Tag Archives: VLCIA

Quail Hunt @ VLCIA 2015-02-17

Cold Weld Greensleeve Tire Bakeries: be there or wonder what is this stuff in their agenda.

Valdosta-Lowndes Development Authority
Tuesday, February 17, 2015 5:30 p.m.
Development Authority Conference Room
103 Roosevelt Drive
Monthly Meeting Agenda
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Videos: Packets, paving, safety, trash, education, appointment, jail, taxes, water @ LCC 2015-01-13

Teri Lupo reappointed to VLDA and almost all the Commissioners asked questions at some point during the at the Tuesday 5:30 PM 13 January 2015 Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission, at which two new Commissioners got to vote. Several citizens spoke, on getting board packets on the web, on getting their road paved, on safety on Val Del Road and reopening some of the waste collection sites, and the National Council of Negro Women; the Chairman weighed in on a couple of topics.

They meet again Monday morning 26 January 2015 plus a Special Called Meeting on Waste Management that same morning.

The Alapaha River Water Trail resolution, according to the Chairman before the meeting, is waiting until they’re ready to dedicate the new boat ramp at US 84, which is waiting until the river water goes down enough to pour concrete. Maybe some time this spring.

See the agenda for details on what they were considering, and see the videos of the previous morning’s Work Session for background. Below are links to the LAKE videos of each agenda item, followed by a video playlist. See also the county’s own much more professional one big long video.

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Videos: VLDA appointment, jail, taxes, water @ LCC 2015-01-12

Teri Lupo was available for questions about being reappointed to VLDA at the Monday 8:30 AM 21 12 January 2015 Work Session of the Lowndes County Commission. There were no questions, but Commissioners Demarcus and one other (I think Mark Wisenbaker) had compliments. The Chairman asked for a motion to appoint, but was reminded this was a Work Session, so wait until the next evening for that.

The agenda item for the resolution in support of the Alapaha River Water Trail, according to the Chairman before the meeting, is waiting until they’re ready to dedicate the new boat ramp at US 84, which is waiting until the river water goes down enough to pour concrete. Maybe some time this spring.

See the agenda for details on what they were considering. Below are links to the LAKE videos of each agenda item, followed by a video playlist. See also the county’s own much more professional one big long video.

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Quail Hunt and Project Cold @ VLCIA 2015-01-20

And a City Council Retreat Presentation.

Valdosta-Lowndes Development Authority
Tuesday, January 20, 2015 5:30 p.m.
Development Authority Conference Room
103 Roosevelt Drive
Monthly Meeting Agenda
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Expanded agenda, VLDA appointment, jail, taxes, water @ LCC 2015-01-12

Whose terms are up and who’s being considered for appointment (Teri Lupo for VLDA again), who bid and how much (including showers and roofing for the jail), and some detail about two tax rates: these are all big improvements to the agenda! I do wonder where the agenda item for the Water Trail resolution is.

However, there’s room for improvement. Even though you get this same extended agenda when you select “packet” for download, it is not the complete board packet. For example, each agenda item has a one or more page agenda item form, and each proposed agreement or contract typically is include in the paper packets the Commissioners get. There are no rezoning cases on this agenda, but when there are, those always contain several maps in the board packet, and often other information. There’s an HTML version of the agenda, in addition to PDF: that’s another big improvement! The HTML code includes this at the end of each item:

<div class="documents"> </div>

So it looks like the website software the county is using is prepared to include such documents. Maybe the county will actually include them soon.

Here’s the agenda in HTML and in PDF on the county’s website, and I’ve also included it inline below. Continue reading

Sunshine for local government

We’ve got a little list, a spreadsheet as a list,
please don’t take this as a diss, we think they have been missed….

Unlike Ko-Ko’s in the Mikado, this list is of things previously missed that are slowly being found (or created), so local governments can tell the citizens what fine things they’ve been up to, and so citizens can decide what they need to deal with and what topics they can provide input on. Here’s the LAKE sunshine list for local government.

The Lowndes County Commission just got some additions, with its new website, by posting videos of its own meetings, and by posting agendas and minutes for the Planning Commission.

The Valdosta City Council does pretty well, with its website, its agendas and minutes, and the agendas and summaries and minutes for ZBOA. Valdosta does not (yet) video and post its own meetings, but it does have what appears to be a complete list of its ordinances with links to their text. Dasher also has its ordinances online.

Meanwhile the Lowndes County Commission has only Continue reading

State of District 4 Address –Demarcus Marshall @ Town Hall Meeting 2014-12-15

Text published by Demarcus Marshall (PDF) and LAKE video of his address at the Town Hall Meeting 15 December 2014. -jsq

For those unaware, Super District 4 was a newly created district in Lowndes County two years ago. I assumed this office without a predecessor to this district seat. It was my understanding of this district to compliment the other districts by adding more responsiveness and accountability for the citizens of Lowndes County.

Upon being elected and occupying the seat, I inherited a wonderful staff; however, the county faced several challenges. The economy was Continue reading

No Development Authority meeting today @ VLCIA 2014-12-16

According to their Meeting Schedule.

The Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority’s Regular monthly meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 5:30 pm at the Development Authority Conference Room, 103 Roosevelt Drive has been cancelled. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 20, 2015.

Happy Holidays!


Best Practices for Economic Development @ VLCIA 2014-11-18

Looks like some of them have been (or are thinking of) going to an Area Development Conference & Forum, about Best Practices for Economic Development. Here’s the agenda.

Valdosta-Lowndes Development Authority
Tuesday, November 18, 2014 5:30 p.m.
Development Authority Conference Room
103 Roosevelt Drive Monthly Meeting Agenda
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Videos: Existing Industry Spotlight @ VLCIA 2014-10-21

They’re hiring an Existing Industry Coordinator to start in October or November. They granted an easement on Madison Highway to Valdosta for a rechlorination booster station.

No citizens spoke at the 21 October 2014 Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority meeting. Nobody there but Greg Justice of Regal Marine (presented a framed copy of the VDT article about his company), VDT reporter Stuart Taylor (here’s his report), and Gretchen (who took these videos). Roy Copeland wanted to know about numbers of new jobs and reporting to the community.

Here’s the agenda, and below are the videos of events as they transpired.

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