Southern California Edison knew the new steam generators were defective years before then even installed them in the San Onofre nuclear reactors, acccording to a report just released. These are the generators that failed and caused both San Onofre reactors to shut down. SD Edison wants to restart one of them, and this document came out in that process. Southern Company would never do this, right? We shouldn’t worry about failed concrete or 15, no now 19, months delay while the Georgia legislature won’t even limit charges to Georgia Power customers for cost overruns. Nope, no worries.
Friends of the Earth PR 8 March 2013, San Onofre: Secret Report Confirms Edison Knew of Major Problems; Friends of the Earth: ‘Bombshell’ for plans to restart crippled reactor
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WASHINGTON—March 8—A secret Mitsubishi Heavy Industries report released today confirms that Southern California Edison knew about serious problems in the radically redesigned replacement steam generators for the San Onofre nuclear reactors years before the defective equipment was installed, yet failed to make changes to fix the problems. The report was released today by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission after Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Representative Edward Markey (D-Mass.) revealed its existence and demanded it be made public.
The report documents that Edison knew