Tag Archives: Valdosta City Council

Sunshine for local government

We’ve got a little list, a spreadsheet as a list,
please don’t take this as a diss, we think they have been missed….

Unlike Ko-Ko’s in the Mikado, this list is of things previously missed that are slowly being found (or created), so local governments can tell the citizens what fine things they’ve been up to, and so citizens can decide what they need to deal with and what topics they can provide input on. Here’s the LAKE sunshine list for local government.

The Lowndes County Commission just got some additions, with its new website, by posting videos of its own meetings, and by posting agendas and minutes for the Planning Commission.

The Valdosta City Council does pretty well, with its website, its agendas and minutes, and the agendas and summaries and minutes for ZBOA. Valdosta does not (yet) video and post its own meetings, but it does have what appears to be a complete list of its ordinances with links to their text. Dasher also has its ordinances online.

Meanwhile the Lowndes County Commission has only Continue reading

Topics and Highlights @ Town Hall Meeting 2014-12-15

There were overwhelming complaints about Advance Disposal Sanitation customer service.” Many other issues and concerns are listed in this text published by Demarcus Marshall (PDF) of feedback received and and LAKE videos of the Town Hall Meeting 5 December 2014. -jsq

Lowndes County Board of Commissioners
Commissioner Demarcus Marshall
Super District 4
Post Office Box 1349 ● Valdosta, Georgia 31603-1349 ● Phone (229) 671-2400 ● Fax (229) 245-522

Super District 4 and Concerned Citizens,

300x388 Thanks to those who came, in Topic and Highlights @ Town Hall Meeting, by Demarcus Marshall, 15 December 2014 I want to thank those who came to my Town Hall Meeting on December 15, 2014. It was a pleasure to hear from you. Your presence made the event a success and I look forward to another one in the near future. I have listed the “Topics and Highlights” addressed at the Town Hall Meeting below for your review. As well, I have released my State of the District Address for the public. It is my sincere hope that you will remain actively involved in our local community. In the meantime, I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a blessed New Year!


[signed] Demarcus A. Marshall Continue reading

Valdosta Passes Resolution Against Sabal Trail Pipeline: not in this city, this county, or this state @ VCC 2014-12-11

Go away, Sabal Trail:

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City of Valdosta supports the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners in their opposition to the construction of the Sabal Trail pipeline in any portion of Lowndes County. The City’s support includes concerns with fundamental property rights, the manner in which eminent domain might be utilized, and the lack of demonstrated benefit to the City and County. Furthermore, the City of Valdosta supports the Lowndes County Commission in their formal request to the Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC), and to State and Federal Legislators in the effort to have Lowndes County and the State of Georgia bypassed in the construction of the proposed pipeline.

Here is Continue reading

Resolution against Sabal Trail pipeline + 3-1 ordinances @ VCC 2014-12-11

The resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline, including to be filed with FERC, was passed 6 to 1 by the Valdosta City Council Thursday 11 December 2014, supporting the resolution the Lowndes County Commission passed unanimously Tuesday, plus a clause about protecting our drinking water in the Floridan Aquifer; see separate post. John Robinson thanked the city for a VSEB contract. The personal care home rezoning passed. The taxicab ordinance was deferred (not all cab company owners had been consulted yet), while two others passed. Also some bids rejected while others were approved, a reappointment of Tom Kurrie to the Valdosta Housing Authority, and recognized employee of the month Terrial Small.

Here’s the agenda. For background, see the videos of the Tuesday Work Session, including a bomb report by Police Chief Childress. The videos from the Thursday Regular Session are linked below, followed by a video playlist.

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Against Sabal Trail pipeline + 3 ordinances + bomb report @ VCC 2014-12-09

The Valdosta City Council discussed a resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline at their Work Session Tuesday, as you can see in these videos. Come see them vote on it tonight at 5:30 PM at City Hall.

They also heard a bomb report at the Work Session, in addition to discussing all the other business, especially the taxicab ordinance.

