Remember, Georgia,
Georgia Power can continue to charge you for
Plant Vogtle 3 and 4 even after they’re canceled,
just like Duke is doing for Levy County in Florida.
Beware: Duke’s idea of a replacement is
a natural gas plant powered by a 36″ pipeline on a 100′ right of way
gashed through Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.
And while Duke customers will get refunds for permanently-closed Crystal River 3,
FL PSC also slid in a new tax:
“promotes community growth through economic development tariffs.”
A tariff is, according to Investopedia:
A tax imposed on imported goods and services. Tariffs are used to restrict trade, as they increase the price of imported goods and services, making them more expensive to consumers. They are one of several tools available to shape trade policy.
Curious how FL PSC redefines restraints on trade as promoting growth.
FL PSC PR of 17 October 2013, PSC Decides Revised Settlement Agreement for Duke Energy Florida, Inc., Continue reading