1PM-3PM today, according to
the VDT calendar.
Who’s running it now that
Kay Harris isn’t chair?
And will whoever it is welcome video cameras?
The South Georgia Regional Library Board of Trustees will be meeting Tuesday, March 19 at 1PM in the Folsom Room of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Public Library to conduct regular business.The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend. For more information call 333.0086.
Yes, that says March, but the calendar entry says May 21, today.
And it says “open to the public and all are welcome to attend”.
But are all welcome to record?
Or do all have to
stay inside an 8×4 foot blue rectangle next to a loud air cleaner?
Was that just Kay Harris’ policy and will it change now that she
has resigned as chair and from the board?
If there’s anything about this meeting on the library’s website, I can’t find it.