Would you trust a salesman of failed nukes to sell you a gas plant? Is eminent domain on your property and your community “reasonable and prudent” so Duke can make another bad bet, this time on methane, after Citi GPS and Edison Electric Institute and former FERC Chair Jon Wellinghoff all warned them that solar is going to overtake every other power source within only a few years?
That’s the same Sterling Ivey who announced 2 August 2013 that
Duke’s Levy County nuclear plants were cancelled
Duke Energy Cancels $24.7B Florida Nuke Plant Project,
by Scott Judy).
A few days later,
Florida PSC approved a rate hike to pay for Duke’s
forever-closed Crystal River nuclear plant.
Dave Heller wrote for WTSP
5 August 2013,
Florida regulators OK Duke Energy nuclear rate hike,
“These are reasonable and prudent costs as Continue reading