Tag Archives: Solid Waste

Waste disposal has been decided: when? @ LCC 2012-06-11

The Lowndes County Commission continues to make decisions about waste disposal at meetings to which the public is not invited.

County Manager Joe Pritchard said at yesterday morning’s Work Session:

Mr. Chairman and Commissioners, I’d like to give you an update concerning the sales of the trash cards for use for access to the convenience centers. As we discussed in our retreat as well as in consideration of the budget staff will be having, will have these cards ready by this Friday for sale to the public. Cards will be for a six month period. The cost will be $50 for that six month period. We will not be able to allow those cards to be
[interjection from unknown commissioner: “prorated”]
as we did the previous ones. This will enable us to complete the process that Commissioners asked us to do concerning evaluation of several RFQs and RFPs that we will be presenting to you in the next weeks or months. This will be available this Friday. A notice will be placed [inaudible].

So apparently waste disposal was decided at the 4 June 2012 stealth meeting or at their April retreat at an undisclosed location. We don’t know where our elected officials made this decision about a matter that directly affects us. Apparently what they’ve decided so far is they’re going to buy time to pick one or more waste disposal pickup contractors (“RFQs and RFPs”) by issuing trash collection center cards for only six months at a time instead of a year at a time. And oh by the way they won’t prorate any time if you don’t happen to buy yours Friday. So the Commission continues to move towards privatizing the profits of trash pickup and socializing the losses onto landowners (who have to pay for fences and gates), onto the general public (who have to pay for law enforcement to catch dumpers), and onto those who can’t afford to pay for private dump fees (who will get stuck with fines instead).

Here’s the video:

Waste disposal has been decided: when?
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 11 June 2012.
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE).



Waste disposal decided at stealth Lowndes County Commission meeting? @ LCC 2012-06-04

On today's Work Session agenda, the cancelled 21 May Work Session and 22 May Regular Session are mentioned, but not an unscheduled 4 June 2012 Lowndes County Commission meeting. There is no agenda for it online. It's not in their online calendar, either.

We know about this meeting because of a story by David Rodock in the VDT 5 June 2012, Commission reviews budget proposal,

Commissioners met briefly Monday morning to review the 2013 county budget proposal, which addresses waste management and cost of living increases for county employees.

The whole story is well worth reading, especially since it seems to be the only public record of that public "open" meeting. It includes this paragraph:

“Commissioners also plan to outsource waste management services to a private contractor in the next year. Currently, county residents purchase a card for $100 that allows for annual usage at collection centers. This year, citizens will be able to purchase a six-month card for $50. No firm commitment has been made concerning when the waste management Request for Proposals will be issued, but it's expected before the year's end.”

When did the Commissioners decide this? There's been no such vote recorded in any minutes I've seen. Did they vote at this unannounced and unminuted meeting? If not then, when did they?



Agenda for work session @ LCC 2012-06-11

Better late than never, I suppose; yesterday there was no agenda posted; this morning it’s there: the agenda for this morning’s work session. It does not appear to have anything about waste management. It does have appointments to there boards, a rezoning, and a bunch of for considerations.


WORK SESSION, MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2012, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor
  1. Call to Order
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  4. Minutes for Approval
    1. Work Session — May 7, 2012 (May 21, 2012, Work Session cancelled)
    2. Regular Session — May 8, 2012 (May 22, 2012, Regular Session cancelled)
  5. Appointments
    1. Lowndes County Department of Family and Children Services Board
    2. Public Facilities Authority
    3. South Georgia Community Service Board
  6. Public Hearings – REZ-2012-09 Copeland, 3258 & 3264 Loch Laurel Rd, R-A & R-1 to C-C, well & septic, ~5 acres
  7. For Consideration
    1. Speed Zone Ordinance
    2. Abandonment of a portion of Brinson Drive
    3. Motorola Support Agreement for Offendertrak and PMDC
    4. Nondisclosure Agreement with JMF Solutions, Inc.
    5. Contract with Municipal Code Corporation
    6. Lowndes County Fire Rescue Firehouse Subs Grant
    7. Funding approval for a new Message Switch (Server) for Lowndes County Telecommunications
  8. Bid — SCBA Cylinders
  9. Reports-County Manager
  10. Citizens Wishing to be Heard Please State Name And Address


