A veteran said he was concerned about losing our freedoms
right here in Lowndes County because of the Commissions’
recent trash collection decisions,
in yesterday’s
Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission.
Excerpts from what Carl Johnson Jr. said:
As I drove into town today I drove by… Brown’s produce. Right across the way was Mr. Carter’s produce. Both of them same business. Why not just take Mr. Carter’s business, and say, well, we’re going to give it all to Mr. Brown…. We think it’s in the best interests of the county. That’s not the American way of life. Competition in everything is the strength of America….
He said he didn’t know the intricacies of the law,
but he asked the Commission to reconsider.
Attorney for Lowndes County Walter Elliott looked on stone-faced.
County Manager Joe Pritchard, as usual, paid no attention to citizen speakers.
There’s more in the video: Continue reading