Tag Archives: Trash

Deep South Solid Waste Authority special called meeting today, 6PM 2019-03-27

Update 2019-03-27: Cancelled.

Not in the public notices, rather as an article, Valdosta Daily Times, 26 March 2019, Deep South holds called meeting,

VALDOSTA — The Deep South Solid Waste Authority will hold a special called meeting, 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 27, at the Southern Georgia Regional Commission office, 327 W. Savannah Ave.

Photo: John S. Quarterman, DSSWA meeting 2019-02-07
Photo: John S. Quarterman, DSSWA meeting 2019-02-07

I have asked for a copy of the agenda. Until it arrives, I can only guess Continue reading

Lighting, Paving, and Trash @ LCC 2019-03-25

Update 2019-03-27: LAKE videos of Monday morning Work Session and Tuesday evening Regular Session.

A single-source no-bid contract with Lovell Engineering is on the agenda for Professional Surveying and Engineering Services for Improvements to Lester Road. The dollar amount is not given in the agenda sheet.

The Basic Decorative Street Lighting District is not the one defered last time (Walker’s Run). They want to charge $61.50 per lot per year.

No special trash collection tax district for Lowndes County, though, although state law explicitly authorizes that. Instead, once again they are renewing curbside trash pickup licenses for ADS and DSS; the latter of course only after the county sued all the way to the state Supreme Court to try to stop it.

Here is the bid sheet from 2012. You may want to compare Veolia’s bid to what its new owner ADS is charging now.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2019, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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Videos: 2 KLVB appointments, lift station pump, 2 rezonings @ LCC 2018-07-10

Scottie Orenstein and Mark Wisenbaker were absent, so they barely had a quorum with three Commissioners: Joyce Evans, Mark Wisenbaker, and Clay Griner, plus Chairman Bill Slaughter, who does not vote unless there is a tie. Spoiler: they passed everything unanimously, except one item.

They took almost 2.5 minutes (less than the five minutes I predicted) on the KLVB appointments. Remember, Tracy Chapman asked for her name to be withdrawn. See previous post about the Work Session for that and what applicant Regina Kimbrough said. And see the agenda post for more about the applicants.

Slightly longer and longest at 2:49 was 6.b. REZ-2018-14 Coventry Villas, Mulligan Rd, followed by 1:32 for 7.d. Ordinance Adopting Current Board of Health Rules, which did not go as planned, and then 1:49 for the other rezoning, 6.a. REZ-2018-13 Sims, Beaver Lane.

Below are Continue reading

Videos: 2 KLVB appointments, lift station pump, 2 rezonings @ LCC 2018-07-09

They vote this evening on what you can see they discussed yesterday morning, in these LAKE videos of the Lowndes County Commission Work Session. They barely had a quorum. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall is never at Work Sessions because he’s at work, and Commissioner Scottie Orenstein was on some beach.

Tracy Chapman asked for her name to be withdrawn from the KLVB appointment. Regina Kimbrough spoke. See previous post for more about the applicants.

Longest at more than 3 minutes was 6.b. REZ-2018-14 Coventry Villas, Mulligan Rd, a rezoning for a planned development, in which Commissioner Clay Griner actually asked a question.

Third longest (after the KLVB item) was the 7.d. Ordinance Adopting Current Board of Health Rules, because of Continue reading

2 KLVB appointments, lift station pump, 2 rezonings @ LCC 2018-07-09

This morning at 8:30 AM at the Work Session and tomorrow at 5:30PM for voting by the Lowndes County Commission, Vivian Miller-Cody wants to be reappointed to Keep Lowndes/Valdosta Beautiful, while Adam Floyd does not. Three people applied for that second slot: Tracy Chapman, Regina Kimbrough, and Travis Morgan). “Three applications… are included”, apparently in the board packet, but not in what is posted with the agenda, so we don’t know who these people are. I would guess Tracy Chapman is the Assistant District Attorney; that Regina Kimbrough is the second grade teacher at Sallas Mahone Elementary School,

Regina Kimbrough
City of Valdosta PR, 2017 Jr. Fire Marshal School of the Year, “Trey Sherwood of Valdosta Insurance Service, sponsor of the Jr. Fire Marshal program, presented the 2017 Jr. Fire Marshal School of the Year awards to Regina Kimbrough (left) of Sallas Mahone Elementary School and to Danielle Gibbs of Pinevale Elementary School.”

and that Travis Morgan is a manager at Best Buy, but I’m only guessing, while the county could just post the applications, like counties in metropolitan areas eleswhere do.

Jason A. Smith, Valdosta Daily Times, 10 April 2018, Volunteers work recycling event, Continue reading

Videos: Day 2, Planning, Lowndes County Commission @ LCC 2018-02-20

These videos are for those of you who have jobs, or responsibilities, which prevent you from taking random days or hours off at a time. Commissioner Marshall was absent from the second day of the retreat because he has a job which does not allow him the flexibility of daytime hours off. (The first day of the retreat was on Presidents Day.)

The topics of discussion ranged from the ever popular litter and trash collection, to special tax districts, fire and emergency response, animal control and the animal shelter, and one of my favorites, electronic records. Most presentations were made either by the county manager or clerk but the current Deep South Solid Waste Authority Chairman Kevin Beals was first up to talk trash.

Below are links to each LAKE video of Day 2, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the LAKE videos of Day 1 and Continue reading

Rescheduled, Deep South Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management Authority 2018-02-07

Julia Shewchuk updated January 19 2018: “The regular meeting of the DSSWA has been rescheduled from January 17, 2018 to Wednesday, February 7, 2018.” The agenda is the same before rescheduling, as below.

Thanks to Larry Hanson, new member to replace him, officers, and audit are on the agenda for next Wednesday for the Deep South Solid Waste Management Authority. Single page, Agenda Still nothing about coal ash from Georgia, Florida, or elsewhere.

See previous post for who’s on this Authority and who gets its grants.


Meeting of the Board of Directors
Deep South Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management Authority
January 17, 2018
February 7, 2018
6:00 PM
Southern Georgia Regional Commission
Valdosta, Georgia

  1. Welcome and Introduction
  2. January 2018 Election of Officers
    • Report by Nominating Committee and Motion:w
  3. January 2018 Nomination of New At-Large Member by Board of Directors
    • Report by Nominating Committee and Motion
  4. Minutes of October 18, 2017 Meeting
    • Draft attached for Review and Motion
  5. Financial Reports Oct — Dec 2017
    • Review and Motion — to be distributed at meeting
  6. Presentation of Annual Audit Report —Denise Rackely
  7. Discussion to decide on a recognition for Larry Hanson for his Services to DSSWA
    • Discussion and Motion
  8. Other Business
  9. Adjourn

Next regular scheduled meeting will be on April 18, 2017, at 6 p.m.

Fax: (229) 333-5312

Phone: (229) 333-5277
327 West Savannah Avenue
Valdosta, Georgia 31601


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

Agenda, Deep South Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management Authority 2018-01-17

Update 2018-02-07: Rescheduled to February 7, 2018.

Thanks to Larry Hanson, new member to replace him, election of officers, and annual audit are on the agenda for next Wednesday for the Deep South Solid Waste Management Authority. Single page, Agenda Still nothing about coal ash from Georgia, Florida, or elsewhere.

See previous post for who’s on this Authority and who gets its grants.


Meeting of the Board of Directors
Deep South Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management Authority
January 17, 2018
6:00 PM
Southern Georgia Regional Commission
Valdosta, Georgia

Continue reading

Agenda, Deep South Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management Authority 2017-04-19

Grants to participating local governments are mostly what’s on the agenda for next Wednesday for the Deep South Solid Waste Management Authority, sent today by Julia Shewchuck of SGRC (PDF).

DSSWA-Agenda--04192017-0001 On the telephone yesterday she clarified that the grants from this Authority mentioned in the Lowndes County Commission Goals meetinng are exclusively available to the seven local governments participating in this Authority. They are: Berrien County, Lanier County, Lowndes County, City of Nashville, City of Lakeland, City of Valdosta, and Echols County CG. She also noted that Echols County was one of the original participants in the authority, even though it had dropped off for a while, and had been added back in a recent year (2014).


Meeting of the Board of Directors
Deep South Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management Authority
April 19, 2017
6:00 PM
Southern Georgia Regional Commission
Valdosta, Georgia
AGENDA Continue reading

Videos: regional T-SPLOST tabled, Trash disposal renewals, another lift station pump, Dasher Streets @ LCC 2017-03-28

They tabled T-SPLOST until their next meeting because they got a complaint from the Chamber about process, and also from others. Remember, even if it gets on the ballot, it can still be voted down again, like in 2012.

Meanwhile, John Stephen, VDT, 7 April 2017, T-SPLOST headed for referendum,

Even though the Lowndes County Commission delayed a vote on the regional T-SPLOST at its last meeting due to local confusion on the one-penny sales tax, enough counties in the area now support the tax (10 out of 18 were needed) to move it forward to a public vote even without the commission’s approval.

In the coming weeks, a regional roundtable of government representatives will determine Continue reading