Tag Archives: Safety

Hunter rezoning, insurance, objections to rejection of Beasley rezoning @ LCC Regular 2022-07-26

Last month at the Lowndes County Commission, the Hunter rezoning acreage was finally resolved, the rejected Beasley rezoning came back in Citizens Wishing to Be Heard, and the Alapaha Plantation water filtration system still doesn’t work after a year.

[Hunter, Insurance, CWTBH]
Hunter, Insurance, CWTBH

Even the property owners didn’t know whether 6.a. REZ-2022-13 Hunter Property was for rezoning 2 or 7 acres. Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker resolved the issue by Continue reading

Videos: Juvenile Justice, Manholes, Tax Appeals Module, Subdivision lighting @ LCC 2022-08-22

Update 2022-09-14: Videos: Millage, tax assessment, 3 utilities, ZBOA, Juvenile Justice @ LCC 2022-08-23.

Update 2022-09-13: Videos: slides @ LCC Millage 2022-08-23.

A Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Grant was the longest item at yesterday morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session, followed by manhole improvements. The manholes will cost $439,836.00, but the grant will provide money to the county.

The two millage items taking no more than 18 seconds each, with presentation deferred to the 5PM Public Hearing today. They vote on all these items at 5:30 PM this evening.


Two technical items took Continue reading

Videos: Rezoning, Roads, Communications, Water leak @ LCC Regular 2022-08-09

The Lowndes County Commission took seventeen minutes to do the people’s business at its Regular Session, Tuesday, August 9, 2022.


The Flannigan rezoning was withdrawn by the applicant. Perhaps they thought that without a more complete plan, the rezoning would be denied and then they couldn’t come back for a year. By withdrawing, they do not have to wait to come with a new, more complete proposal.

The Boring Pond Lane abandonment actually had a speaker for, who Continue reading

Packet: Rezoning, Roundabout, Abandonment, Subdivision @ LCC 2022-08-08

Update 2022-08-22: Packet: Walkers Crossing @ LCC 2022-08-08

Update 2022-08-22: Videos: Rezoning, Roads, Communications, Water leak @ LCC Regular 2022-08-09.

Here is the board packet for the August 8, 2022, Work Session and the August 9, 2022, Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission, received in response to a LAKE open records request.

[Rezoning, Roundabout, Abandonment, Subdivision]
Rezoning, Roundabout, Abandonment, Subdivision

The packet is on the LAKE website.

See also the agenda and the LAKE videos of the Work session.

Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!


Almost a million dollars @ LCC 2022-08-22

Update 2022-08-22: Videos: Juvenile Justice, Manholes, Tax Appeals Module, Subdivision lighting @ LCC 2022-08-22.

Update 2022-08-26: Packet: Juvenile Justice, Manholes, Tax Appeals Module, Subdivision lighting @ LCC 2022-08-22.

The big item involves keeping ahead of sewer system problems to avoid sewage spills: “Lowndes County was awarded a Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) loan for lift station and manhole improvements. Staff identified approximately 100 manholes that need rehab and improvements, including structural repairs and coating the interiors. The project was advertised and bids accepted for the work. Two bids were received, one from Gulf Coast Underground for $1,508,450.00 and one from RPI for $439,836.00. Staff recommends approval and authorizes the Chairman to sign the contract with RPI, Inc. for $439,836.00.”


They will Continue reading

Videos: Valdosta City Council 2022-08-11

Council Sandra Tooley brought up some interesting issues in the last five minutes of the August 11, 2022, Valdosta City Council meeting.

[Council Sandra Tooley requests Executive Session about personnel and trash]
Council Sandra Tooley requests Executive Session about personnel and trash

The Mayor said they had a request for an Executive Session, and asked for a motion. Council Tim Carroll wondered why.

Council Sandra Tooley explained, “Citizens have come to me, and they have this thing they like to say, that we do not have enough staff, that we’re short on staff, that we’re not getting things done.”

See for yourself in this excerpt of Valdosta’s own facebook live video of the meeting. Continue reading

Videos: REZ-2022-09 Flannigan, James Road, Walkers Crossing Roundabout, $516,710 communications @ LCC Work 2022-08-08

Update 2022-08-22: Rezoning, Roundabout, Abandonment, Subdivision @ LCC 2022-08-08.

