Tag Archives: ULDC

Videos: ULDC text amendments, small rezoning, and liquor license @ LCC Work 2024-07-08

Update 2024-07-12: Videos: Ban passes 3:2 on Planning Commission reviewing ULDC changes @ LCC Regular 2024-07-09.

The County Planner had some slides at the Lowndes County Commission Work Session to explain the ULDC text amendments TXT-2024-02. He did not explain why they were different from the version presented to the Planning Commission, nor why the Planning Commission should not review further ULDC changes.

[Collage @ LCC 8 July 2024]
Collage @ LCC 8 July 2024

He said that instead, “Planning Commission, Homebuilders Association, stakeholders, Chamber, things like that, will be contacted as a courtesy, through just a standard email, and any potential sit-down meetings.” He did not mention taxpayer or voters or county residents.

As Gretchen noted, “Why should citizens be denied an opportunity to comment when builders and developers get special invitations to comment?”

The County Planner’s only excuse for this change was, Continue reading

Packet: ULDC text amendments, small rezoning, and liquor license @ LCC 2024-07-08

Update 2024-07-08: Videos: ULDC text amendments, small rezoning, and liquor license @ LCC Work 2024-07-08.

The ULDC text amendments TXT-2024-02 on the agenda for the Lowndes County Commission are not the same as those proposed to the Planning Commission.

They do still say the Planning Commission would never see any further ULDC text amendments.

How can the staff claim the Planning Commission approved TXT-2024-02 when that board got a different version?

How can the County Commission approve TXT-2024-02 under these conditions?

Why would the County Commission not want the Planning Commission to review ULDC text amendments?

[Packet: ULDC text amendments, small rezoning, and liquor license @ LCC 2024-07-08]
Packet: ULDC text amendments, small rezoning, and liquor license @ LCC 2024-07-08

The cover sheet for the Monday morning Work Session and the Tuesday evening voting Regular Session says, “Based on updates and direction from the County Attorney and County Leadership, Planning Staff and the GLPC recommend approval of Amendments 1,2, 3, 6, and 7.” Continue reading

Videos: ULDC text amendments, small county rezoning, Airport Authority annexation and rezoning, small Valdosta rezoning @ GLPC 2024-06-24

The Planning Commissioners unanimously recommended approval of everything on their agenda for June 24, 2024.

Including an item that Commissioner Vicki T. Rountree clarified that if they approved it, that would be the last time the Planning Commission would see such items.

The rationale by the County Planner was so staff could make “minor amendments” and “move forward with them more quickly.” He did mention there would be meetings with “stakeholder groups”. We know that means builders and developers, not the tax-paying and voting public.

[Collage @ GLPC 24 June 2024]
Collage @ GLPC 24 June 2024

Nonetheless Commissioner Chip Wildes made the motion to recommend that amendment, seconded by Commissioner Steve Miller. And all the Commissioners voted for the motion.

Different text under the same agenda item title is on the agenda for the July 8 and 9, 2024, Lowndes County Commission meetings.

What does the Planning Commission recommendation mean, since the content changed before it got to the County Commission?

This is the far-reaching amendment to the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC), or at least the version presented to the Planning Commission: Continue reading

Packet: ULDC text amendments, small county rezoning, Airport Authority annexation and rezoning, small Valdosta rezoning @ GLPC 2024-06-24

Update 2024-07-07: Videos: Budget, Court Grants, Stream Credits, Debris, Insurance, Vac-Trailer @ LCC Work 2024-06-24.

The rezonings are small, and even the ULDC Amendments seem uncontroversial, since they’re just clarifications, on the agenda for the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission Monday evening.

[Collage @ GLPC Packet 2024-06-24]
Collage @ GLPC Packet 2024-06-24

Here is the agenda.

The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request is on the LAKE website.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
~ Lowndes County ~ City of Valdosta ~ City of Dasher ~
~ City of Hahira ~ City of Lake Park ~ City of Remerton ~
Monday, June 17, 2024 5:30 P.M. Work Session
Monday, June 24, 2024 5:30 P.M. Regular Session
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue, Valdosta, Georgia

Continue reading

Videos: ULDC text amendments, Hahira Personal Service Shops, Valdosta PSS and rezonings @ GLPC 2024-03-25

The ULDC text amendments were on the agenda, at the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission, 5:30 PM, Monday, March 25, 2024. However, Lowndes County never published them for the public to see, so far as LAKE knows. But LAKE obtained a previous version of them by open records request and published that version of the amendments. Nobody spoke for or against the amendments at the Planning Commission, which then voted unanimously to recommend approval.

[Collage @ GLPC 25 March 2024]
Collage @ GLPC 25 March 2024

The Planning Commission also unanimously recommended approval of almost all the other cases. Except 7. VA-2024-06 Park-Hawthorne LLC (North Forrest Street Extension) – R-6(c) to R-M, which had two votes against.

They adjourned at 6:30, making it a 50-minute meeting, which was brief for the Planning Commission.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the Continue reading

Videos: Race Track Road SE abandonment and TXT-2024-01 ULDC Amendments @ LCC Regular 2024-04-09

“We’re down to one!” said Commissioner Scotti Orenstein, seeing Commissioners Joyce Evans and Demarcus Marshall coming out of the elevator before the April 9, 2024, Lowndes County Commission Regular Session.

“Due to an issue with some advertising, staff is requesting this item be tabled until until the May 14, 2024, meeting,” said Engineering Director Chad McLeod, in 5. Public Hearing a. Abandonment of a Portion of Race Track Road SE.

[Collage @ LCC 9 April 2024]
Collage @ LCC 9 April 2024

They meet again this morning at 8:30 AM for their Work Session, and Tuesday at 5:30 PM for their voting Regular Session.

Their Regular Session two weeks ago would have been very brief, except for Continue reading

Videos: Race Track Road SE abandonment and TXT-2024-01 ULDC Amendments @ LCC Work 2024-04-08

The Lowndes County Commissioners had no questions about the two items in their Work Session Monday morning.

In the meeting, the only thing unusual was the County Manager gave her report, because she was going to be absent the next day.

[LAKE Videos: Racetrack Road SE Abandonment and ULDC Text Amendments @ LCC Work 2024-04-08]
LAKE Videos: Racetrack Road SE Abandonment and ULDC Text Amendments @ LCC Work 2024-04-08

The interesting parts were outside the meeting:

  • Before the meeting, I asked Information Technology Services (ITS) Director Aaron Kostyu if the sound box in the video pen at the back of the room would be fixed soon. He said that was a $1700 item, but they were working on it. I asked loudly enough that all of the Commissioners could hear me, including when I noted that it’s hard to hear Commissioners on our videos without the direct audio feed. He said some of them probably would still be inaudible.
  • I went up to where Commissioner Joyce Evans was sitting and indicated that if Commissioners push their microphones away, they’re hard to hear. She said I was pointing at Commissioner Scottie Orenstein’s microphone. We shall see.
  • I had a video camera fail, so I took these videos with my phone, starting after they did, so the call to order and approval of minutes agenda items are not in these videos. Also, my phone does not stop and start videos quickly, so there may be a second or two missing between clips.
  • After the meeting was adjourned, Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker said he was disappointed to get dressed to come there for such a brief meeting. I feel his pain. It’s an hour round trip for me, this time for a five minute meeting.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the agenda and the board packet. Continue reading

Packet: Race Track Road SE abandonment and TXT-2024-01 ULDC Amendments @ LCC 2024-04-08

Update 2024-04-10: Videos: Racetrack Road SE Abandonment and ULDC Text Amendments @ LCC Work 2024-04-08.

This is the briefest Lowndes County Commission agenda I’ve seen in a while, with only two items: Abandonment of a Portion of Race Track Road SE (for Southern Gateway LLC) and TXT-2024-01 ULDC Amendments, both Public Hearings.

