In the VDT Community Calendar:
Board of Assessors Special Called meeting, 9 a.m. Oct. 25, 1st floor, Lowndes County Governmental Building, 302 N. Patterson St.
There’s no agenda, and nothing about this on Continue reading
In the VDT Community Calendar:
Board of Assessors Special Called meeting, 9 a.m. Oct. 25, 1st floor, Lowndes County Governmental Building, 302 N. Patterson St.
There’s no agenda, and nothing about this on Continue reading
On their agenda for tomorrow are bonds for Martin’s Famous Pastry Shoppe.
Valdosta-Lowndes Development Authority
Continue reading
Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 5:30 PM
Development Authority Conference Room/103 Roosevelt Drive
Monthly Meeting Agenda
Update 2019-07-21: LAKE videos and still pictures.
Alcohol and the economy, on the agenda for this morning’s Special Called Meeting of the Development Authority. I think I’ll go to see Brad Folsom as the new Mary Gooding.
Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority
Agenda/Special Called Meeting
Wednesday, February 7, 2018, 11:30 am
Industrial Authority Conference Room
103 Roosevelt DriveCall to Order
- For the purpose of voting on amended Economic Development Agreement and Lease Agreement for GA Beer Company
Adjourn Special Called Meeting
Georgia Beer Company’s website says “We are not open for business yet”, but its contact page says “Say hello to the first Georgia brewery in Valdosta.” They also have a facebook page. Neither of which says where they will be located. So, VLCIA, in one of your numerous mostly-empty business parks, or elsewhere?
Looks like GA Beer Co. had a kickstarter fundraiser a couple of years ago, which says they all met at VSU.
Presumably this is the same Community and Economic Development Strategy recently approved by the Lowndes County Commission.
Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!
Back in 1999, Lowndes County made AP news for being
the only Georgia county to miss the deadline to file a service delivery plan and also not to file an extension.
They finally came to
an agreement in 2008 after a lot of wrangling,
The tradition of local government disagreement about
the 1997
HB 489 law requiring lack of duplication of tax-paid services
continued tonight, with a Special Called Meeting.
Caitlyn Chastain, WALBNews10, 11 November 2016,
Valdosta and Lowndes Co. leaders miss deadline for SDS agreement,
Lowndes County leaders are holding a special meeting for citizens to talk about their newest proposal for the city on November 29th.
If I’m not mistaken, they only posted the agenda yesterday. But Gretchen is there with the LAKE video camera. Until they straigten this out, none of them can apply for federal or state grants. Last I heard, Continue reading
Even the Planning Commissioners weren’t told what company “Project Max” is, because
the Development Authority is still bidding the location as one of two
being considered by the company.
See also the
previous update.
Planning Commissioners did have quite a few questions about expansion, appropriate zoning, any potential pollution or contamination, etc.
Naturally, the Planning Commission recommended approval,
so the actual decision will be before the County Commission
next Tuesday evening. Meanwhile, here are links to the LAKE videos of the Planning Commission, with a few notes, followed by a video playlist. Continue reading
We still don’t know what company
might locate on Rocky Ford Road,
but we’re told it’s clean,
needs water to cool its boiler which will be fired by natural gas,
that it rejected Bassford Business Park because of air quality
(too near Sterling Chemical?), and we have the location of the new site,
which turns out to be on
land owned by Langdale Capital Assets, Inc.
Speaking for the rezoning from the Development Authority were Executive Director Andrea Schruijer, Industry Coordinator Stan Crance, and Chairman Tom Call. Every Lowndes County Commissioner was present. When asked how an agenda the same day was enough notice, Lowndes County Planner Jason Davenport said the Special Called Meeting was actually announced in the Valdosta Daily Times last week. Also that the rezoning will only take effect if the Development Authority buys the land first. Gretchen asked a few questions about parking: if the business is going to expand, will there be enough? Someone told Gretchen that the company would have solar power.
We shall see. And you will be able to see this meeting by tomorrow in the LAKE videos Gretchen took. Continue reading
Update 7:30 PM 5 Jan 2016: The land is owned by Langdale, and why not Bassford Business Park.
Henry Manufacturing (the one in Oregon? Decatur, GA?) on the agenda for a Special Called Meeting of the Planning Commission, just announced today, for 5:30 PM today. Apparently the Development Authority thinks it’s landed a big fish and wants a rezoning for it. Which 134 acres on Rocky Ford Road is not clear: there’s no such size tract according to the Tax Assessors’ map.
All the large tracts are owned either by Langdale Company or a Langdale investment corporation. Or it could be out of the 219.99 acre tract owned by the Paine Clarence M. Family Trust or the 187.76 acre tract owned by Griffin LLC. As usual, we the taxpayers are left guessing. Tonight at 5:30 PM maybe we’ll find out. -jsq Continue reading
See the
LAKE video below,
the WALB story by Colter Anstaett
including interviews with Cary Scarborough of Deep South Sanitation
and Steve Edwards of Advanced Disposal Services.
The county
actually posted
the resulting
Solid Waste Ordinance on their
County Ordinances web page (although I don’t see the updated franchise agreement anywhere),
and they even posted the results of that meeting.
Neither the county’s results summary nor WALB mentioned Commissioner Marshall’s
question about recycling glass nor Chairman Slaughter’s response that glass
can be disposed of as ordinary trash, which means they’re not going to recycle it.
Here’s the paper agenda from the meeting and the county’s results summary: Continue reading
On their
but no
it’s another
Special Called Meeting-Solid Waste Management.
Will they talk about
illegal trash dumping?
Why can’t they wait until their regular meetings next week?
Equally mysterious is why
it took almost two months to get back to this after the
two meetings
Here’s their announcement of the meeting this afternoon: Continue reading
Videos of the 9:15 AM 26 January 2015
Special Called Meeting on Solid Waste Management
by the Lowndes County Commission.
There’s another such meeting
today 2-4 PM.
Both ADS and Deep South Sanitation spoke Monday morning, which is a welcome change from the county suing the one on behalf of the other. Rather than give ADS the raise it wants, let’s not forget there is a termination clause in that exclusive franchise. Continue reading