Tag Archives: Valdosta State University

Videos: GLPC appointments, ULDC Amendments, 2 rezonings, Street Lighting, Beer and Wine, UPS, infrastructure acceptance, Regional Transit, Georgia Power, VSU, LMIG, Fire @ LCC Regular 2024-11-12

Ed Hightower was reappointed to the Planning Commission and. Calvin Graham was appointed to the seat previously held by Vicki Biles.

Two citizens spoke in Citizens Wishing to Be Heard. Burton Fletcher thanked various people for running for or winning office and other things. Janice Strickland spoke about flooding on Pin Oak Circle, which is in the City of Valdosta, so she was referred to the City Council.

In a thirteen and a half minute discussion, “County Planners JD Dillard and Jason Davenport went over the proposed changes to the ULDC which was “in the room” at the seat of the Lawyer Walter Elliott.”

[Collage @ LCC 12 November 2024]
Collage @ LCC 12 November 2024

Jason Davenport mentioned their goal was to get these changes approved by the County Manager and then to the “development community”. No mention of the public, other than the request by “Mrs. Quarterman” for a copy, which LAKE did get and publish. The county did not publish them before that Regular Session. The latest copy of the ULDC on the county’s website is still earlier than that, ULDC Unsigned Searchable Copy – July 9, 2024 (PDF).

Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted affirmation that these changes required existing systems to have generators if they expand. Davenport agreed they do require that.

Commissioner Scottie Orenstein, County Manager Paige Dukes, and County Chairman Bill Slaughter discussed other existing systems. It doesn’t look to me like the ULDC changes require those to have generators.

Commissioner Orenstein wanted to hear more about subdivision policy goals. Davenport’s answer was they would be looked at on a case-by-case basis and “appropriately address” them. County Chairman Bill Slaughter expressed concern about dense subdivisions where the county could not bring utilities and for subdivisions with a single point of ingress and egress (cul-de-sacs). Davenport mentioned they chose not to have separate rules for septic vs. county utilities.

At the Public Hearing, Gretchen Quarterman spoke in opposition to the amendments, noting that the time available to actually review the final language was only a couple of hours before the meeting, especially since the Planning Commission no longer gets ULDC text amendments on its agenda. She also recommended “continuously” instead of “consistently” for private well generators. She liked the explicit list of grandfathered subdivisions. She mentioned Val Del Estates, which flooded recently, despite the county rezoning it a few years ago in what were claimed not to be wetlands.

The Commissioners did not discuss most of those topics, nor removing pine trees from being protected species. They did unanimously approve the ULDC text amendments.

They also unanimously approved everything else, including the Loch Winn rezoning, even though several people spoke in opposition. That one took twelve and a half minutes.

They discussed the purchase of VSU South Campus for almost five minutes.

The Chairman paused other items several times for recognition of various groups and individuals. An agenda item at the front would simplify all that. Similarly, a Commissioner Comments item at the end would be easier than ad hoc asking Commissioners for comments.

Here are LAKE videos of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the Continue reading

Videos: GLPC appointments, ULDC Amendments, 2 rezonings, Street Lighting, Beer and Wine, UPS, infrastructure acceptance, Regional Transit, Georgia Power, VSU, LMIG, Fire @ LCC Work 2024-11-12

Update 2024-11-16: Videos: GLPC appointments, ULDC Amendments, 2 rezonings, Street Lighting, Beer and Wine, UPS, infrastructure acceptance, Regional Transit, Georgia Power, VSU, LMIG, Fire @ LCC Regular 2024-11-12.

There was so much discussion at the Work Session this morning that the meeting was 30 minutes long. They spent ten minutes on the ULDC Text Amendments; the ones that remove pine trees from being protected species. Even the UPS replacement got discussion.

Regarding the purchase of VSU South Campus, Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker wondered how this could so easily move forward when the proposed animal shelter is taking so long. There was a little discussion.

They vote at 5:30 PM this evening.

[Collage @ LCC 12 November 2024]
Collage @ LCC 12 November 2024

Here are LAKE videos of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the Continue reading

Agenda: GLPC appointments, ULDC Amendments, 2 rezonings, Street Lighting, Beer and Wine, UPS, infrastructure acceptance, Regional Transit, Georgia Power, VSU, LMIG, Fire @ LCC 2024-11-12

Update 2024-11-12: ULDC text amendments remove pines and pecans from protected trees @ LCC 2024-11-12.

