Tag Archives: SetterPointe

Agenda: Jails, grants, hazards, roads, and Clyattville Park Community Center @ LCC 2020-05-26

No Lowndes County Commission agenda would be complete without another of these, in the agenda for zero dollars, but will cost taxpayers much more in subdivisions in the future: Approve Purchasing ROW and Drainage Easement for Clyattstone Rd.-Simpson Ln. TSPLOST Paving Project.

[Clyattstone Road]
Clyattstone Road in Lowndes County Tax Assessors map, connecting Old US 41 N and Val Del Road, where REZ-2020-03 Wetherington Property, Val Del Road RA to PD was already approved for another subdivision, across from Nelson Hill.

They vote tonight at 5:30 PM.

Three years ago they chose among bids for the Naylor Community Center, but for the Architectural Services for A New Community Center for Clyattville Park they’re using the same architect with no bids.

The Lowndes County Commission will be spending the least taxpayer dollars tonight of any recent session.

$62,045.00 Motorola Maintenance and Support Agreement for Jail Software
$28,000.00 (Estimated) Architectural Services for A New Community Center for Clyattville Park
$20,000 Service Agreement with SGRC for Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
$1085.00 Approve Purchasing ROW and Drainage Easement for Clyattstone Rd.-Simpson Ln. TSPLOST Paving Project
$ 0 Adopt Resolution Accepting Infrastructure for SetterPointe Subdivision, Phase II

What’s this? Adopt The Language Access Plan and Resolution for Federal Funded Grants? Continue reading