Update 2022-01-31:
Dasher packet item: 10 minutes from SGRC vs. too many days from Lowndes County @ GLPC 2022-01-31.
Lowndes County staff says “existing development pattern and growth of the community”
is more important than agriculture and forestry
6. REZ-2022-03 Windy Hill Subdivision, 7532 Miller Bridge Rd., 0010 022, ~34 ac.,
E-A to R-A
on the agenda
for the Monday, January 31, 2022, meeting of the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission.
Nevermind the surrounding community overwhelmingly opposes this rezoning and it is the Lowndes County Commission
(and the Chamber and others) causing this “pattern and growth” heading north into places it should not go
and that the county will never be able to collect enough property taxes to support school buses, fire trucks, and Sheriff calls.
Also, they’ve found one R-1 lot nearby and apparently the Rural Residential Character Area on Morven Road counts heavily as
“proximity to the Rural Residential Character Area”.
And they’ve ignored numerous requirements of the Comprehensive Plan for for the Agriculture/Forestry/Conservation Character Area,
as well as what used to be a hard-no county road safety requirement.
In case you had any doubt, this rezoning is not just about this case, it is about the
“precedent set by this case for other similarly sized and located properties in Lowndes County.”
REZ-2022-03: Miller Bridge Road, E-A to -RA
Here is the main text of the
agenda sheet for this rezoning.
I have boldfaced certain phrases and interleaved the relevant maps from the board packet.
HISTORY, FACTS AND ISSUES: Continue reading →