketts@industrialauthority.com>, “Copeland, Roy”, “‘John S. Quarterman'”, “Susan R. Wehling”, Kay Harris
From: “blofton@industrialauthority.com” <blofton@industrialauthority.com>,
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 09:56:14 -0500
Subject: RE: Wiregrass Power, LLCGood morning Dr.Noll-
We have provided ample evidence supporting our project over a very lengthy period of time, and I am sorry that you simply can’t come to terms with that. No one but WACE has made any claims about our efforts to substantiate this project. If we had done no additional due diligence at all (and we have done plenty), the seven month environmental study and approval by the state Environmental Protection Division was completed, and they found this project safe for Georgia. The Feds not only support it, but they are providing tax credits and have publicly called biomass a great tool to reduce GHGs.
We’ll be happy to review all of the additional studies and vast amount of environmental and other support with you for the tenth time if you would choose to finally meet with us in person as we’ve been asking for over two years. We will not, however, debate you over e-mail. As I promised, we will add your e-mail today to our file, but with all approvals and permits in hand, we are indeed moving forward now and are excited about a Spring groundbreaking.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
“their ‘assurances’ … remain empty words.” –Dr. Noll
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 14:19:00 +0000Good morning everyone.
As a scientist and President of WACE it is my duty to point out that, more than three weeks after their latest panel, Mr. Lofton and the Industrial Authority have, yet again, not been able to share conclusive evidence with the community that biomass is safe. At the same time, WACE has time and again provided scientific studies and statements made by medical organizations that prove that biomass incineration bears significant health risks for our community.
Evidence provided by the pro-biomass panelists on December 6 (none of whom were medical professionals or represented a medical organization) was at best circumstantial, as can be expected from such a one-sided panel. Moreover, neither Dr. Teaf nor any of the other panelists have given us any evidence since then that biomass is safe, as their presentations lacked any sources or links to check the validity of their statements (see attached presentation from Dr. Teaf as an example). In other words, their “assurances” too that biomass is “safe”, like those repeatedly made by the Industrial Authority, remain empty words. The time for playing semantics and simply “assuring” our community that biomass is safe, without providing scientific studies to back up such claims, is over.
(The same pattern of mis-information can be observed in regard to claims that the biomass project is supported by groups like the Sierra Club, that biomass incineration is carbon neutral, or that biomass is economically speaking a safe investment. WACE will address these too on January 13.)
With best regards and wishes for a Healthy New Year,
Michael G. Noll, President
Wiregrass Activists for Clean Energy
“we won’t stop until the incinerator goes.” –Dr. Wehling
From: “Susan R. Wehling”
To: “Michael G. Noll”, “blofton@industrialauthority.com”, “Mary B. Gooding”, “Ricketts, Allan”, <aricketts@industrialauthority.com>, “Copeland, Roy”, “‘John S. Quarterman'”, “Susan R. Wehling”, Kay Harris
Subject: RE: Wiregrass Power, LLC
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 21:47:28 +0000thanks Michael-we won’t stop until the incinerator goes. Sad that our reps, good people like Roy and Mary, continue to go along with this.
“the health and well-being of my community.” –Dr. Noll to Brad Lofton
From: “Michael G. Noll”
To: “blofton@industrialauthority.com”, “Mary B. Gooding”, “Ricketts, Allan”, <aricketts@industrialauthority.com>, “Copeland, Roy”, “‘John S. Quarterman'”, “Susan R. Wehling”, Kay Harris
Subject: RE: Wiregrass Power, LLC
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2010 21:37:05 +0000Mr. Lofton.
If there is one thing I am passionate about, it is the health and well-being of my community. You do not seem to share that passion. Since you seem to be passionate about keeping files, why don’t you finally share your documents with us that prove that biomass is safe. While we are at it, the environmental impact analysis you keep referring to would also be useful.
In the mean time, WACE will keep you and the community up-to-date in regard to newly canceled biomass plants, shut down biomass plants, and biomass moratoriums … and all due to a combination of economic and environmental issues and the well established health risks.
Best regards, Michael G. Noll.
“we will make sure they get in the appropriate file.” –Brad Lofton
From: “blofton@industrialauthority.com” <blofton@industrialauthority.com>,
To: “Michael G. Noll”, “Mary B. Gooding”, “Ricketts, Allan” <aricketts@industrialauthority.com>, “Copeland, Roy”, “‘John S. Quarterman'”, “Susan R. Wehling”, Kay Harris
Subject: RE: Wiregrass Power, LLC
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2010 14:01:51 -0500Dr. Noll-
Please feel free to continue sending e-mails, and we will make sure they get in the appropriate file. We appreciate your passion for one of our projects. As I mentioned yesterday, we’re enthusiastically moving forward at this time, and we will be breaking ground in the Spring.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone