Tag Archives: rezoning

1 Hahira, 4 Valdosta, 2 County one wants to go backwards @ GLPC 2017-01-30

Nine cases (Hahira, Valdosta, Lowndes County) and one of the county cases wants to go “backwards” to agricultural zoning, Parcel 0167 098A on tonight’s Planning Commission agenda.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park

Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue
Monday, January 30, 2017 * 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing

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Videos: 7 county cases, 2 city rezonings, an LDR and a CUP @ GLPC 2016-11-28

Seven of these eleven cases are on the Lowndes County Commission agenda this morning after being heard by the Planning Commission two weeks ago.

One item took almost an hour: REZ-2016-19 Turnberry at Thompson Old US41N/Thompson @ GLPC. Two others took almost half an hour each: REZ-2016-24 Martin – 3824 Newsome Road @ GLPC and REZ-2016-23 Branham Project, which was back again from last year and finally passed this time, 6-2. Those were the last of the Lowndes County cases, after which most of the crowd exited the packed house. At the end of the meeting they re-elected their same officers.

Here are links to each LAKE video of the items, in the order Continue reading

7 county cases, 2 city rezonings, an LDR and a CUP @ GLPC 2016-11-28

Eleven cases on the busiest the agenda for the Planning Commission in a long time, with a packed house, plus election of Chair and Vice Chair.


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Videos: funded flood map, Behavioral Health Board still vacant, Rezoning also on GLPC Monday, road abandonment, land exchange @ LCC 2016-07-26

On July 26th 2016, they approved up to $40,000 for the Withlacoochee River Flood Inundation Map Project, and I thanked them for that and for considering my modest suggestion. The County Manager, unlike the previous morning, did not mention it’s time for scheduling meetings to set millage rates. Still no applicant for the Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Board, but Commissioner Joyce Evans thought she had a prospect for later.

They approved the event center rezoning which also sailed by the previous night’s Planning Commission.

Below are links to each LAKE video with a few notes, followed by a video playlist. See also Continue reading

Videos: Vacant seat Behavioral Health Board, Rezoning also on GLPC Monday, road abandonment, land exchange, and flood map project @ LCC 2016-07-25

They didn’t have an applicant for the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities at Monday morning’s Work Session; Chairman Bill Slaughter invited anyone who wanted to apply to speak up. The Withlacoochee River Flood Inundation Map Project had the longest discussion, and the County Manager reminded everyone it’s time for scheduling meetings to set millage rates. They vote tonight at 5:30 PM; see Continue reading

Vacant seat Behavioral Health Board, Rezoning also on GLPC Monday, road abandonment, land exchange, and flood map project @ LCC 2016-07-25

Public hearings for the event center rezoning and the Abandonment of a Portion of Worthington Triangle are on the agenda for the Monday morning Work Session and for voting in the Tuesday evening Regular Session. That rezoning is also (back) on Planning Commission agenda for Monday evening.

And back on the County Commission agenda is the Withlacoochee River Flood Inundation Map Project; see LAKE videos from the previous County Commission meetings, and a modest suggestion.

Also in water, another LAS Pump Motor Repair and a Foxborough Pressure Reducing Valve/Vault. It was actually an LAS pump control panel last month.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, JULY 25, 2016, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2016, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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No agenda for Planning Commission Work Session @ GLPC 2016-05-23

On Lowndes County’s website there’s no agenda for tonight’s Planning Commission Work Session, Notice of Public Hearing Sign, thanks to Barbara Stratton even though the City of Valdosta’s calendar lists that Work Session for 5:30 PM Monday May 23rd 2016 at South Health District Administrative Office (former Lowndes County Administration Building), 325 W Savannah Ave, Valdosta, GA 31601. Presumably the Hahira rezonings and annexation will be discussed. And will County Manager Joe Pritchard say this morning at 8:30 AM at the Lowndes County Work Session that he has received an annexation letter from Hahira?

Neither of these Monday meetings are public hearings: the public can attend, but can not speak. See previous post for when the public hearings are.


No to Brookhaven rezoning @ Lake Park 2014-05-06

After the Planning Commission meeting of 31 March 2014 and the Lake Park City Council meeting of 1 April 2014, and a special public hearing, the Lake Park City Council voted 3 to 1 to deny the Brookhaven apartment building rezoning.

Mayor Eric Schindler’s statement about how the hornet’s nest of the Brookhaven rezoning LP-2014-02-26, or any rezoning, is a process and not a snap decision is well worth watching.

The City of Lake Park does not appear to have posted an agenda, or at least where I expected to find it there are no details. Below are links to the videos in the order items appeared at the Lake Park City Council Regular Session of May 6th 2014, with a few notes.

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Rezoning for another industrial park? @ VCC 2013-11-07

Why is the Valdosta City Council considering annexing and rezoning land for VLCIA that the Industrial Authority apparently doesn’t even own? Revolving loans, railroad, and appointments to the Central Valdosta Development Authority/ Downtown Development Authority, to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center & Tourism Authority, to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Citizen Advisory Committee, and the Valdosta Tree Commission.

That rezoning was considered at the 28 October 2013 Planning Commission meeting. Here’s the Valdosta City Council agenda:

5:30 PM Thursday, November 7, 2013
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Videos: Attorney set different prices, Commissioners set millage date @ LCC 2013-07-09

The most interesting developments were not on the agenda. Commissioners approved dollar amounts for two purchase orders that were completely different from the ones they were quoted the morning before, with no discussion: the County Attorney quoted the new figures, asked for approval, and immediately got it. Commissioner Richard Raines still didn’t want to enforce a neighborhood covenant yet it was Commissioner Raines who made the motion last fall to let an Exclusive Franchise with Advanced Disposal Services; a covenant the county is now trying to enforce by having the County Attorney sue local business Deep South Sanitation. They said nothing about that 100 foot wide pipeline barrelling through the county. They could have the County Attorney investigate that, but they aren’t. They approved meeting for millage rate approval 8:30 AM Friday 26 July 2013: that’s for the property taxes they collect, which presumably partly go to pay the County Attorney. And the Chairman refused to let a citizen speak on a technicality.

Here’s the agenda with links to the videos and a few notes. See also videos of the previous morning’s Work Session.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, JULY 8, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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