Tag Archives: Transparency

Videos: Appointments to Hospital Authority and Parks and Rec + well pump @ LCC 2017-07-11

Two Regular Sessions back, they started with a moment of silence for Mike Everett, recently deceased employee of the Public Works department. The obituary in the VDT, 14 July 2014,

Michael Thomas Everett, a senior heavy equipment operator with Lowndes county and long time resident of Berrien County, GA, died unexpectedly on July 9, 2017 at the age of 58 at his home. Mike was born in Miami, Florida on December 29, 1958 to Hermon J. Everett and Mary C. Everett both deceased and is survived by his loving Step-Mother Nora N. Everett. Mike also known as Mr. Mike to many of his close friends and co-workers was an avid race car fan, loved cooking, enjoyed tending to his many gardens. He also loved music and often played guitar with family and friends. He was a magnet for all dogs taking great care of any that showed up on his doorstep. Mike was a very kind and generous man who will be deeply missed by his family, close neighbors, friends, co-workers and all who knew him. There is no service scheduled at this time.

No surprise on the pump or for the Hospital Authority, but news about Ashley Paulk and VLPRA. They approved everything else unanimously, as they usually do.

Below are links to each LAKE video, with a few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda. There are no LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session, because, they moved it half an hour early and didn’t send a notification. But there is a blog post about one Commissioner’s response to that. The county apparently does video its work sessions, but not that one, and not this Regular Session, either.

Continue reading

West Mims Fire, Construction Board, 3 tax lighting districtcs, mosquitoes, radios, roads, and truck @ LCC 2017-08-07

The most interesting item this morning at 8:30 AM at the Lowndes County Commission Work Session is the Special Presentation by someone unnamed about the West Mims Fire in the Okefenokee Swamp. Apparently they sent some assistance.

The agenda sheet for the appointment to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals says:

Mr. Mike Vickery’s term on the Valdosta-Lowndes County Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals expired on June 30, 2017, leaving a vacant seat. Mr. Tripp Howell has expressed interest in being appointed to the board.

Here is the agenda: Continue reading

Videos: Lake Park Zoning Amendment, Valdosta personal care CUP @ GLPC 2017-06-26

They meet again tonight at 5:30 PM. Last month was a very rare meeting where nobody showed up to speak for or against either item at the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission, June 26, 2017: one zoning change from Lake Park, and one Valdosta rezoning for a “personal care salon” on Woodrow Wilson Drive.

Below are links to each LAKE video followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda. Continue reading

Crowd expected for three rezoning cases @ GLPC 2017-07-31

Three rezoning cases, one in Hahira on W. Stanfill St. and two in Valdosta on Eager Road, may be controversial tonight at 5:30 PM.

Daniel DeMersseman, VDT, 26 July 2017, Planning Commission expects crowd,

“It’s just three properties but they’re not simple ones. Each of these has the potential to bring a crowd,” [Valdosta and Hahira Planning and Zoning Administrator Matt] Martin said.

316 Eager Road, with 318 Eager Rd to its left
Map: Lowndes County Tax Assessors, of 316 Eager Road, with 318 Eager Rd to its left

Here’s the agenda, which the county put on their website after Gretchen called and asked. She will be there with the LAKE video camera. Continue reading

Videos: alias for Val Tech Road, Moody, Library, KLVB, DFCS, Construction Board @ LCC 2017-07-25

They actually spent the most time on the fire pages, but the biggest item was renaming Val Tech Road: they decided not to do that, rather to designate “a portion” of it as Wiregrass Technical College Way or something like that.

For two boards, KLVB and DFCS, they didn’t have an application for one seat, so they left it until the next meeting.

The meeting lasted more than fifteen minutes, so they’ll probably have to pay staff overtime! Below are links to the LAKE video for each item in the agenda, for yesterday morning’s Regular Session, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the LAKE videos of hte previous morning’s Work Session.

Videos: Moody, Library, KLVB, DFCS, Construction Board, renaming Val Tech Road @ LCC 2017-07-24

Below are links to the LAKE video for each item in the agenda, for yesterday morning’s Work Session, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

Videos: Budget, Tax, Sewage Pump Station, Road Abandonment @ LCC 2017-06-27

They unanimously approved everything except the one withdrawn item, and except for the Executive Session, the whole thing took 9 minutes. They meet again 8:30 AM Monday morning 24 July 2017.

Below are links to each LAKE video of the 27 June 2017 Lowndes County Commission Regular Session, with a very few notes, followed by a video playlist. See also the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session including the Zika Presentation by Ken Lowery; and the agenda.

Air Force lobbyists, appointments to four boards, renaming Val Tech Road @ LCC 2017-07-24

The agenda still says 8:30 AM Monday morning for the Work Session, and they have only half an hour left to change it and still comply with state law.

In case anybody has forgotten Moody AFB is by far the biggest employer in these parts, the county wants to hire for $36,000 a year a pair of lobbyists to the Air Force: Parker and Lucy Greene, “to provide consulting services on behalf of Lowndes County to enhance relationships with the Air Force and Department of Defence regarding Moody AFB.”

Parker and Lucy Greene

Kari L. Sands (R.I.P.), VDT, 22 June 2007, Parker Greene honored with award, Continue reading

Videos: Appointments to Hospital Authority and Parks and Rec + well pump @ LCC 2017-07-10

Nope, there are no LAKE videos of yesterday morning’s Work Session, because, remember, they moved the meeting half an hour earlier so when Gretchen showed up it was already over. The county does not video its Work Sessions, so there is no county video, either. Since the Valdosta Daily Times apparently did not run a story (I don’t even know if they had a reporter there), this means you won’t know what the Commissioners discussed nor who else was there Monday morning before they vote this evening at 5:30 PM.

Valdosta City Manager Larry Hanson welcomes new 23d Wing Commander Col. Jennifer Short at the July 10 Change of Command ceremony.
City of Valdosta PR 2017-07-10: Valdosta City Manager Larry Hanson welcomes new 23d Wing Commander Col. Jennifer Short at the July 10 Change of Command ceremony.

Commissioner Scottie Orenstein asked, on facebook, in response to yesterday’s LAKE blog post about the moved meeting: Continue reading

You missed it: Appointments to Hospital Authority and Parks and Rec + well pump @ LCC 2017-07-10

They moved the meeting half an hour earlier, to 8AM. Gretchen, who is signed up to the county’s alert system yet never got any alert about this time change, got there at the usual time and it was over already. It’s listed in their calendar as “8:00 AM – 8:35 AM” but she got there with the LAKE camera before 8:30 and it was already over.

Look closely: 8:00 AM, not 8:30 AM

And on the agenda: two county appointments for the same Hospital Authority that hired a CEO for five years, fired him without cause after two years, and now: Continue reading