Tag Archives: Valdosta

Bemiss and Guest Rd. VA-2016-03, VA-2016-04, VA-2016-05 @ GLPC 2016-02-29

The letters from “Gusto Development LLC” have an email address of kim@hutton.build, confirming that it’s really The Hutton Company Tax Parcels Aerial doing this work for Bassford Properties LLC; the same Hutton Company that recently did work on Wal-Marts in Chattanooga, TN and Athens, GA.

Received today at 4:17 PM EST, which was before the GLPC meeting started. However, as I told the City Clerk when she also called on the telephone, I was planting potatoes at that time. I recommended to her, as I did earlier that same day to the County Planner, that the agenda packet items go online so neither city nor county staff nor citizens have to go through this rigamarole just to see what Commissioners are looking at. The actual Planning Commission meeting was quite brief; they recommended everything; LAKE videos to come. Meanwhile, see the LAKE videos of the previous week’s Work Session.

The materials she sent are on the LAKE website. Continue reading

GA House passes moratorium on eminent domain for petroleum pipelines in HB 1036 at last minute

A moratorium on eminent domain for petroleum pipelines until June 30, 2017 pending study of land use rights, Moratorium on eminent domain for petroleum pipelines a change throughout of right to power of eminent domain, and “natural resources, environment, and vital areas of the state” now mentioned first, in HB 1036, passed yesterday, the last day for either half of the Georgia legislature to adopt a bill before sending it to the other half. A small change from the Georgia Senate could also affect natural gas pipelines.

See also Walter C. Jones, jacksonville.com, 24 February 2016, Senate subcommittee approves moratorium on eminent domain for petroleum pipelines in Georgia, Continue reading

Packet items for REZ-2016-03-06, CAC, Skipper Bridge Road @ GLPC 2016-02-29

Thanks to Lowndes County Planner Jason Davenport’s expeditious response to my open records request with the packet materials for REZ-2016-03-06, for tonight’s Planning Commission meetin, we now know this proposed CAC rezoning is at the NW corner of Skipper Bridge Road and Stafford Wright Road, about one acre of the 113.88 acre parcel 0106 232 owned by JEV Duck Pond LLC, in the watershed of Cherry Creek, which flows to the Withlacoochee River. Perhaps not coincidentally, the county recently approved plans to pave Stafford Wright Road. The County Planner mentioned that in the agenda sheet summary that county road classifications (local rural, minor collector, etc.) are stated in the Lowndes County Thoroughfare Plan. Back in 2009 when that plan was last updated, the County Engineer said it “…works as a guide for development and potential use changes in property.”


SUBJECT: Rezoning Case REZ—2016-06 Continue reading

CAC office on Skipper Bridge Rd. + a Wal-Mart on Bemiss Rd? @ GLPC 2016-02-29

Finally with the agenda for tonight’s Planning Commission, case codes and an address for the 3-in-1 Bemiss Road rezoning, but still no address for the CAC Skipper Bridge Road rezoning, and none of the board packet: no maps, text, nothing else on Lowndes county’s website, for tonight’s 6PM Planning Commission Regular Session.

Center of three properties: 4196 Bemiss Rd. That Valdosta three-part case includes an annexation request. The agenda says it’s for Gusto Development, but no such company is registered with the Georgia Secretary of State. Maybe they mean Gusto GA Valdosta (Guest), LLC, registered “12/8/2015” with Principal Office Address: 736 Cherry St., Chattanooga, TN, 37402, USA. That’s the address of The Hutton Company, “We Know Dirt; Real Estate Development Construction”. The land is owned by Bassford Properties LLC, as noted in the previous post with the LAKE videos of the previous week’s Work Session, which shows what little the public was allowed to know, such as that it’s for a grocery store and a gas station. This might be a clue as to which company: Alex Green, timesfreepress.com, 9 November 2014, 3 new grocery stores coming to Chattanooga, and they may be Wal-Marts, Continue reading

Southern Co. gets serious about smart grid: buys PowerSecure

While FPL wastes $3 billion on the 20th century Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline, Southern Company (SO) shows it’s serious about distributed energy by buying distributed grid infrastructure company PowerSecure (POWR) for $431 million. That announcement not only bumped POWR stock up by about 75%, the same day (yesterday) smart grid company EnerNOC (ENOC) shares went up 20%. That last could be coincidental, since ENOC announced earnings. But with two smart grid companies going up, the renewable solar and wind energy future is coming closer.