Because Monday is Veterans Day, both the Work and Regular Sessions of the Lowndes County Commission will be Tuesday, November 12, 2024.

[Collage @ LCC Agenda 2024-11-12]
Collage @ LCC Agenda 2024-11-12

Most of the almost $2.5 million being contemplated is for the purchase of the VS U South Campus.

Cost What
$2,156,000.00Purchase of VSU South Campus Property
$111,223.17LMIG Supplemental Local Road Assistance (LRA) 2024 Restriping Bids
$85,097.4.00Bid for 60 SCBA Cylinders for the Fire Department
$72,103.12UPS Replacement at the Valdosta and Clyattville Public Safety Radio System Tower Sites

Here is the quite long agenda.

We don’t have the board packet, because I forgot to send in the open records request. However, the packet materials for the rezonings will probably be much like the ones from the preceding GLPC meeting, and the ULDC amendments should be somewhat similar to those the Lowndes County Commission previously tabled.

For the VSU South Campus, see Packet: DRC Emergency Services and VSU South Campus Purchase @ LCC 2024-10-22.

327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

Continue reading

Videos: DRC Emergency Services, VSU South Campus Purchase, missing HOA, and Navigability @ LCC Regular 2024-10-23

As Gretchen noted, “There was no work session for this meeting. Shockingly there was discussion.”

The Commissioners and even the County Attorney and County Manager were quite chatty in the Lowndes County Commission Regular Session, Tuesday, October 22, 2024, about hurricane debris, and especially about their upcoming $2 million purchase. They also heard from two citizens.

[Collage @ LCC 23 October 2024]
Collage @ LCC 23 October 2024

They revealed in 5.a. Agreement with DRC Emergency Services, LLC that the hurricane debris removal would probably last six months.

In 5.b. Purchase of VSU South Campus Property they revealed that the likely future occupant is is the Board of Elections. They discussed this one item for ten minutes! Unheard of. Good, though.

In 6. Reports – County Manager Paige Dukes estimated about $1.5 million in property damage to Lowndes County assets. Not counting VLPRA, Hospital, and other authorities with their own budgets.

Two citizens spoke: 7. CWTBH: Jesse Bingham of 2563 Naples Lane recounted a tale of multiple developers building wildly different buildings around his house, and still no HOA.

7. CWTBH: John S. Quarterman, speaking for WWALS Watershed Coalition as Suwannee Riverkeeper, talked about the Georgia House Study Committee on Navigability and recommended Commissioners contact statehouse members. See separate post.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the Continue reading

Packet: DRC Emergency Services and VSU South Campus Purchase @ LCC 2024-10-22

Update 2024-10-23: Videos: DRC Emergency Services, VSU South Campus Purchase, missing HOA, and Navigability @ LCC Regular 2024-10-23.

The board packet adds the agreements to the agenda for this evening’s Lowndes County Commission Regular Session, 5:30 PM, Tuesday, October 22, 2024.

One agreement details the $3,500 a month for renting for hurricane debris removal the failed subdivision the county bought for $568,971 in February 2022, on GA 122 between Walker’s Crossing and Banks Lake.

The other agreement specifies what the county is buying from VSU for $2,156,000. It says they’re renting part of it back to VSU at least through December, with options for following months through June 2025, for $1 (one dollar) a month.

[Collage, Packet, LCC 2024-10-24]
Collage, Packet, LCC 2024-10-24

The packet does not include a map of the VSU property being purchased, but presumably it’s the same as the lots in that block owned by BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA in this map by the Lowndes County Tax Assessors. At least those properties match the addresses listed in the agreement: 901 N Patterson Street, 903 N Patterson Street, 109-111 E. Force Street, 906-908 Slater Street, and 112 East Gordon. Continue reading

Agenda: DRC Emergency Services and VSU South Campus Purchase @ LCC 2024-10-21

Update 2024-10-22: Packet: DRC Emergency Services and VSU South Campus Purchase @ LCC 2024-10-22.

The agenda is so light the Lowndes County Commission cancelled the Work Session, and are going straight to voting in the Regular Session, 5:30 PM, Tuesday, October 22, 2024.

They’re finally going to get some income for the failed subdivision they bought between Walker’s Crossing and Banks Lake, and they’re buying the old Georgia Power building from VSU for $2,156,000.