No agenda for work session: Lowndes County Commission @ LCC 2012-06-11

According to the calendar for the Lowndes County Commission, there are two meetings scheduled Monday morning, 11 June 2011. There's no agenda posted for either of them.

Lowndes County Work Session (6/11/2012)

Lowndes County Board of Commissioners
327 N. Ashley St – Commission Chambers, 2nd Floor Administration Building
Valdosta, GA
8:30 a.m.

This is the first time in a long time there's been no agenda up less than a day before a County Commission Work Session. Rumor has it that they're going to talk about one of the most contentious and ill-planned issues around: solid waste disposal. Is rumor how we the citizens and taxpayers should hear about that?

The other meeting on the calendar for tomorrow is about SPLOST; see other post.


Videos @ LCC 2012 04 10

Your county commission might have a problem with transparency when no item in a voting session takes more than a few seconds longer than the invocation and pledge. Or perhaps a public hearing in which the public is not invited to speak.

Another five minute meeting, like the previous morning’s four (Chairman’s count) or five (VDT’s count) minute work session. They did not spend even one minute on any item of the agenda.

We did get to learn that the cryptic

7.a. Seminole Circle Property

is owned by the county which wants to sell it off. Commissioner Richard Raines even read from Georgia Code the reason why the county could do that without putting it up for bids. If you did have any objection, or maybe you wanted to buy it, you’re too late, because a few seconds after we learned what it was, they sold it off. That was the longest item, at 1 minute and 20 seconds.

They didn’t mention that the subject property is apparently a splinter of a much larger 538.31 acre parcel, 0172 119, which is presumably the “land application site” they referred to. According to the 8 December 2009 minutes they use it as a hay field. After land application of what? Continue reading

Got trash? Need disposal? Good luck.

So, as David Rodock reported this morning in the VDT solid waste management was a discussion topic for Lowndes County Commissioners, even though it wasn’t on yesterday’s work session agenda.

Interesting that a meeting was held after the work session. I was at the work session, camera in hand, and you can see what transpired there with talk of the jail , the possibility of Sunday alcohol package sales, oh and the animal shelter all during the County Manager’s Reports.

Nothing has been said (in public) about solid waste disposal since the public meetings where the pubic was told by Chairman Rod Casey and County Manager Pritchard that the county staff had “examined every option” and there was nothing that the public could possibly suggest that hadn’t already been considered.

The proposed plan (VDT Article August 29, 2008 Lowndes County’s proposed solid waste plan in effect Jan 1) was basically curbside collection (where no vendor could meet the proposed price cap suggested by the county) and what we ended up with was pay for drop off permits (VDT Article May 13, 2009 Solid waste disposal permits now available).

Joe Pritchard remembers those meetings like this (Update 25 Sept 2013 to add reference, “Commissioners want Lowndes out of the trash business” by David Rodock in the VDT 24 May 2011):

“I went through eight public meetings, better described as floggings, where the public just vented every ounce of frustration they ever had relating to solid waste over that time period,” said Joe Pritchard, county manager. “That was not a pleasant process. Yes, we need to come up with a way of notifying the public, but I’m here to tell you, that public meetings is not it.”

So, the problem (disposing of garbage costs money) still exists and the county has known that for years. Yet, here we are on the cusp of a crisis again and Commissioner Raines says

“My mind’s made up and I’m willing to call an emergency meeting tonight if we need to”

Why hasn’t the county been soliciting input during these two years that they knew the system was out of balance? Why must everything be a crisis?