At the same time Tuesday, the Lowndes County Commission unanimously Continue reading

Thanks for concern about drinking water from the Floridan Aquifer –Don Thieme about Valdosta draft resolution against Sabal Trail pipeline @ VCC 2014-12-09

Water matters, too, said a comment yesterday on We all live in Lowndes County: Valdosta Draft Resolution Against Sabal Trail Pipeline @ VCC 2014-12-09. The Valdosta City Council votes tonight at 5:30 PM on this resolution. And don’t forget to get your comments or motions to intervene to FERC before the deadline of 24 December 2014. -jsq

Many thanks to Tim Carroll for adding the part about this important environmental issue which affects everyone in the city of Valdosta and Lowndes County as well. This is not just about the property rights of a few concerned citizens although those are important as well and demand protection from elected politicians.

–Don Thieme

We all live in Lowndes County: Valdosta Draft Resolution Against Sabal Trail Pipeline @ VCC 2014-12-09

Last night, while the Lowndes County Commission unanimously approved 300x169 Council discussing the resolution, in Valdosta Draft Resolution Against Sabal Trail Pipeline, by Valdosta City Council, 10 December 2014 their resolution against the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline, the Valdosta City Council discussed a supporting resolution at its Work Session. Council Tim Carroll said Valdosta had added a clause about the Floridan Aquifer. Council Robert Yost said he didn’t think such a resolution was something the City of Valdosta should be doing, and he would not vote Thursday. No other Council members expressed any reservations. Council Sonny Vickers said he thought it was worth doing to show unity. Mayor John Gayle remarked, “We all live in Lowndes County.” Continue reading

Anti-pipeline ordinance resolution + 3 more ordinances @ VCC 2014-12-09

As promised, item 5.c) on the agenda for Thursday’s Regular Meeting and Tuesday’s Work Session of the Valdosta City Council: 300x352 Page 1, in Agenda, Valdosta City Council, by John S. Quarterman, 9 December 2014

Consideration of a Resolution in support of the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners regarding the Sabal Trail Project.

Has staff found the digital copies of the maps for CU-2014-11 Normal Life of Georgia? If the county put agenda packets for the Planning Commission online, staff wouldn’t have to worry about that.

Here’s the agenda, thanks to images from Council Member Tim Carroll.

3:26 PM
120514 Agenda Packet.pdf
5:30 PM Thursday, December 11, 2014
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Valdosta proposes resolution against Sabal Trail pipeline @ VCC 2014-12-09

A draft resolution in support of Lowndes County’s resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline will be discussed by the Valdosta City Council at their Work Session Tuesday 9 December and very likely voted on at their Regular Session Thursday 11 December. This is according to Valdosta City Council Tim Carroll, who has seen the draft resolution.

This would be a very good idea, not just since Valdosta is the county seat of Lowndes County, but also because three alternative routes would go right down I-75 through Valdosta.

Both Valdosta City Council meetings are at 5:30 PM at Valdosta City Hall, 216 E Central Ave, Valdosta, GA 31601. Yes, that means the City’s Work Session is at the same time as the County’s Regular Session when the county proposes to vote on their own resolution Tuesday 9 December 2014.

Another very bad PR week for Spectra, what with Continue reading

Valdosta recognized for solar power, LED lighting, wastewater improvements

City of Valdosta PR today 5 December 2014, Valdosta Named “Smart Energy Municipality of the Year”,

The City of Valdosta was named “Smart Energy Municipality of the Year” by the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) on Dec. 4, at an awards banquet held at the Georgia Tech Wardlaw Building in Atlanta, Ga. The event recognized successful individuals, businesses and municipalities who have shown dynamic leadership over the past year in Georgia’s large and growing Smart Energy sector.

Sixty nominations were received collectively in the three categories. In the municipality category, which includes cities, counties and state government agencies, the City of Valdosta was one of two finalists and the overall recipient of the award ” the other finalist was the Georgia Department of Corrections.

“We are extremely honored Continue reading