Tag Archives: Unified Land Development Code

Packet: Missing ULDC Text Amendment, new well, force main, and elevator with For Consideration and Bids from previous cancelled session @ LCC 2024-02-26

Update 2024-02-27: Videos: ULDC Text Amendment, new well, force main, and elevator with For Consideration and Bids from previous cancelled session @ LCC Work 2024-02-26.

In the board packet Lowndes County sent this morning in response to yesterday’s LAKE open records request, there is more information on the 6.e. Spring Creek Well Pilot Study and 7.d. Golden Oaks Subdivision Force Main, including bid sheets and a contract. There was nothing additional on the third new agenda item, 7.a. Bid to Upgrade the Main Elevator at the Human Resource Building.

The ULDC Text Amendment (TXT-2024-01) Update Presentation was not included in the board packet. I have filed an open records request to get it.

[Packet: new well, force main, and elevator @ LCC 2024-02-26]
Packet: new well, force main, and elevator @ LCC 2024-02-26

Since no map was included of the Golden Oaks Subdivision, I have added one from VALORGIS. Continue reading

Agenda: ULDC Text Amendment, new well, force main, and elevator plus For Consideration and Bids from previous cancelled session @ LCC 2024-02-26

Update 2024-02-27: Packet: Missing ULDC Text Amendment, new well, force main, and elevator with For Consideration and Bids from previous cancelled session @ LCC 2024-02-26.

Another stealth ULDC presentation heads this morning’s Work Session at the Lowndes County Commission. You will be able to see it in the LAKE videos Gretchen is taking. You won’t see it in Lowndes County’s own videos, because they no longer post video of their Work Sessions.

[Old and new items @ LCC 2024-12-26]
Old and new items @ LCC 2024-12-26

Other new items are:

Everything else is carried forward from the cancelled previous Regular Session.

But none of the rezonings were carried forward, possibly because they had to advertise the Public Hearings again. I guess they’ll handle those next month along with the new ones on tonight’s Planning Commission agenda.

Here is the agenda.

I neglected to request the board packet after the previous meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum due to Commissioner illness. However, I have included on the LAKE website the board packet items from the previous meeting’s packet.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2024, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

Continue reading

Videos: Gresham Event Venue, Kinderlou-Clyattville Road RoW, Hurricane Idalia repairs @ LCC Work 2024-02-12

This morning the Lowndes County Commission spent nine and a half minutes on the contentious Gresham Event Venue on Old Valdosta Road. They did not discuss the substantial opposition letters from Richard A. Stalvey and Justin Coleman.

Two of the Commissioners were not present: Joyce Evans and Demarcus Marshall. They were with County Manager Paige Dukes in Washington DC.

Commissioner Scottie Orenstein (it’s in his district) asked if the Gresham Event Venue applicants understood they needed not to be a noise nuisance. The County Planner said the applicants had been made aware, and had discussed using tents which could accomodate up to 300 people. I don’t see how that would reduce noise.

Chairman Bill Slaughter asked if a condition could be added that music could only be inside the building. The County Planner said yes, but Code Enforcement would have to enforce it. There was more discussion of noise.

They vote 5:30 PM Tuesday (tomorrow).

[Collage @ LCC 12 February 2024]
Collage @ LCC 12 February 2024

They spent 3 minutes on the less contentious Byrd Road house lot project, and less on Continue reading

Packet: Gresham Event Venue, Kinderlou-Clyattville Road RoW, Hurricane Idalia repairs @ LCC 2024-02-12

Update 2024-02-12: Videos: Gresham Event Venue, Kinderlou-Clyattville Road RoW, Hurricane Idalia repairs @ LCC Work 2024-02-12.

The contentious Gresham Event Venue on Old Valdosta Road is on the Lowndes County Commission agenda for this week, after the Planning Commission last month recommended denial in a split vote. It drew substantial opposition letters from Richard A. Stalvey and Justin Coleman.

The County Commissioners meet Monday morning at 8:30 AM to discuss, and they vote 5:30 PM Tuesday.

Also the less contentious Byrd Road house lot project, the purchase of right of way for Kinderlou-Clyattville Road, more money from TIA for Briggston Road Paving and Drainage Improvements, acceptance of infrastructure and roads for Quarterman Estates Phase 4, Section 2 (no relation), and several Hurricane Idalia repair projects to be reimbursed 87% by FEMA.

[Collage, Packet, LCC 2024-02-12]
Collage, Packet, LCC 2024-02-12

Here is the agenda. The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request, is on the LAKE website.

See also the LAKE videos of the previous month’s Planning Commission meeting.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2024, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

Continue reading

Videos: ULDC contractor extension, hospital revenue certificate reissuance, LAS generator, Juvenile Justice grant, Val Del Estates infrastructure @ LCC Regular 2023-10-24

EMA Director Ashley Tye reported that all the disaster recovery centers were closing after Hurricane Idalia, with Cook County still open for a bit. This was six weeks ago, at a Lowndes County Commission Regular Session.

[Collage @ LCC 24 October 2023]
Collage @ LCC 24 October 2023

That took six minutes of the seventeen-minute meeting. County Manager Paige Dukes took another three minutes for her report.

The Commissioners breezed through the other agenda items and unanimously approved them all.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also

And now the videos: Continue reading

Videos: ULDC contractor extension, hospital revenue certificate reissuance, LAS generator, Juvenile Justice grant, Val Del Estates infrastructure @ LCC Work 2023-10-23

Update 2023-12-07: Videos: ULDC contractor extension, hospital revenue certificate reissuance, LAS generator, Juvenile Justice grant, Val Del Estates infrastructure @ LCC Regular 2023-10-24.

The Lowndes County Commission took six minutes to breeze through this Work Session agenda.

[Collage @ LCC 23 October 2023]
Collage @ LCC 23 October 2023

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist. Well, she made no notes this time, because no Commissioners asked any questions, and the whole thing only took six minutes. The only slightly new information is that J.D. Dillard said the ULDC Updates were still within budget even with the requested extension.

See also the agenda and board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request. Continue reading

ULDC contractor extension, hospital revenue certificate reissuance, LAS generator, Juvenile Justice grant, Val Del Estates infrastructure @ LCC Packet 2023-10-23

Update 2023-12-07: Videos: ULDC contractor extension, hospital revenue certificate reissuance, LAS generator, Juvenile Justice grant, Val Del Estates infrastructure @ LCC Work 2023-10-23.

The ULDC updates are taking so long they’re extending their contractor agreement, in the Lowndes County Commission meeting Monday 8:30 AM and voting Tuesday 5:30 PM.

[Collage @ LCC Packet 2023-10-23]
Collage @ LCC Packet 2023-10-23

The Hospital Authority of Valdosta and Lowndes County, Georgia, wants its revenue certificates reissued in the name of South Georgia Medical Center, Inc. They already had a public hearing that you didn’t hear about.

Lowndes Utilities got a deal on a generator for the Land Application Site (LAS).

And yet another acceptance of subdivision infrastructure claiming no budget impact, this time for 22 house lots in Val Del Estates Phase 4.

Cost What
$48,068.00Land Application System (LAS) Generator
$15,000.00Extension of Agreement for ULDC Updates with Goodwyn Mills Cawood
$-50,000.00Acceptance of FY2024 Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Grant

It’s a one-page agenda with no rezonings, so it probably won’t take long.

The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request, is on the LAKE website.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2023, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

Continue reading

Packet: Two county rezonings, one plainly inappropriate @ GLPC 2023-08-28

Update 2023-08-29: Videos: Quarterman Road rezoning recommended against, Mt. Zion Church Road for @ GLPC 2023-08-28.

The Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) has only two cases for Monday, both Lowndes County Cases.

[Two Lowndes County cases @ GLPC 2023-08-28]
Two Lowndes County cases @ GLPC 2023-08-28

County staff recommend approval of both rezonings, one in the middle of subdivisions on Mt. Zion Church Road, and the other in the middle of agriculture and forestry land on Quarterman Road.

For REZ-2023-04 on Quarterman Road, county staff strain really hard to dilute agriculture and forestry by including a nearby subdivision in their first calculation. Quarterman Road is almost all Continue reading

Videos: Adoption of Budget, Appointments to DFACS, VLPRA, Construction Board, Courts, Prison Details @ LCC Regular 2023-06-27

They approved everything unanimously, the Lowndes County Commission two weeks ago, with another surprise presentation in County Manager Reports.

[Collage @ LCC 27 June 2023]
Collage @ LCC 27 June 2023

They approved the Hotel-Motel Budget Plan and the FY 2024 Operating Budget.

They reappointed Elsie Napier to DFACS, Suzan Garnett to VLPRA, and Tripp Howell to the Construction Board.

They passed a stopgap resolution to delay approving changes to the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC). So there’s no need to approve any changes at the July 11th County Commission meeting.

Remember, the public has hardly seen any of the proposed ULDC changes, while the County Manager announced two weeks ago that “tomorrow we have the stakeholder meetings at 12:30 and 2 PM that I mentioned to you yesterday, with permits and inspections, and that is all going fantastically well, and I’m interesting in getting the feedback from our development community so we can make any changes that they may need prior to going live July 1.” Curious how the county government is not so solicitous of feedback from the general public as it is of feedback from “our development community”.

In response to a question by Commissioner Demarcus Marshall, Public Works Director Robin Cumbus clarified that the county since COVID has only been paying for one prisoon detail even though the contract says they can use up to three.

About Reports: County Manager, Gretchen Quarterman remarks: Continue reading

Videos: ULDC chicken changes deferred, Biomass site to boat storage, Lake Park mini-storage, 2 Valdosta subdivisions and a church @ GLPC 2023-06-26

Update 2023-07-17: Added the Valdosta cases and Other Businesses that had inadvertently been left out of the playlist.

Update 2023-07-10: Packet: Complicated Library Board, ULDC amendments, Boat and RV Storage, Alapaha Plantation Water, Purchases houses by Griner Park, Insurance, LMIG @ LCC 2023-07-10.

Why does Lowndes County want the Planning Commission (GLPC) and County Commission to vote on changes to the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) before the general public has a chance to review and comment on them?

[Collage @ LCC 26 June 2023]
Collage @ LCC 26 June 2023

When even the number of ULDC items changed from 10 to 7 in the week before the GLPC meeting? When somebody asked for more time for citizens to review and comment on these changes, why did the County Planning consultant toss out four straw men? Why shouldn’t the general public have such opportunity when the Homebuilders were shown draft changes weeks ago?

Lowndes County Planning consultant Jason Davenport attempted to explain the ULDC amendments and why the county had not shown them to the general county citizenry, at the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC). He said they had a plan for six public meetings and two social media posts. However, none of that had happened before this meeting. Continue reading