Tag Archives: sewer

Annual Retreat, Valdosta Mayor and Council @ VCCSummit 2019-03-15

Not on Valdosta’s online calendar yet, but we got this email notice from City Council Tim Carroll, indicating Valdosta wastewater is first on his list to discuss. His number 4 about Internet speed and access is also of interest throughout the county and beyond. As are his other items.


I hope each and everyone of you are having a great start to 2019. As we kick the year off, it is time to begin preparing for the cities annual Mayor and Council retreat.

It will be held March 15 & 16 at the Women’s Building.

When: All day, Friday-Saturday, March 15-16, 2019

Where: The Woman’s Building,
1409 N. Patterson St., Valdosta, GA 31602

What: Annual Retreat, Valdosta Mayor and City Council

The Woman’s Bulding

My current list includes: Continue reading

Videos: Wastewater at Valdosta City Council @ VCC 2019-01-24

A brief agenda was handled quickly by Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Tooley last night at the Valdosta City Council, even with two Citizens to Be Heard and a bunch of Council Comments.

      7. Thanks, Florida speaker --Tim Carroll

The longest item, at almost six minutes, was 4.b-i) Bids for vehicles, because it was eight items rolled into one.

Second longest, at almost four minutes, was Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, who came from Florida to speak in CBTH about Florida effects of Valdosta Sewage. Ms. Tooley stopped her precisely at three minutes, but City Manager Mark Barber took most of a minute thanking her for coming to speak. Council Tim Carroll and Ms. Tooley also thanked the Florida speaker in Council Comments.

Third longest was probably me (jsq) inviting them to paddle and discussing sewage. City Manager Barber before the meeting said he would be sure he would get to Council the information I presented about Valdosta spills over time.

Council Vivian Miller-Cody spoke about a Continue reading

Videos: SCADA and Generators for sewer system lift stations @ VCC 2018-12-06

The longest single item in the one January Valdosta City Council meeting was unscheduled: the surprise statewide Georgia Parks and Rec Volunteer Award and Council Andy Gibbs responding with thanks.

The most contentious rezoning was 4.b. CU-2018-13 Scintilla Charter Academy Conditional Use Permit, to add a Middle School to an Elementary School.

The most-discussed general topic on the agenda was water, with Utility Director Darryl Muse speaking about 5.b. Bids for 10 emergency standby generators for Utilities, 5.c. Bids for water treatment chemicals for Utilities, and 6.b. Purchase SCADA system for Lift Stations and Water Treatment Plants, with frequent questions from Council members. They did bring up the recent major spill at the Withlacoochee Wastewater Treatment Plant.

In Citizens to Be Heard, I told them what Valdosta Utilities hadn’t.

Also in CTBH, John Robinson spoke about how small businesses need to thrive and another speaker said he had been attacked physically by a local business man. Renaming Forrest Street was discussed by Continue reading

Police and Utilities vehicles and other bids @ VCC 2019-01-24

A brief agenda for the Valdosta City Council, mostly consisting of bids for equipment, mostly for the Police Department, plus some for Utilities, Engineering, Fire, and Public Works.

5:30 PM Thursday, January 24, 2019

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Generators and communications for sewer system lift stations @ VCC 2018-12-06

Nothing is on the agenda about the recent major spill at the Withlacoochee Wastewater Treatment Plant for tonight’s Valdosta City Council meeting.

However, there are three other sewage-related Utility Department items: bids for ten emergency standby generators and for water treatment chemicals, and Consideration of a request to purchase a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for Lift Stations and Water Treatment Plants.

Those are all good steps, so lift stations won’t fail due to lack of power, so Valdosta Utilities can know what’s going on in real time (SCADA), and so they can continue testing.

Maybe you’d like to come compliment Valdosta on that much and ask them what they’re doing to prevent WWTP spills, in Citizens to be Heard.

Also tonight, appointments to KLVB, VLCDA, and Valdosta Tree Commission.

5:30 PM Thursday, December 6, 2018

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Neighbors oppose Val Del rezoning @ LCC 2018-10-09

If not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, nor with the water and sewer growth plan, fire and rescue doesn’t want it, and the Planning Commission recommended rejecting it, what does it take for the Lowndes County Commission to reject a zoning, in this case for REZ-2018-17 for The Settlement North, 5999 Val Del Road?

