Now you can see what they were looking at: those documents are on the LAKE website for REZ-2013-08 MFH, for a subdivision on Roberts Road immediately next to Moody AFB.
County Planner Jason Davenport said a few words about
the TRC recommendation.
Commissioner Ted Raker (Hahira) wanted clarification about
this application would require additional changes to meet
the requirements of the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC),
specifically that it would not help with safety, fire, health, general welfare,
“In fact seven out of the eleven were negative.”
Davenport confirmed that that was correct, and that was staff’s analysis. Staff paid by your tax dollars, so you shouldn’t have to file an open records request and pay ten dollars when staff could just put it on the web with the GLPC agenda, which they also don’t now but could easily put on the web.
Nobody spoke for the request. Numerous people spoke in opposition.
Tom Kurrie said in 38 years of practicing law Continue reading