Tag Archives: Safety

Why should we let this foreign corporation, Sabal Trail, run roughshod over us? –Jim Parker @ LCC 2014-11-11

10. CWTBH - James J. Parker “Why do we have to kneel before their wishes? How is it that a single foreign corporation can have greater power and say than the hundreds of property owners and their supporters?” asked Jim Parker in the 11 November 2014 Lowndes County Commission Regular Session. Continue reading

Pipeline neighbor in Berrien County, Georgia on WALB TV

Most of the neighbors were camera-shy, but I found one for Colter Anstaett to interview for WALB.

Dave Miller wrote for WALB TV 7:26 PM EST 6 November 2014, Nashville city clears residential gas use, businesses asked to wait, which apparently was originally entitled “Gas must be conserved in Nashville”, by Colter Anstaett 11:20 AM 6 November 2014,

300x165 Evacuation in Berrien County, in Pipeline Break in Berrien County --WALB TV, by Colter Anstaett, 6 November 2014 BERRIEN CO., GA (WALB) — The City of Nashville says residential customers can resume normal natural gas use, after they asked all gas customers to conserve gas in the wake of a ruptured line.

Commercial business customers were still asked to conserve gas use Thursday night, according to Dawn Morrison with the City.

300x166 Elizabeth Cherry lives next door, in Pipeline Break in Berrien County --WALB TV, by Colter Anstaett, 6 November 2014 Resident Elizabeth Cherry said Continue reading

Pipeline break in Berrien County, Georgia

300x225 Berrien County Sheriff, GDOT, city of Nashville, Kinder Morgan trucks, in Berrien break, by John S. Quarterman, 6 November 2014 “Like a bomb going off,” said the evacuated neighbor. Like a waterfall, was the sound by the time I got there about 11:20 AM EST, tipped off by a friend with a 911 radio. Several Kinder Morgan trucks were parked on Bradford Road, with KM personnel standing near the leak.

600x450 The break in the ditch across from 986 Bradford Road, in Berrien break, by John S. Quarterman, 6 November 2014
The break in the ditch across from 986 Bradford Road

According to PHMSA’s NPMS Public Map Viewer, the pipeline operator is Continue reading

A Hazardous Sabal Trail to LNG Export

Here are the slides for the talk I gave at the Alabama Sierra Club Retreat 1 November 2014.

The outline, with links to supporting evidence:

Afterwards, somebody asked me if there was a study on LNG exports driving up domestic natural gas prices. Turns out there is, requested by LNG-export-authorizing Office of Fossil Energy from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. EIA’s summary of 29 October 2014: Continue reading

Sabal Trail pipeline disruptive for what gain? –Valdosta Today

The same Monday that the Dougherty County Commission passed a resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline, Valdosta Today editorialized against it.

S.E. (Chip) Harp, Valdosta Today Editor, 27 October 2014, Proposed Pipeline will Disrupt south Georgia, but for What Gain?,

SASSER — The proposed (and likely) Sabal Trail natural gas pipeline will impact most residents in south Georgia, bringing additional natural gas supplies to Florida “while increasing the diversity and reliability of the region’s energy-delivery system and positively impacting the economy in the Southeast, specifically Alabama, Georgia and Florida”, per Sabal Trail reports.

However, as has been seen already, it will also have a negative impact on many area businesses, landowners and residents, especially agricultural-based businesses. One of those affected is produce and Continue reading

WCTV on Sabal Trail pipeline activism

300x151 Sabal Trail Right of Way, in One Year After Sabal Trail Announces Pipeline Plans, Activists Begin Monthly Protests, by WCTV, 21 October 2014 Going on a year after Sabal Trail opened an office in Valdosta, WCTV used the latest protests to do a retrospective.

Winnie Wright reported for WCTV today, 22 October 2014, One Year After Sabal Trail Announces Pipeline Plans, Activists Begin Monthly Protests,

Time may have passed, but opinions haven’t changed much here in Valdosta, where people..who are against the pipeline say there are countless reasons why it doesn’t belong in their backyards.

300x154 Gretchen Quarterman, in One Year After Sabal Trail Announces Pipeline Plans, Activists Begin Monthly Protests, by WCTV, 21 October 2014 “There’s a moral obligation to leave the world as beautiful and majestic as we found it, and the pipeline; it does not do that”, says Gretchen Quarterman, President of the Lowndes County Democratic Party.

LCDP statement against the pipeline.

WCTV video: Continue reading

Protest today against Sabal Trail pipeline

It’s a bad week for Sabal Trail and its proposed fracked methane pipeline, with three back-to-back protests today alone (March and Protest in Valdosta, GA plus Development Authority meeting, and Protest at Sabal Trail Open House in Jasper, FL, plus Hamilton and Suwannee County Commission meetings) after one yesterday (at Albany Open House and Dougherty County Commission) and more to come. Continue reading

The Case of the Six Missing Screams: Nydia Tisdale’s video edited by sheriff’s office?

It looks like the “public” Pumpkin Farm Republican campaign rally headlined by Gov. Nathan Deal not only caused a citizen journalist to be roughed up and evicted, and her camera taken, apparently the local law edited her video recording to remove the sound of her screams.

Jim Galloway wrote 22 September 2014, The Case of the Six Missing Screams,

You’ll remember Tisdale as the citizen-journalist from Roswell who was arrested in August at a GOP rally at a pumpkin farm in Dawsonville for pointing a video recorder at candidates. Which is what she does.

In front of the top of the GOP ticket, including Gov. Nathan Deal, Tisdale was grabbed — then roughed up. Her camera was Continue reading

Videos: Transportation, Water, Safety, and Alcohol @ LCC 2014-09-23

300x255 2100 East Hill Avenue, in GDOT option at Clay, Hollywood, and US 84, by John S. Quarterman, 23 September 2014 Commissioner Demarcus Marshall recused himself in the Regular Session of 23 September 2014, for the Public Safety Radio System System Upgrade, in case anybody thought a Motorola VP with the same last name was related. (Update 11:10 AM: added transcription of the three-part motion.) Rental leases for the Leila Ellis Social Services Building got more discussion. They added VOCA-funded VWMAP and GDOT at Clay and Hollywood (from the previous morning’s Executive Session), that the Tax Assessor’s database says is owned by the School Board, to the amended agenda. Everything else, including the USGS water level gauge on the Little River, was breezed through with no discussion, so fast the Chairman almost forgot to ask for speakers in an alcohol license public hearing, and he didn’t bother to mention before they adjourned that nobody had signed up for Citizens Wishing to Be Heard.

Here’s the amended agenda with links to the videos and a few notes, followed by a playlist. See also the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session and Board Packet.

327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
Continue reading

Board Packet @ LCC 2014-09-22

Here is the board packet for yesterday morning’s Work Session. Notice it does not have anything about reporting on services provided or number of citizens serviced for the Leila Ellis leases, and no contracts at all for the Public Safety Radio System Upgrade. And nothing at all about the non-even-on-the-agenda Victim Witness Program renewal. Maybe those items will be added to the board packet Commissioners get before they vote tonight at 5:30 PM. Here are videos of their Work Session from yesterday morning, at which Commissioners Marshall and Powell made it clear they would like to see some additional items.

At least this packet cost a lot less ($7.80) than the last one.
