Here’s the
and here are videos of the meeting as it proceeded.
They meet again tonight at 5:30 PM.
Tag Archives: VLCIA
Existing Industry Spotlight @ VLCIA 2014-10-21
Local candidates for office who think the Development Authority
should promote existing local industry should maybe look at
Existing Industry Spotlight,
Existing Industry —Allan Ricketts,
Existing Industry Coordinator position to be posted
in tonight’s
Valdosta-Lowndes Development AuthorityContinue reading
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 5:30 p.m.
Development Authority Conference Room
103 Roosevelt Drive
Monthly Meeting Agenda
Protest today against Sabal Trail pipeline
It’s a bad week for Sabal Trail and its proposed fracked methane pipeline,
with three back-to-back protests today alone (March and Protest in Valdosta, GA plus Development Authority meeting, and Protest at Sabal Trail Open House in Jasper, FL, plus Hamilton and Suwannee County Commission meetings)
after one yesterday (at Albany Open House and Dougherty County Commission) and more to come. Continue reading
VDT Open Government Symposium: in Macon?
Yay open government symposium!
But why in Macon, why not in Valdosta,
if it’s organized by the new VDT editor?
Sure, Macon is the geographic center of the state, but it’s only
about an hour from Atlanta, and one thing most people in Atlanta don’t
understand is how big Georgia is, so asking them to drive four hours
to Valdosta would be educational for them.
And if the VDT is so interested in government transparency,
why doesn’t it investigate the county’s lawsuit against local business Deep South Sanitation
at the expense of the local taxpayers that benefits nobody but
“exclusive franchise” ADS and its investors in New York City?
Why is the VDT’s front page story that gave a platform for
Spectra’s Andrea Grover no longer online, especially now that
the Sabal Trail deadline she announced has been busted?
Let’s see the VDT lead the way.
Here’s a first test:
Gretchen is going to Macon with the LAKE video camera.
Will the VDT let her video?
Unsigned article, VDT, 11 October 2014, VDT leading way in open government, Continue reading
Alapaha River Water Trail @ VLCIA 2014-08-19
I talked about the Water Trail that WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc.
is developing on the Alapaha River with a tiny grant from the
Georgia River Network, and how that was a plus for local economic
development that wouldn’t cost VLCDA a dime.
They seemed to like that, at the
19 August 2014 Regular Meeting of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority.
Here’s the video, followed by some pictures, links, and notes:
Continue readingVideos: Georgia Power, Rotary, Tires @ VLCIA 2014-08-19
They (maybe) finally settled on their new name:
Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority; see
Interesting discussion about
Express Scripts,
and some details about presenters at the next day’s
Community Economic Development meeting.
I talked about the Alapaha River Water Trail.
And they are talking about spec[ulative] building, such as they liked when they saw it in Douglas and Valdosta Mayor Gayle liked in Vidalia.
Here’s the agenda, with a few notes, and links to the videos.
Continue readingValdosta-Lowndes Development Authority
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 5:30 p.m.
Development Authority Conference Room
103 Roosevelt Drive
Monthly Meeting Agenda
Update on Economic Development meeting @ VLCIA 2014-09-16
The big item tonight is the update on their local economic development meeting
last month, plus election of officers and the usual project and
marketing updates.
Here’s the agenda, with a couple of formatting typos fixed (not sure I got it right, either).
Valdosta-Lowndes Development AuthorityContinue reading
Tuesday, September 16, 2014 5:30 p.m.
Development Authority Conference Room
103 Roosevelt Drive
Monthly Meeting Agenda
Nydia Tisdale’s offense: she sat in the front row
Landowner Johnny Burt’s excuse for having Nydia Tisdale ejected
from an event advertised as a public campaign rally:
“She promptly sat down on the front row on the end where she would be right in their face and was making everybody uncomfortable.”
Shades of Ashley Paulk’s excuse for wanting that illegal bill of attainder Continue reading
Power, Rotary, Tires @ VLCIA 2014-08-19
I’ll give them an A for effort, including branching out:
from tires to agribusiness this month, and Valdosta North Rotary today, too.
That Community Ecomomic Developmeent Meeting is still on for tomorrow,
the Conference Center.
And they are talking about spec[ulative] building, such as they liked when they saw it in Douglas and Valdosta Mayor Gayle liked in Vidalia.
Here’s the agenda. Continue reading
Stealth VLCIA real estate meeting last Wednesday @ VLCIA 2014-08-13
Well, the agenda says the Invocation was “For the purpose of discussing real estate”; it doesn’t say what the Executive Session was for.
Maybe they’ve got a customer for one of those empty industrial parks
Brad Lofton talked them into building before he left the state.
Maybe they’re going to build some of those spec buildings they and Valdosta Mayor Gayle admire in Vidalia and Douglas.
Maybe they’re still negotiating with Continue reading