Tag Archives: Valdosta

Videos: County withdrew Lake Alapaha, Hahira dwelling approved, Solar tabled in Valdosta @ ZBOA 2014-09-09

Withdrawn: the county’s never-ending no-bid Alapaha Water Treatment plant. Tabled: Dr. Urbonas’ solar parking variance because if he connects the structures to his building maybe they don’t need a variance.

Approved: a single-family design variance near Hahira an accessory structure near Valdosta, and a sign variance in Valdosta.

Here’s the agenda, with results added from the meeting summary, followed by a video playlist.

Valdosta – Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals

Matt Martin, Valdosta Planning and Zoning Administrator Carmella Braswell, Lowndes County Zoning Administrator
300 North Lee Street, Valdosta, Georgia 327 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia
(229) 259-3563 (229) 671-2430


September 9, 2014
2:30 p.m.
Continue reading

Videos: Roads and bicycles @ ZBOA 2014-12-02

Here is video of the decisions about lot width on Bemiss Road and sidewalk and bicycle requirements on Inner Perimeter Road at ZBOA, 2:30 PM 2 December 2014. They also elected Gretchen Quarterman Vice-Chair since Scottie Orenstein was moving on the being on the County Commission, and re-elected Allan Strickland Chair.

Here’s the agenda, followed by the video, plus links from each agenda item into the video. Continue reading

More military enlistments from Southwest Georgia

300x208 Military Enlistments, in Military Georgia, by John S. Quarterman, 30 December 2014 Yet another reason Atlanta doesn’t understand south Georgia: military enlistment is 1 in 100 people in south Georgia from Columbus to Valdosta, and less than a third of that in the Atlanta Metro area. Enlistment is probably related to two other major features of south Georgia that Atlanta doesn’t understand: it’s agricultural (traditionally a bastion of military supporters), and it’s poor (and enlisting is one way to a career). A certain pipeline company may not have taken this factor into account, either. Continue reading

Zero percent down solar installations for Georgia? Change a 1973 law first

Who would pass up cutting their monthly electric and transportation costs by 60%? Well, people in Georgia will get passed by unless we change an antique 1973 law.

Chris Mooney wrote for Washington Post 24 December 2014, How solar power and electric cars could make suburban living awesome again,

…the solar-EV combo may just be too good for suburbanites to pass up — no matter their political ideology. Strikingly, the new paper estimates that for a household that buys an electric vehicle and also owns a solar panel system generating enough power for both the home and the electric car, the monthly cost might be just $89 per month — compared with $255 per month for a household driving a regular car without any solar panels.

I’m no fan of sprawl, Continue reading

Videos: Swearing Commissioners this morning @ LCC 2014-12-19

Here are videos of swearing in the new Commissioners, Commissioners, Mark Wisenbaker (District 3) and Scott Orenstein (District 2), and also the re-elected Commissioner, Demarcus Marshall (District 4), by Senior Superior Court Judge, H. Arthur McLane, at 10 AM this morning, 19 December 2014. Continue reading

Swearing Commissioners this morning

On the county’s website under News Flash aka Spotlight (but not in the county’s calendar), New County Commissioners scheduled for ceremony,

On December 19, at 10:00 a.m., Senior Superior Court Judge, H. Arthur McLane, will swear in newly elected Commissioners, Mark Wisenbaker (District 3) and Scott Orenstein (District 2). The new Commissioners will officially take office effective January 1, 2015. You are invited to attend this event to be held in the Commission Chambers, Lowndes County Administrative Building, 327 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia.


Lowndes County’s own videos @ LCC 2014-12-09

Paige Dukes told us about this Monday, but why steal her thunder about the county’s new website and the videos on it?

Joe Adgie, VDT, 17 December 2014, Lowndes County website goes live,

County residents can pay bills, read county ordinances, search for real estate and read meeting agendas on the new site.

In addition, a first for the county government, videos of the Lowndes County Commission meetings are also available through the site and on YouTube.

“Due to schedules, Continue reading

No Development Authority meeting today @ VLCIA 2014-12-16

According to their Meeting Schedule.

The Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority’s Regular monthly meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 5:30 pm at the Development Authority Conference Room, 103 Roosevelt Drive has been cancelled. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 20, 2015.

Happy Holidays!


Town Hall meeting tonight with Demarcus Marshall, Lowndes County Commissioner District 4

A commissioner who represents half the county wants to listen to all of the county tonight at the Civic Center, 6PM. facebook event.

6PM Monday 15 December 2014
Lowndes County Civic Center
2102 E Hill Avenue
Valdosta, GA 31601

An evening to address community concerns, solicit ideas and feedback, and have an opportunity for your voice to be heard by your elected county commissioner!

Dr. Demarcus Marshall
Lowndes County Commissioner
Super District 4


Solar bills in the Georgia legislature

Every year since about 2000 one or more solar bills have been before the Georgia legislature to modify the 1973 Territorial Electric Service Act to enable solar financing. 2015 could be the year one of them finally passes, what with influential people finally waking up to the cost-saving and energy-independence power of solar panels. If you want real energy reliability, lower power bills, and local jobs, you can help pass whichever bill gets before the legislature this year, and right now is a good time to help draft that bill.

Here are a few recent bills.