Five hands go up, REZ-2018-17

Only three people were allowed to speak against, of the five whose hands went up.

The developer promised restrictive covenants enforced by nobody but the homeowners. County-imposed conditions on the Nelson Hill development, also on Val Del, were largely waived by county staff without public hearings. What promises should we believe?

Will the developer’s demand to ignore the Comprehensive Plan because of “market conditions, supply and demand” prevail? Do property values of neighbors not matter? How about saddling the county school system with houses priced too low for property taxes on them to cover expenses of sending school buses? Or is profit for a few all that matters?

See the Continue reading

Force Main, appointments * 3, Val Del rezoning @ LCC 2018-10-08

A Val-Tech Road 16" Force Main Emergency Repair with recommendation:

The 16” force main between Coleman Road lift station and James Road has experienced repeated issues with pipe failure. Several repairs have been made on one section near 3624 Val-Tech Road. After detecting another pipe failure along this section staff recommends we replace a 400′ section of the 16” force main. This is an emergency and needs to happen ASAP to prevent a sewage spill. Staff received a quote from RPI for $99,935.00. Staff recommends the emergency repair be approved for $99,935.00 from RPI.

I think everyone would be in favor of fixing that recurring leak, near the green dot at the top of this map.

VALORGIS Lowndes County Sewer Line, Val Tech Road
VALORGIS Map → Streams Waterbodies plus Utilities Service Areas and Lowndes County Sewer Line.

Plus the annual USGS Funding Agreement for Hwy 122 Stream Gauge, on the agenda for this morning. Also appointments to three boards, as usual with no previous public invitation to apply: Linda Most reappointment to the Lowndes County Library Board, Clay Griner reappointment to the Lowndes County Public Facilities Authority, and Jim Scruggs reappointment to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals.

A a subdivision rezoning: The Settlement North, 5999 Val Del Road. GLPC voted 5-2-1 against and of TRC only Engineering wanted approval, with the rest saying:

Overall Planning and Zoning found this request inconsistent with with the Comprehensive Plan. Utilities found that development in that area is not supported by the County Water System Growth Plan.

And road abandonment, and quit claims for another road.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2018, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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Hahira annexation, Orvis McNeal Estate, 2018-08-01 @ LCC 2018-08-14

The board packet materials for the proposed Hahira annexation and rezoning of the Orvis McNeal Estate on US 41 at the north edge of Hahira are on the LAKE website. Sabrina Denson sent them at 2:18 PM today. All I asked for was before the County Commission meeting today, so this is what County Clerk Paige Dukes agreed to do when I asked her yesterday morning.

[Tax Parcels Aerial]
Tax Parcels Aerial

Or is it? The agenda “Amended Aug 13, 2018 9:04 AM” has both the annexation and rezoning in item 6.k, and another item 6.l about extraterritorial water and sewer. Nothing was received from the county about Continue reading

Budget, LMIG, tractor, truck, 3 sewer items @ VCC 2018-06-21

On the Valdosta City Council agenda this Thursday, a budget public hearing (no agenda nor draft budget linked for that), and a bunch of bids, including three about the sewer system, ioncluding sewer lines on Iola Drive, manhole rehabilitation, and the Cured-In-Place-Pipe (CIPP) Lining Project. Here’s the Invitation to Bid for CIPP.

Maybe this kind of Sewer System Imprrovements is why Valdosta has not had a major spill in a hear and a half, while Tifton continues to spill. Also, over on the Flint River, Albany recently spilled quite a bit. Don’t worry: if Valdosta spills again, you’ll hear about it.

5:30 PM Thursday, June 21, 2018

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Videos: No Opioid No Probation Military Utility @ LCC 2018-04-24

They would have managed less than four minutes, even with chatting with Leadership Lowndes in the audience, including 45 seconds on the only substantial agenda item, 6 a. Grant Of Easement for Utility Right of Way Moody-Azalea Commons (aka Moody Family Housing).

2013-07-29 GLPC Packet-007 REZ-2013-09 Moody Family Housing
2013-07-29 GLPC Packet-007 REZ-2013-09 Moody Family Housing
Note the big sinkhole in Phase 2.

But citizen Jacinta Howell talked about traffic safety. Let’s remember the immortal words of former Chairman Ashley Paulk during a rezoning near Bemiss Road:

I’m not going to argue Bemiss Highway, it’s not a pertinent fact.

Below are Continue reading