[Hurricane debris removal rental, VSU South Campus purchase, No Work Session, Regular Session @ LLC 2024-10-22]
Hurricane debris removal rental, VSU South Campus purchase, No Work Session, Regular Session @ LLC 2024-10-22

The “VSU South Campus Property” is the old Georgia Power building at 901 N Patterson Street and apparently most of the rest of the block.

The location of the hurricane debris removal sounded familiar.

DRC Engineering Services, LLC is a hurricane debris removal contractor of the Georgia Department of Transportation. It has asked to use approximately five acres of County owned property located at 7404 Ga. Highway 122 East for hurricane debris management purposes. It has agreed to pay the County $3500 per month for use of the property. The proposed agreement is attached.

Ah, yes, the property the county bought for $568,971 in February 2022 because Continue reading

Videos: Animals, Library Board, Lighting, Mosquitoes, Prisoners, Stormwater @ LCC Regular 2024-08-27

Citizen Burton Fletcher spoke for five minutes about Animal Control Funding, out of the fourteen minutes of the Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission of August 27, 2024. That leaves 9 minutes, minus 2 minutes for the County Manager Report and a minute for the Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge, means 7 minutes of actual business. They approved everything unanimously.

[Collage @ LCC 27 August 2024]
Collage @ LCC 27 August 2024

They reappointed Bill Booth and appointed Debra Ruth to the Lowndes County Library Board.

Nobody spoke for or against the 6.a. Basic Decorative Street Lighting Districts.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman (actually none this time), followed by a LAKE video playlist.

County Manager Paige Dukes in her Reports said staff were attending the statewide Homebuilders Association meeting. Homebuilders are “stakeholders” after all.

In Citizens Wishing to Be Heard, Burton Fletcher noted $1.5 million for the Animal Shelter didn’t actually help much, and he wondered what has happened in the year or two since groundbreaking.

See also Continue reading

Videos: Library Board, Lighting, Mosquitoes, Prisoners, Stormwater @ LCC Work 2024-08-26

Update 2024-09-08: Videos: Animals, Library Board, Lighting, Mosquitoes, Prisoners, Stormwater @ LCC Regular 2024-08-27.

Four minutes is all yesterday morning’s meeting took, the Work Session of the Lowndes County Commission.

Vice Chair Demarcus Marshall chaired the meeting in the absence of Chairman Slaughter.

[Collage @ LCC 26 August 2024]
Collage @ LCC 26 August 2024

The only questions were about 7.b. Annual Contract Renewal with the State of GA Department of Corrections. Public Works Director Robin Cumbus explained that the county only pays when the work details are used and that no qualified inmates have been available for some time, however having the contract in place makes it possible to use the inmates, should any become qualified.

The County Manager’s Report may or may not have been requested. In any case, she didn’t report. She usually saves that for the Regular Session.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also Continue reading

Packet: Library Board, Lighting, Mosquitoes, Prisoners, Stormwater @ LCC 2024-08-26

Should be a quick meeting. Monday morning, to vote on Tuesday evening, the Lowndes County Commission will review applicants to the Library Board, approve an annual mosquito identifaction contract and an annual agreement with the state for prisoner work details, as well as two Special Decorative Street Lighting Districts, for The Landings, Ph. 3 and Quarterman Estates, Ph. 4 Sec. 2.

[Collage, Packet @ LCC 2024-08-26]
Collage, Packet @ LCC 2024-08-26

Here is the agenda.

The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request is on the LAKE website.

327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

Continue reading

Videos: Quarterman Road rezoning unanimously denied; Mt. Zion Church Road rezoning unanimously approved @ LCC Regular 2023-09-12

Update 2023-09-16: by WWALS, Videos: Quarterman Road rezoning unanimously denied @ LCC 2023-09-12.

After five local residents spoke against and nobody for, the Lowndes County Commission unanimously denied the inappropriate 2.5-acre rezoning REZ-2023-04 on Quarterman Road.

[Collage @ LCC 12 September 2023]
Collage @ LCC 12 September 2023

Then after Roy Copeland spoke for the R-21 rezoning REZ-2023-10 on Mt. Zion Church Road and nobody spoke against, the Commissioners unanimously approved that one.

They unanimously approved almost everything else, including appointing Dr. Anthony Johnson to the Lowndes County Board of Health. The Family Medicine Dr. Johnson; not the eye doctor, although we only know that because LAKE filed an open records request for the board packet and published the results.

The exception was 7.b. Hamilton Green Acceptance of Water – Sewer Infrastructure. Continue reading