Almost half an hour on the
Bill Branham subdivision on Copeland Road
resulted in a split denial: the only denial in this Planning Commission Regular Session.
Slightly less time on the Charles Bennett accessory dwelling unit on Green Meadown Drive got unanimous approval with staff conditions.
Ten minutes on the Clint Joyner’s request for Knight’s Development’s 30-acre subdivision rezoning on Bemiss Knights Academy Road got unanimous approval. About the same on Tim Blanton’s rezoning of 45+ acres to residential agriculture passed unanimously. Ditto rezoning for Richard Bonner’s rezoning for a fast-growth corridor between Highway 84 and Interstate 75. Less time for Jon Nijem’s expanded parking on Baytree Road to pass unanimously.
Keith Sandlin’s Lake Park case did sail through, as did John Thomas’ rezoning for a showroom for his show car business.
Commissioner Willis’ term was coming up for reappointment.
Below are links to each LAKE video with a very few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the Continue reading