Tag Archives: Regular Session

Tourism Board Meeting @ VLCCCTA 2013-01-23

Last week I went to the Rainwater Conference Center to attend the Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center & Tourism Authority Board Meeting.

I had discovered the time and date of this meeting by asking at the information booth at the Conference Center one day when I was there for another event.

I arrived slightly before the 8:00 appointed time and was greated warmly by Councilman Tim Carroll and Conference Center Director Tim Riddle. Being the Conference Center, they served a hot breakfast (other morning boards have fruits and sweets but this was something that you might get up for).

As 8:00 came there was apparently not a quorum, so calls went out to missing members to see if one more could be attacted. At 8:15 it was clear that there would be no additional members coming so no formal meeting was held, no votes were taken but an informal review of the agenda was performed:

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Planning Commission yesterday: did you know? @ GLPC 2013-01-28

Did you see an agenda or an announcement that the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) was meeting yesterday? Agenda @ GLPC 2013-01-28 Nor did LAKE. Matt Martin, Valdosta City Planner, usually sends an agenda to Gretchen, but there were no Valdosta items on this agenda, so he apparently didn’t even get one. And the county still doesn’t publish GLPC agendas, so if there was an item on there that affected you, how could you know? Does that seem right to you?

On the agenda were three Lowndes County rezoning items, all involving C-H (Highway Commercial), and one Lake Park rezoning case, going to R-P (Residential/Professional). Here’s a summary of the cases. You know, if I can do this in a couple of minutes by typing it in from a photograph that Gretchen took, Lowndes County could do it in a second by pressing Export to PDF. Now that there’s a new Chairman, maybe he’ll say they should do that.

Lowndes County,
Final action
Tuesday 12 Feb 2013
4. REZ-2012-20 Corbett
US 41 South and Newsome Road, Valdosta
Request to rezone ~5 acres from E-A (Estate Agriculture) to C-H (Highway Commercial)
5. REZ-2013-01 Barrentine
102 Davis Road East, Valdosta
Request to rezone 1.2 acres from C-H (Highway Commercial) to R-1 (Low Density Residential)
6. REZ-2013-02 Interstate Land Management
Briarwood Road along I-75, Valdosta
Request to rezone 4.87 acres from R-1 (Low Density Residential) to C-H (Highway Commercial)
Lake Park,
Final Action
Tuesday 5 Feb 2013
LP-12-2012-01 Karen K. Nolan and Blanche C. Bush
105 Broadway Street, Lake Park
Request to rezone 0.46 acres from R-15 (Single Family Residential) to R-P (Residential/Professional)


Dear Mr. Pritchard: How are we paying on something that was 100% paid off? —John S. Quarterman

I sent this today. -jsq

From: John S. Quarterman <questions@quarterman.com>
Cc: bslaughter@lowndescounty.com, jevans@lowndescounty.com, rraines@lowndescounty.com, cpowell@lowndescounty.com, dmarshall@lowndescounty.com, jpage@lowndescounty.com, questions@quarterman.com
Subject: How are we paying on something that was 100% paid off?

Dear Mr. Pritchard,

You may recall that at the Lowndes County Commission meeting of the 8th of January 2013, I asked the following:

“When this building complex was opened in 2010, the county put out a double-sheet flyer saying it was completely paid off out of SPLOST money, with zero dollars owed. I’m wondering how it is that then, either in November or December, the Commission just before your one here, refinanced bonds that included I think it was six or seven million dollars for this very building complex? I’m very confused by that. I wonder if someone could clarify how we’re paying on something that was completely 100% paid off with zero owed.”

I asked Commissioner Crawford Powell this question at the going-away reception for former Chairman Ashley Paulk on 14 December 2012, and he referred me to you for an answer. It has been more than two weeks since I asked in a Commission Regular Session and I have received no answer. So I ask again.


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KLVB Alapaha River cleanup at Old State Road in 2007

So if Old State Road to the Alapaha River has, according to the criteria recited by County Engineer Mike Fletcher, “ceased to be used by the public to the extent that no substantial public purpose is served by it”, why did Keep Lowndes/Valdosta Beautiful (KLVB) do a cleanup there in 2007? Is the removal of that section of road “from the county road system… in the public’s best interest”?

Jessica Pope wrote for the VDT 30 September 2007, River cleanup,

Saturday’s Alapaha River cleanup will be held in cooperation with Rivers Alive, a statewide annual volunteer waterway cleanup that targets Georgia’s 70,150 miles of streams and rivers each October, and Hands On Georgia Week 2007, which will culminate on Saturday with Hands on Atlanta Day, the largest volunteer service day in the country. A number of volunteers will spend the day cleaning Georgia’s waterways, building wheelchair ramps, collecting cans of food for Georgia’s food banks and as picking up trash along Georgia’s highways.

Anyone interested in participating in the Alapaha River cleanup Saturday should head on U.S. 84 East past Naylor, turn left on Good Hope Road then turn right on Old State Road. Small boats and canoes are welcome. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m., and participation waivers must be signed.

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Videos: Taxing alcohol on the road to the jail @ LCC 2013-01-22

One citizen actually got a response out of a Commissioner in Citizens Wishing to Be Heard! Unfortunately, only half a dozen citizens where there to hear that, or to see the Lowndes County Commission vote on matters that affect everyone, from abandoning a road leading to a river to an alcohol license.

Here's the agenda, with links to the videos and a few notes. See also the Work Session the morning of that same day.

