Tag Archives: Valdosta

Pass a resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline –Michael Noll @ LCC 2014-11-11

10. CWTBH - Michael Noll Repeat speaker Dr. Michael Noll asked the Commissioners to do what Dougherty County has done and pass a resolution against the unnecessary and hazardous Sabal Trail pipeline, in the 11 November 2014 Lowndes County Commission Regular Session.

Video. Like the previous speaker, Dr. Noll asked everyone there about this topic to stand up, and about 30 people did. Continue reading

People are concerned and you have a voice –Robbie Dixon @ LCC 2014-11-11

10. CWTBH - Robbie Dixon A first-time speaker against the Sabal Trail pipeline demonstrated there was opposition and reminded us all we have a voice, and asked the Lowndes County Commission to speak up as well, in the 11 November 2014 Lowndes County Commission Regular Session.

Video. Robbie Dixon said he had been approached by their contractors asking to reroute the pipeline onto his property, which would take about half his property. He asked anybody in the audience who was there about Sabal Trail to stand up. About 30 people did. He said he did that because there are a lot of rumors that only a few people were concerned. He said there was no local benefit to landowners, and any potential tax benefit to the county shouldn’t be considered without consideration of the ill effects to landowners. Continue reading

Agriculture or residential: Whitewater compromise @ LCC 2014-11-11

7.b. Public Hearing REZ-2014-18 White, Whitewater Rd

The county staff and Commission listened at length to opponents and proponents of a rezoning back to agriculture with no conditions, and came up with a compromise, in the 11 November 2014 Lowndes County Commission Regular Session. It’s curious to me that people are more concerned about a few cows of very minimal effect, rather than about a yard-wide pipeline that could adversely affect the whole county.

7.b. Public Hearing REZ-2014-18 White, Whitewater Rd

Video. Here’s the board packet item, thanks to County Planner Jason Davenport in response to an open records request. In response to a question from Commissioner Demarcus Marshall he said he though the Planning Commission 6 to 0 recommendation for denial would have been different if Continue reading

Why should we let this foreign corporation, Sabal Trail, run roughshod over us? –Jim Parker @ LCC 2014-11-11

10. CWTBH - James J. Parker “Why do we have to kneel before their wishes? How is it that a single foreign corporation can have greater power and say than the hundreds of property owners and their supporters?” asked Jim Parker in the 11 November 2014 Lowndes County Commission Regular Session. Continue reading

Videos: Pipeline, agriculture, lighting, appointments, and parks @ LCC 2014-11-11

300x111 Full house, in Lowndes County Commission Regular Session, by Gretchen Quarterman, 11 November 2014 Update 2014-11-17: board packet.

Three citizens spoke against the unnecessary and hazardous Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline. Several Commissioners even spoke up in Other Business, turning it into de facto Commisioner Comments. But none of them called for a resolution or ordinance against the pipeline.

The subdivision rezoning still got no objections, while the rezoning for agricultural use got massive objections and a compromise solution.

The emergency security monitor replacement is, you guessed it, Continue reading

Videos: 9 consideration, 6 tax lighting, 4 appointments, 2 rezonings, 1 proclamation @ LCC 2014-10-27 LCC 2014-11-10

REZ-2014-17 Grand Bay Estates, in Lowndes County Commission Work Session, by John S. Quarterman, 10 November 2014 They vote tonight on what they discussed yesterday morning in these videos. A subdivision rezoning gets no objections while a rezoning for agricultural use gets massive objections. Also few if any of those objectors have said anything about the Sabal Trail pipeline. Do priorities around here seem odd?

The emergency security monitor replacement is, you guessed it, a no-bid contract with the same company that originally installed them. Which fits with the no-bid Alapaha Water Plant Expansion, back this time for property acquisition after twice failing to get a setback variance at ZBOA.

The state changed the qualifications Continue reading

Update on Water/Sewer Projects –Tim Carroll

Received 8 Nov 2014 from Valdosta City Council Tim Carroll. -jsq

300x232 Map, in Force Main and Pump Stations, by City of Valdosta, 8 November 2014 City Ahead of Schedule on Sanitary Sewer Collection System Improvement Projects

The City of Valdosta is making significant headway on two capital improvement projects that, once complete, will eliminate some sources of stormwater I&I; but more importantly, they will resolve the overwhelming majority of the sanitary sewer overflows in flood-prone areas of the city during heavy rain events—making these projects the city’s highest priority.

The $36 million Force Main Project, which is currently six months Continue reading

Valdosta’s Penn Station to be torn down –Alfred Willis @ VCC 2014-10-23

Received as a response to Outside corporation trumps Valdosta citizens about historical Nichols house? –Jim Parker @ VCC 2014-10-23. -jsq

The City Council’s deliberations on the 23rd had nothing to do with any construction project, but rather focused on the sale of a parcel — as Councilman Carroll’s message of the 25th accurately conveys. The Council’s vote was historic because it signified openly the supremacy of certain private property interests (specifically, those entailed in selling as a form of enjoyment) over civic cultural interests, at least within the municipality of Valdosta. In doing so it gave Valdosta’s citizens a peek behind a curtain that had remained drawn over historic preservation here since 1980. The construction of buildings, the demolition of buildings, the remodeling or moving of buildings, the maintenance and preservation of buildings, their sale and their purchase, their adaptive reuse — all of those processes are historical processes that turn on the resolution of conflicts among interests. Thus they all reveal structures of power and the machinations of powerful individuals and groups. How could they not?

The construction of the Nichols house in the early 1950s showed with a degree of clarity that probably no other Valdosta building of that time did, the identity, values, attitudes, and mode of operation of Valdosta’s leadership. Its demolition will Continue reading

9 for consideration, 6 special tax lighting, 4 appointments, 2 rezonings, 1 proclamation @ LCC 2014-11-10

Only one emergency expense this time, and it’s not for a road or water treatment! It’s for security video monitors for their own palace. Presumably those are different from the big monitor behind their podium that very rarely we see in use.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Videos: Church, brokerage, signage, substation, agriculture @ GLPC 2014-10-27

Last seen at ZBOA 2013-03-05 about a sign, Macedonia First Baptist Church now wants to expand in a residential neighborhood. One applicant wants to rezone from R-10 to Estate Agriculture. All that and more two weeks ago at the Planning Commission.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC)

Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park



Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue
Monday, October 27, 2014* 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing

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