Some hard-to-see plans were projected for the Flannigan James Road and Smith Street rezoning, but they are merely speculative and would not bind the developer, while they would bind the Commission to the C-G zoning, so you can hear and see in these LAKE videos of yesterday morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session. They vote this evening at 5:30 PM in the Regular Session.

[REZ-2022-09 Flannigan plans]
REZ-2022-09 Flannigan plans

There was little new about the other agenda items. Except Continue reading

REZ-2022-09 Flannigan, James Road, Walkers Crossing Roundabout, Boring Pond Lane, West Schoolhouse Pond Subdivision @ LCC 2022-08-08

Update 2022-08-09: Videos: REZ-2022-09 Flannigan, James Road, Walkers Crossing Roundabout, $516,710 communications @ LCC Work 2022-08-08.

This morning at the Work Session, for voting tomorrow evening at the Regular Session, the Flannigan James Road rezoning is back on the Lowndes County Commission Agenda, after being tabled May 16, 2022. Looks like county staff have worked around to supporting it this time; don’t know what the neighbors who petitioned against it think.

[Flannigan James Road rezoning back again]
Flannigan James Road rezoning back again

There’s also a GDOT maintenance agreement for the Walkers Crossing Roundabout, the second reading of the Abandonment of a Portion of Boring Pond Lane, and adopting water and sewer infrastructure for West Schoolhouse Road Subdivision, which “is located in the Lake Park area off of Schoolhouse Pond Road, Payton Place, Burnt Pine Drive, and Timber Wind Circle and has a total of 31 lots.”

The county as usual pretends none of the above will cost anything. The two big budget items are for communications: Continue reading

Packet: Staff says growth over agriculture and forestry for Miller Bridge R-A Rezoning @ GLPC 2022-01-31

Update 2022-01-31: Dasher packet item: 10 minutes from SGRC vs. too many days from Lowndes County @ GLPC 2022-01-31.

Lowndes County staff says “existing development pattern and growth of the community” is more important than agriculture and forestry for 6. REZ-2022-03 Windy Hill Subdivision, 7532 Miller Bridge Rd., 0010 022, ~34 ac., E-A to R-A on the agenda for the Monday, January 31, 2022, meeting of the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission. Nevermind the surrounding community overwhelmingly opposes this rezoning and it is the Lowndes County Commission (and the Chamber and others) causing this “pattern and growth” heading north into places it should not go and that the county will never be able to collect enough property taxes to support school buses, fire trucks, and Sheriff calls.

Also, they’ve found one R-1 lot nearby and apparently the Rural Residential Character Area on Morven Road counts heavily as “proximity to the Rural Residential Character Area”. And they’ve ignored numerous requirements of the Comprehensive Plan for for the Agriculture/Forestry/Conservation Character Area, as well as what used to be a hard-no county road safety requirement.

In case you had any doubt, this rezoning is not just about this case, it is about the “precedent set by this case for other similarly sized and located properties in Lowndes County.”

[REZ-2022-03: Miller Bridge Road, E-A to -RA]
REZ-2022-03: Miller Bridge Road, E-A to -RA

Here is the main text of the agenda sheet for this rezoning. I have boldfaced certain phrases and interleaved the relevant maps from the board packet.


Videos: Comprehensive Plan, rezonings, tower, Hospital Authority, elections @ LCC 2021-11-09

All the main items breezed by unanimously, including the Comprehensive Plan and the Hospital Authority re-appointment of Ben Copeland, at the Lowndes County Commission Regular Session, November 9, 2021.

The only things taking longer than three minutes were the County Manager’s Report and Citizens Wishing to Be Heard about how the Board of Elections is appointed and funded.

[Comprehensive Plan, Communications Tower, Manager's Report, Electios]
Comprehensive Plan, Communications Tower, Manager’s Report, Electios

Below are LAKE videos of each agenda item with a few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session, the agenda and Board packet, and, for the rezonings and the tower, the LAKE videos of the preceding Planning Commission meeting.

For the Comprehensive Plan, see also the LAKE videos of the preceding Comprehensive Plan Update Meeting 2 and the Character Area Maps for it, the Lowndes County Commission Regular Session before that, and the quite lengthy first Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing.