Tag Archives: VPD

Packet: Insurance cancellation, annexation and rezoning for Development Authority, final bond resolution for water and wastewater, and $679,832.40 for tasers @ VCC 2024-12-05

The board packet has a couple of pages on why city staff want to cancel the insurance broker contract, while the broker is posting his version on his ValdostaFirst facebook group.

Valdosta Police Department wants $679,832.40 for Conducted Electrical Weapons (CEW), which say taser on the side.

I’m told this is the final resolution required before issuing the $67 million bonds for water and wastewater projects.

[Packet: Issue water and sewer bonds, cancel insurance contract, $679,832.40 for tasers, VLDA rezoning and annexation, raise wrecker rates @ VCC 2024-12-05]
Packet: Issue water and sewer bonds, cancel insurance contract, $679,832.40 for tasers, VLDA rezoning and annexation, raise wrecker rates @ VCC 2024-12-05

See also the agenda.

The board packet, received in response to an open records request, is on the LAKE website.

For the rezoning and annexation, see also the preceding Planning Commission meeting. Continue reading