Tag Archives: Trust indenture

Religious freedom and the neighbors @ LCC 2013-05-14

Apparently concern about a different religion is what it takes to get a Lowndes County Commissioner to speak up for the majority of the neighbors.

Mike Allen, Utilities Director After Utilities Director Mike Allen outlined the case again at the Lowndes County Commission Regular Session 14 May 2013 Commissioner John Page elaborated on his question of the previous morning:

Subdivision? --John Page But the trust deed that we have in our notebook says it’s for the Valdosta Islamic Center Corporation, so this is a, uh, I know they’re calling it the Mercy Community Center, but isn’t this going to be a Muslim worship center instead of a subdivision?

County Planner Jason Davenport responded:

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Why a water system trust indenture? @ LCC 2013-05-13

Commissioners had questions when Utilities Director Mike Allen said a trust indenture was required by the state for any new water system, so if anything fails the trustee can step in and operate it, in this case for Merciful Community Center Trust. This was at yesterday morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session.

Commissioner John Page wanted to know if a site plan had been seen.
A: Nope.

Page also wanted to know if the indenture was for running a pipeline to the site.
A: Nope: it’s for a well.

Commissioner Richard Raines wanted to know whether the indenture was necessary because of the size of the well.
A: Because it’s for a business, not a private residence.

Here’s the video: Continue reading