WORK SESSION, TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Blurt it out about the ankle monitoring system —Gretchen Quarterman @ LCC 2013-01-22

A citizen actually got an answer from a Lowndes County Commissioner at the Regular Session of 22 January 2013. Oh, and the set the clock correctly to five minutes.

Gretchen Quarterman noted Commissioner Marshall had looked up some old minutes, and she appreciated that old minutes are on the county’s website, but the last minutes there were for 9 October 2012. Then she asked them to blurt about the ankle monitoring program:

This morning, you had a really great report about the jail ankle monitoring system. And I would really like to encourage the county to do marketing. To call a press conference, to get some graduates from that program, to get the sheriff, to get the gentleman that spoke this morning, to stand out on the courthouse steps and talk about how great it was. People would have a really great feeling if they knew. This morning I was the only citizen here; now we’ve got three more. People aren’t finding out.. So if they didn’t come to this chamber, they wouldn’t know. So I encourage you, really, do a press release, do a press conference about that. It’s a gigantic huge important thing. Thank you.

The Chairman started to move on, but Commissioner Evans asked if she could answer the citizen’s question.

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Vote for a hearing to abandoning a road leading to the Alapaha River @ LCC 2013-01-22

Update 2013-01-25 9:48 AM: fixed an error and added some further detail. -jsq
Citing unspecified sources of information about water rights, the Lowndes County Commission voted to move to a hearing to abandon a road to a river they didn’t name, but which happens to be: the Alapaha River (it was named this time). This was at the Regular Session of 22 January 2013. See also the Work Session the morning of the same day.

7.b. Abandonment of a portion of Old State Road (CR 16)

County Engineer Mike Fletcher describe the case like this:

Georgia Statute says that for an initial determination that the section of county road has for any reason ceased to be used by the public to the extent that no substantial public purpose is served by it, or that its removal from the county road system is in the public’s best interest. And just to remind you, as we spoke yesterday, the bridge that goes across the Alapaha River has been washed out; it has not been replaced, so there is no access across the river to Lanier County.

Commissioner Demarcus Marshall remarked that this same item had been voted down 26 October 2010(?). Chairman Bill Slaughter asserted that the applicant had previously gotten permission to close the road and was merely asking to extend the length; he was corrected by staff (I think by County Manager Joe Pritchard) saying no, it wasn’t approved. Why doesn’t staff brief the Commission and the public on the history of a case like this when it comes up again?

Commissioner Joyce Evans said

It was not approved because of different circumstances. I think during that time, Mr. Fletcher, you researched it all and you got the information that we needed. And that was the reason it was not approved; we didn’t have the information that we needed about the water rights. Since then we have received that.

County Engineer Mike Fletcher added:

This is not considered a navigable waterway, so therefore Mr. Connell owns the bottom of the riverbed, so his property actually goes into the river, and not to the high water mark.

Marshall said he’d heard from a constituent Continue reading

Conference Center and Tourism Authority meets this morning @ VLCCCTA 2013-01-23

Update 2013-01-23 8:46 AM: They did at least part of the minimum and posted a notice on the door.
How do we know the Valdosta Lowndes County Conference Center and Tourism Authority (VLCCCTA) meets this morning at 8AM? Gretchen asked when she picked up a list of its current board members.

And did I get the right Rick Williams in that picture? That one is Pastor of Northside Baptist Church. Is he the same Rick Williams who is Vice Chairman of VLCCCTA? (Google didn’t find any pictures for Chairman Rob Evans.) If it’s an honor and a privilege to serve on an Authority, shouldn’t the Authority tell us who is serving, instead of making us guess?

This meeting is not on

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Videos: money and transparency @ LCC 2013-01-08

The new Commission with the new portrait got to hear about money and transparency right away. And a surprise alcoholic vote caused by their lack of transparency.

Crawford Powell (Dist. 3), Richard Raines (Dist. 2), Bill Slaughter (Chairman), Joyce Evans (Dist. 1), John Page (Dist. 5), Demarcus Marshall (Dist. 4).

Here’s the agenda, with links to videos, and a few notes, followed by a video playlist. See also the Monday Work Session.

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How are we paying on something that was 100% paid off? —John S. Quarterman @ LCC 2013-01-08

Why are we furloughing librarians to save $30,000 when we apparently floated bonds for unbudgeted millions on the county palace? That’s essentially what I asked the Lowndes County Commission at their 8 January 2013 Regular Session. Nobody had an answer.

Just to add to what Commissioner Lee said, in addition to everyone appreciating all your service, I’m sure we all appreciate all his long years of service.

Of course there are some things that have come up since he was first on the Commission. For example, Internet access.

The Internet is the roads of the future.

Perhaps funding that might be as important as striping roads. It’s a thought.

For more on that, see what Idelle Dear said just before.

And I really appreciate that clock there. It’s a sign that sometimes change is good.

At least they are doing a few things differently.

When this building complex was opened in 2010, the county put out a double-sheet flyer saying it was completely paid off out of SPLOST money, with zero dollars owed. I’m wondering how it is that then, either in November or December, the Commission just before your one here, refinanced bonds that included I think it was six or seven million dollars for this very building complex? I’m very confused by that. I wonder if someone could clarify how we’re paying on something that was completely 100% paid off with zero owed.

It’s actually about $8.9 million. Why are we paying that? Nobody answered. County Manager Joe Pritchard, pictured below, on that 2010 flyer I mentioned, paid no attention.

A prominent local member of the fourth estate said nobody was allowed to answer. Actually, the Commission’s own Policies and Procedures for Citizens Wishing to be Heard include these lines:

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