[Race Track Road SE abandonment and TXT-2024-01 ULDC Amendments @ LCC 2024-04-08]
Race Track Road SE abandonment and TXT-2024-01 ULDC Amendments @ LCC 2024-04-08

This is the last Public Hearing for the ULDC Amendments, after the one last month at the Planning Commission. So if you have any input, better show up Tuesday, or contact Commissioners or Planning/Zoning department head JD Dillard beforehand, preferably in writing.

The bit that may affect the most people is 10.00.07 Board of Commissioner Public Hearing Procedures. Continue reading

Packet: ULDC text amendments, Hahira Personal Service Shops, Valdosta PSS and rezonings @ GLPC 2024-03-25

Update 2024-05-06: Videos: ULDC text amendments, Hahira Personal Service Shops, Valdosta PSS and rezonings @ GLPC 2024-03-25.

The ULDC text amendments get on the agenda this time, at the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission, 5:30 PM, Monday, March 25, 2024. They were heard last month unscheduled in a Lowndes County Commission Work Session,

Hahira has a Special Exception and Valdosta has a CUP and two small rezonings.

[Packet: ULDC text amendments, Hahira Personal Service Shops, Valdosta PSS and rezonings @ GLPC 2024-03-25]
Packet: ULDC text amendments, Hahira Personal Service Shops, Valdosta PSS and rezonings @ GLPC 2024-03-25

Here is the agenda.

The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request, is on the LAKE website.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
~ Lowndes County ~ City of Valdosta ~ City of Dasher ~
~ City of Hahira ~ City of Lake Park ~ City of Remerton ~

Monday, March 18, 2024 5:30 P.M. Work Session
Monday, March 25, 2024 5:30 P.M. Regular Session
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue, Valdosta, Georgia

  1. Call to Order, Pledge and Invocation
  2. Approval of the Meeting Minutes: February 26, 2024

    Lowndes County Case:

    FINAL ACTION by the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners, 327 N. Ashley Street,
    Valdosta, Georgia, Lowndes County Judicial and Administrative Complex Commission
    Chambers, 24 Floor, Tuesday, April 9′, 2024, 5:30 pm
    Point of Contact: JD Dillard, County Planner, (229) 671-2430

  3. TXT-2024-01 Lowndes County Board of Commissioners, ULDC Amendments, County-wide

    City of Hahira Case:

    FINAL ACTION by the City of Hahira Mayor-Council, 301 W. Main St., Hahira, Georgia
    Hahira Courthouse, Thursday, April 4th, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
    Point of Contact: Matt Martin – Planning Director (229) 259-3529

  4. HA-2024-04 David Deloach (505 South Church Street) Special Exception for multiple Personal Service Shops in conditional R-P(c) zoning

    City of Valdosta Cases:

    FINAL ACTION by the City of Valdosta Mayor-Council, 216 E. Central Avenue,
    Valdosta, Georgia, Valdosta City Hall, Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
    Thursday, April 11th, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
    Point of Contact: Matt Martin – Planning Director (229) 259-3529

  5. CU-2024-03 Scott Shalek (2704-B2 North Oak Street) CUP for a Personal Service Shop in R-P zoning
  6. VA-2024-05 Thomas Rowell (4507 Inner Perimeter Road) Rezone a total of 1.64 acres from R-P and R-10, to C-H zoning
  7. VA-2024-06 Park-Hawthorne LLC (North Forrest Street Extension) Rezone 6.34 acres from R-6(c) to R-M




Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

New and old site plans for REZ-2024-03 Southern Gardens, 4609 Bemiss Road @ LCC 2024-03-11

In addition to the support letter from Crown Real Estate Development, the Bemiss Road rezoning has a revised conceptual site plan.

According to county staff, the applicant for REZ-2024-03 Southern Gardens listened to suggestions by county staff and objections from neighbors and changed their plan to add more parking and to move the community building to the back.

[New and old Conceptual Site Plans for Southern Gardens, 4609 Bemiss Road]
New and old Conceptual Site Plans for Southern Gardens, 4609 Bemiss Road

The Lowndes County Commission will vote on this and other rezonings tonight at 5:30 PM.

Here is the agenda sheet for that item. For information on the rest of the agenda, see Packet: Petition against Gresham Event Venue and letter supporting Southern Gardens @ LCC 2024-03-11.


SUBJECT: REZ-2024-03 Southern Gardens, 4609 Bemiss Rd. 5ac, C-G to P-D,
County Utilities

DATE OF MEETING: March 12, 2024 Work Session/Regular Session


COUNTY ACTION REQUESTED ON: REZ-2024-03 Southern Gardens, 4609 Bemiss Rd. Sac, C-G to P-D, County Utilities

HISTORY, FACTS AND ISSUES: This request represents a change in zoning on the subject property from C-G (General Commercial) zoning to P-D (Planned Development) zoning, in order to develop a 60-unit apartment complex with amenities. The subject property possesses road frontage on Bemiss Road, a state-owned Arterial Road, and is within the Corridor Overlay, Urban Service Area and Neighborhood Activity Center Character Area. Per Comprehensive Plan guidance, Neighborhood Activity Centers “should include a mix of retail, services, and offices to serve residents’ day-to-day needs. Residential development should reinforce the center by locating higher density housing options adjacent to the center, targeted at a broad range of income levels, including multi-family town homes, apartments, and condominiums.”

The neighboring properties along the east, northeast and northwest are zoned P-D, and are comprised of single family, two-family, and multifamily dwellings, with a portion fronting Bemiss Road zoned C-H. The properties to the west and south are vacant commercially zoned parcels, with development potential for high- density residential, office, commercial, or a combination of the three under a planned development approach.

The TRC analyzed the request, the standards governing the exercise of zoning power set forth in 10.01.05 of the ULDC, and factors most relevant to this application, noting the difference in parking proposed by the applicant of one and a half spaces, and the two spaces per dwelling unit of ULDC Table 6.01.03(A), which is allowed per 4.06.02(B). Staff offered alternative design considerations for the site’s layout, aimed at providing greater separation and privacy to the existing 1-story dwellings abutting the property, including relocation of buildings and reductions in height. Staff found the request consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and surrounding land use pattern, and therefore recommended approval

At the GLPC meeting, the applicant spoke in favor, citing their 30 years of experience in developing similar projects in Lowndes County and other parts of the State, and stating that the reduction in parking is based on their experience and target markets, often being single vehicle family units. The opposition raised concerns about decreased property values and the adequacy of the buffering and setbacks on their privacy from the three-story buildings, in addition to a desire for the subject property to remain commercially zoned. The GLPC had a few followup questions for the applicant, before ultimately voting (5-1) to recommend Approval of the request as presented.

The applicants took note of the opposition’s comments, and have revised the layout, relocating the 1-story community building along the western property line adjacent to the Glen Laurel subdivision, and increased the onsite parking to 2 spaces per unit per 6.01.03(A). The TRC reviewed the updated site plan and again found no technical objections.

Patriot’s Place Apartments —112 units, 2 and 3-story buildings

Patriot’s Place Duplexes—32 units

Hamilton Green Townhomes—80 units

Glen Laurel Subdivision—105 single family homes

OPTIONS: 1) Approve
2) Approve with Conditions
3) Table
4) Deny




Below are images of the board materials for this agenda item.


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

REZ-2024-03 Southern Gardens, 4609 Bemiss Rd. 5ac, C-G to P-D, County Utilities

[BUDGET IMPACT: N/A to develop a 60-unit apartment complex with amenities.]
BUDGET IMPACT: N/A to develop a 60-unit apartment complex with amenities.

Crown Real Estate Development Support Letter for Southern Gardens REZ-2024-03

[Total Number of Units: 60 units]
Total Number of Units: 60 units


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!