Tag Archives: Sabal Trail Transmission

SONAT pipeline break in Berrien County, GA on offshoot of same line Sabal Trail proposes to parallel –John S. Quarterman to FERC

300x225 The break in the ditch across from 986 Bradford Road, in Berrien break, by John S. Quarterman, 6 November 2014 “The SONAT pipeline that broke in Berrien County, Georgia was only a 9- or 10-inch line, I’m told at 800PSI. Sabal Trail proposes a 36-inch line, at much higher pressure. I’m no expert, but that seems like at least twenty times the explosive capacity. I don’t want that risk for any of my neighbors anywhere.”

Filed with FERC 15 November 2014 (PDF), posted by FERC 17 November 2014 as Accession Number: 20141117-5040. Continue reading

Keystone XL pipeline rejected in U.S. Senate

We are all Indians to the fossil fuel cowboys, but this time the Indians won. The U.S. Senate yesterday rejected the Keystone XL pipeline. It won’t end there, but it should, because solar power is cheaper, faster, cleaner, and actually does bring jobs to the U.S.

Picture from US Uncut

Of course, TransCanada has a backup plan for getting its dirty Alberta tar sands oil to overseas market: a pipeline entirely through Canada to New Brunswick. Which means the past several years of TransCanada insistence that Keystone XL was necessary was just so much bs. Which indicates how much we should believe other Keystone XL claims, such as those about jobs the pipeline would supposedly create.

Source: Reuters

Angelo Young, International Business Times, 8 October 2014, No Keystone XL Pipeline? No Problem, Says Canadian Firm Planning To Send Crude East Instead Of South, Continue reading

China, U.S., and Russia energy deals: bad news for Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline?

The U.S. and China made a historic deal on climate change this week. Here’s the good (it’s real, it’s huge, and it’s positive economically for both countries), the bad (nuclear is first on the list of those “clean energy” sources), and the ugly. Also this week China made a second huge natural gas deal with Russia: what does that mean to the current U.S. push for LNG exports, including the proposed Sabal Trail pipeline gouge through Georgia?

The Deal

Rebecca Leber, The New Republic, 12 November 2014, The World Has Waited for the U.S. and China to Take Action on Climate Change. They Just Did.

President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced on Wednesday commitments to reduce both countries’ greenhouse gas emissions. The surprise announcement, which came while Obama visits Beijing this week, is the clearest sign yet the two countries are serious on climate change.

After months of negotiations Continue reading

Pass a resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline –Michael Noll @ LCC 2014-11-11

10. CWTBH - Michael Noll Repeat speaker Dr. Michael Noll asked the Commissioners to do what Dougherty County has done and pass a resolution against the unnecessary and hazardous Sabal Trail pipeline, in the 11 November 2014 Lowndes County Commission Regular Session.

Video. Like the previous speaker, Dr. Noll asked everyone there about this topic to stand up, and about 30 people did. Continue reading

People are concerned and you have a voice –Robbie Dixon @ LCC 2014-11-11

10. CWTBH - Robbie Dixon A first-time speaker against the Sabal Trail pipeline demonstrated there was opposition and reminded us all we have a voice, and asked the Lowndes County Commission to speak up as well, in the 11 November 2014 Lowndes County Commission Regular Session.

Video. Robbie Dixon said he had been approached by their contractors asking to reroute the pipeline onto his property, which would take about half his property. He asked anybody in the audience who was there about Sabal Trail to stand up. About 30 people did. He said he did that because there are a lot of rumors that only a few people were concerned. He said there was no local benefit to landowners, and any potential tax benefit to the county shouldn’t be considered without consideration of the ill effects to landowners. Continue reading

Why should we let this foreign corporation, Sabal Trail, run roughshod over us? –Jim Parker @ LCC 2014-11-11

10. CWTBH - James J. Parker “Why do we have to kneel before their wishes? How is it that a single foreign corporation can have greater power and say than the hundreds of property owners and their supporters?” asked Jim Parker in the 11 November 2014 Lowndes County Commission Regular Session. Continue reading

Videos: Pipeline, agriculture, lighting, appointments, and parks @ LCC 2014-11-11

300x111 Full house, in Lowndes County Commission Regular Session, by Gretchen Quarterman, 11 November 2014 Update 2014-11-17: board packet.

Three citizens spoke against the unnecessary and hazardous Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline. Several Commissioners even spoke up in Other Business, turning it into de facto Commisioner Comments. But none of them called for a resolution or ordinance against the pipeline.

The subdivision rezoning still got no objections, while the rezoning for agricultural use got massive objections and a compromise solution.

The emergency security monitor replacement is, you guessed it, Continue reading

Pipeline neighbor in Berrien County, Georgia on WALB TV

Most of the neighbors were camera-shy, but I found one for Colter Anstaett to interview for WALB.

Dave Miller wrote for WALB TV 7:26 PM EST 6 November 2014, Nashville city clears residential gas use, businesses asked to wait, which apparently was originally entitled “Gas must be conserved in Nashville”, by Colter Anstaett 11:20 AM 6 November 2014,

300x165 Evacuation in Berrien County, in Pipeline Break in Berrien County --WALB TV, by Colter Anstaett, 6 November 2014 BERRIEN CO., GA (WALB) — The City of Nashville says residential customers can resume normal natural gas use, after they asked all gas customers to conserve gas in the wake of a ruptured line.

Commercial business customers were still asked to conserve gas use Thursday night, according to Dawn Morrison with the City.

300x166 Elizabeth Cherry lives next door, in Pipeline Break in Berrien County --WALB TV, by Colter Anstaett, 6 November 2014 Resident Elizabeth Cherry said Continue reading

Pipeline break in Berrien County, Georgia

300x225 Berrien County Sheriff, GDOT, city of Nashville, Kinder Morgan trucks, in Berrien break, by John S. Quarterman, 6 November 2014 “Like a bomb going off,” said the evacuated neighbor. Like a waterfall, was the sound by the time I got there about 11:20 AM EST, tipped off by a friend with a 911 radio. Several Kinder Morgan trucks were parked on Bradford Road, with KM personnel standing near the leak.

600x450 The break in the ditch across from 986 Bradford Road, in Berrien break, by John S. Quarterman, 6 November 2014
The break in the ditch across from 986 Bradford Road

According to PHMSA’s NPMS Public Map Viewer, the pipeline operator is Continue reading

A Hazardous Sabal Trail to LNG Export

Here are the slides for the talk I gave at the Alabama Sierra Club Retreat 1 November 2014.

The outline, with links to supporting evidence:

Afterwards, somebody asked me if there was a study on LNG exports driving up domestic natural gas prices. Turns out there is, requested by LNG-export-authorizing Office of Fossil Energy from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. EIA’s summary of 29 October 2014: Continue reading