Tag Archives: US 84

Packet: Lowndes County Commission @ LCC 2019-05-14

Update 2019-07-09: Missing items supplied by the county.

Here’s the mysterious Moody AFB “Helicopter Corridor and Class D Airspace” map from item 6.c. TWR-2019-01 Value Concepts, Inc., US Hwy 84 E. E-A, New 300′ Telecommunications Tower on the May 13 and 14, 2019, Lowndes County Commission agenda.

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This in the agenda packet, now on the LAKE website, including files returned by the county in response to a LAKE open records request. The county supplied those files on a USB drive, for which it charged LAKE $6.65.

Missing from what the county sent: Continue reading

Videos: Outdoor sports more contentious than Tower @ GLPC 2019-05-28

More than 3/4 of an hour on Knudson & Son Outdoor Activities, 28 minutes on one of the Hahira GA overlay variance requests, and 22 minutes on the Valdosta personal care home request (before the Valdosta City Council tonight), plus a bunch of shorter items, added up to a two-hour Planning Commission meeting.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also Continue reading

Tower, Water, Sewer, Personal Care Home, Hahira Gateway Corridor Overlay District @ GLPC 2019-05-28

The tabled tower on US 84E is back. The Lowndes County Commission meets at the same time. Since the Planning Commission usually spends more than five minutes on Call to Order, Pledge, and reading the boilerplate about what GLPC does, and the County Commission brags about having 5 minute meetings, the County Commission could make a decision before the Planning Commission even gets that far in its agenda.

There’s also a Lowndes County request for water and sewer on Bemiss Knights Academy Road.

Valdosta has a request for conditional use for a Personal Care Home.

And two requests for Variances from the Hahira Gateway Corridor Overlay District, which is presumably the coral-colored area around W. Main St. on both sides of I-75.

Hahira overlay map, VALORGIS

Here is the agenda.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park

Monday, May 28, 2019 * 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue

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Videos: Tower, appointments, sewer main, boat ramp, water trails, Paddle Georgia @ LCC 2019-05-14

All three rezonings breezed through, except slightly the longest was the tabling of the proposed 300′ communications tower off of US 84 East. The tower had the most people: those sitting in the back.

Surprisingly, one of the two Authority appointments was not the incumbent. None of the candidates were introduced, and none spoke.

One Citizen spoke, me, on behalf of WWALS, thanking them and inviting them.

Commissioner Clay Griner was not present. The other four voting Commissioners unanimously approved everything, including the one tabling. At least two staff speakers were not introduced, one not named except by last name, and one never named at all.

Below are Continue reading

Videos: Tower and online packets @ LCC 2019-05-13

As expected, the longest item was about the 300′ communications tower proposed south of US 84 E. Second was bids for rotary mowers (really). And a Commissioner wanted to know what’s a blade.

Afterwards, at 9AM, was a special appearance by Tax Commissioner Rodney Cain and his staff, which at 16 3/4 minutes, took almost as long as the entire Work Session.

In between, Commissioners answered my question: Continue reading

Videos: Two small and one large Lowndes County rezonings @ GLPC 2019-04-29

Most of the time in the relatively short April GLPC meeting was spent on the communications tower request, which see.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each item, with a very few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the GLPC agenda and the agenda for tomorrow’s Lowndes County Commission Meeting.

378x872 Coleman Road along Val-Tech Road to James Road, Map, in Coleman Road force main, by John S. Quarterman, for www.l-a-k-e.org, 13 May 2019

Sewer main replacement, 2 Authority appointments, roads and rezonings @ LCC 2019-05-13

Appointments to two more Authorities with no prior public notice nor requests for applicants: the Hospital Authority and the Airport Authority.

About the Hospital Authority:

HISTORY, FACTS AND ISSUES: The term of Dr. Mary Richardson on the Hospital Authority of Valdosta and Lowndes County will expire on June 1, 2019. Ms. Shirley Garland, Mrs. Elsie Napier, and Dr. Mary Margaret Richardson’s names have all been submitted for appointment.

For the Airport Authority, Anthony Payton’s term is up and he wants to be reappointed.

Lowndes County Commissioners will be hearing about a bunch of purchases and bids. Two of them are water items: Georgia Department of Transportation – TIA Project Agreement – Hightower Road/Cooper Road NE Paving and Drainage Improvements and Professional Services for Coleman Road Lift Station Force Main Replacement. Look at this about that lift station:

HISTORY, FACTS AND ISSUES: Lowndes County received a Proposal from Lovell Engineering for the engineering and construction plan preparation for Coleman Road lift station force main replacement. Coleman Road force main has experienced repeated failures and is in need of replacement. Coleman Road force main is the beginning of the main trunk line that transports waste water from the north Lowndes region to the LAS. Costs will be 9% of construction.

Lowndes County is replacing a sewer main because it has failed before. Wait, is this the same main from back in October, when Commissioners approved $99,935 to fix “The 16” force main between Coleman Road lift station and James Road”?

Coleman Road along Val-Tech Road to James Road, Map

There are two transportation items: that TIA paving and drainage project, and Professional Engineering and Surveying Services for TIA Projects.

The two rezonings and the communications tower from the recent Planning Commission meeting are on the agenda.

No, we haven’t posted the LAKE videos of that Planning Commission meeting yet. Yes, we will do so soon. Meanwhile, Lowndes County has its own video equipment and editing software and could video Planning Commission meetings, and budget meetings, for that matter.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MAY 13, 2019, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2019, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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Two small and one large Lowndes County rezonings @ GLPC 2019-04-29

Update 2019-05-12: LAKE videos.

The 103.45 acre parcel just south across US 84 from Georgia Forestry I’m guessing Richard Shelton wants to put a mobile phone tower on, because it’s listed as TWR-2019-01 on the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission agenda for tomorrow. Much smaller counties manage to post the entire packet with the agenda. At least this time the agenda is posted before the meeting without me having to call and ask where it is.

Parcel 0185 020, Shelton Forest LLC, Tax Assessors Map
Parcel 0185 020, Shelton Forest LLC, Lowndes County Tax Assessors Map

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park

Monday, April 29, 2019 * 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue

Continue reading

Videos: Fire, Library, rezonings, water main, road abandonments @ LCC 2019-02-11

The longest item was not on the agenda: Special Recognition of Fire Rescue.

Special Recognition of Fire Rescue

Second longest at two minutes was 7d. MOU with City of Remerton for Fire Inspection and Plan Review Services.

They’re adding to the agenda for voting Tuesday evening Carter Way emergency access. Maybe by then they’ll know Continue reading

Library, rezonings, water main, road abandonments @ LCC 2019-02-11

On the agenda for this morning, with voting Tuesday evening, $18,250.00 of $73,000.00 to bore under US 84 for a water main to we don’t know who (see also LAKE videos of previous Regular session), and $7,500.00 paid in full by GDOT to close the CSX railroad crossing at Dasher-Johnson Road and to improve the crossing at Good Hope Road. Also final Public Hearing to abandon part of McLeod Road (see also previous Regular Session), first consideration of Abandonment of Doyle Kelly Road. Plus reappointment of attorney Karl Osmus to the Lowndes County Library Board, the three rezonings from the recent Planning Commission meeting, an MOU with City of Remerton to provide Fire Inspection and Plan Review Services, and Lowndes County Historic Courthouse Architect Selection, 4.5 years since the Courthouse Preservation Committee Meetings.

Historic Lowndes County Courthouse

Gretchen is heading to the Commissioner meeting now with the LAKE video camera.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2019, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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