PRNewswire, 24 February 2016, Southern Company to Acquire PowerSecure International, Inc.: Addition of PowerSecure’s proven expertise positions Southern Company to advance distributed infrastructure development, Continue reading

Videos: Crosspointe Church @ ZBOA 2016-02-02

In a split decision with a condition, they approved their one case, VAR-2016-01 (CrossPointe Church, Valdosta GA), with all members present for the Zoning Board of Appeals. Not clear what are the buffer or landscape requirements they want a variance from. If ZBOA published its board packets online, we all would be able to see that. Same issue as for Lowndes County Commission, Valdosta City Council, and the other four cities in the county. They did not approve minutes of their previous meeting, and still no decision on name badges. The meeting took only 45 minutes.

Agenda below, with results from ZBOA’s own Meeting Results Summary, followed by the LAKE video. Continue reading

Canopy roads, agriculture, materials? –Greg Odom about Comprehensive Plan Update @ SGRC 2016-02-22

So well attended there weren’t enough handouts, as remarked on by Greg Odom, who later also said the proposed Comprehensive Plan Update didn’t have any plans for canopy roads, or roads on existing rights of way like in Virginia: “For the past 25 years there has not been a healthy attitude about people who want to maintain dirt roads. There has been an attitude of let’s pave everything, and let’s pave it in an outrageous way….”

Last night’s meeting was billed Continue reading

Videos: Children’s Activity Center + 3 in 1 Valdosta cases on Bemiss Road @ GLPC 2016-02-22

No agenda available to the public, not on county’s website, and not available at the door at Monday’s Planning Commission Work Session. Parcel 0146A 420 They didn’t even say the rezoning case numbers. Apparently the Planning Commissioners had a board packet with some materials, but the citizens and taxpayers did not get to see it, and the City Planner said the electronic version would be much different. They haven’t even put a sign up on the Lowndes County property. The Valdosta rezoning is a pretty big deal, with a grocery store and a gas station for the unnamed applicant, who apparently is Continue reading

Cancelled: Lowndes County Commission meetings this week 2016-02-22

Lowndes County website, 17 February 2016, Commission Meetings Canceled:

Due to a lack of agenda items requiring attention at this time, the Lowndes County Commission Meetings scheduled for Monday, February 22, 2016, at 8:30 am and Tuesday, February 23, 2016, at 5:30 pm, have been canceled.

The VDT 17 February 2016 quoted County Clerk Paige Dukes: Continue reading

Videos: Rivers and Pipeline, Rehab homes, LAMP Lease, Rezonings, Alcohol, public defender, paving Stafford Wright Road @ LCC 2016-02-09

Gretchen thanked them for putting most of the response to her open records request on CDs, shortly after they had said at their recent planning session that they wanted to promote interaction with the community. Still nothing from the county attorney about the Sabal Trail documents, and it’s been well over three days. I invited them on behalf of WWALS to a workshop and a movie; there’s more below. See also the contested rezoning 5.d. REZ-2016-05 Union Rd Subdivision, E-A to R-A, ~114 acres for more water issues.

Three citizens spoke explicitly about the pipeline, Jim Parker, Michael Noll, and Dr. Mario Bartoletti, as also noted in Jason Stewart, VDT, 11 February 2016, Sabal protests continue. As I noted in another post,

I go to a lot of county commission meetings in Georgia and Florida. Nowhere but Lowndes County do I see Continue reading