The three maps arrived by email for the engineering items in
the Lowndes County Commission
Monday Work Session and Tuesday Regular Session.
The rest of the response to that Open Records request did not,
so I’ll have to go back again to pick up the rest of it on paper.
And the other Open Records request, for Continue reading
Tag Archives: Regular Session
Videos: Devine tabled, Naylor boat ramp, no HB 170 or animals @ LCC 2015-02-10
Nothing was said about the
GA HB 170 state tax grab from local governments,
even though both school boards and the Valdosta City Council
already passed resolutions against it.
No citizens spoke about animals, or about anything else,
not even in the Public Hearings,
except for
me thanking the Commission about the Naylor Boat Ramp.
The Devine Subdivision at Tillman Crossing was tabled at request of applicant to try to sort out continuing concerns about safety and congestion, while REZ-2015-01 Gramercy 2 and REZ-2015-03 Scurry Property, were unanimously approved. No citizens spoke for or against any of them.
You the taxpaying public didn’t get to see any of the materials in the board packet beyond the one-page agenda item forms, before the Commission voted last night, unless you were in the Commission Chambers or watched the LAKE videos of yesterday morning’s Work Session. The open records request for those rezonings came back with paper maps, despite my request for electronic format; at least the paper maps were in color this time. I asked again for electronic format, and will post them soon even if I have to scan them. The other open records request, for maps and materials for the engineering agenda items, came back with no maps at all, so I sent it back to be satisfied. Both County Planner Jason Davenport and County Engineer Mike Fletcher said they had never seen those open records requests, and they’d both be happy to email electronic copy if they were authorized to do so by the County Clerk.
All the other items were unanimously approved: Continue reading
HB 170: counties vs. cities? @ LCC 2015-02-10
Yesterday a Georgia House subcommittee did exactly what Valdosta
urged it not to do about distributing HB 170 funds.
Given that LMIG mismatch between cities and counties
to replace the previous mismatch of forced double taxation
on cities and counties, is the legislature trying to cause
dissension between counties and their cities, or is it just that inept?
We know Valdosta’s position.
What will the Lowndes County Commission do?
Valdosta City Manager Larry Hanson wrote to bill’s sponsor: Continue reading
One variance at Lake Alapaha @ ZBOA 2015-02-03
One variance at Lake Alapaha, about not connecting to county water.
Since the county has had to
spend a lot of money recently on
upgrading the Lake Alapaha water treatment plant, digging individual
wells down into groundwater containing Alapaha River water seems dubious
to me.
With no County Director of Utilities since Mike Allen moved on,
I wonder who will represent the county?
Here’s the agenda, which oddly is not yet on the City of Valdosta website. Thanks to Alexandra for sending it.
Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals
Matt Martin, Valdosta Planning and Zoning Administrator Carmella Braswell, Lowndes County Zoning Administrator 300 North Lee Street, Valdosta, Georgia 327 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia (229) 259-3563 (229) 671-2430 AGENDA
February 3, 2015
2:30 p.m.
- Call to Order
- VAR-2015-01 — Robert Dinkins (Lake Alapaha Boulevard, Naylor)
Variance to ULDC Chapters 4.04.02 (F2) and 6.03.03 (D) as they pertain to water connection requirementsOTHER BUSINESS:
- Approval of Minutes: January 6, 2014
- Adjournment
Videos: One variance in Naylor @ ZBOA 2015-01-06
They approved the one
variance in Naylor,
listened to a
gave a plaque
to former Vice-Chair Scott Orrenstein,
and met Valdosta’s
Media Coordinator.
They meet again today.
Here’s the agenda for the January 2015 meeting, which is still not on the City of Valdosta website. I added a few notes and some links into the one big video.
Continue readingValdosta -Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals
Matt Martin, Valdosta Planning and Zoning Administrator Carmella Braswell, Lowndes County Zoning Administrator 300 North Lee Street, Valdosta, Georgia 327 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia (229) 259-3563 (229) 671-2430 AGENDA
January 6, 2015
2:30 p.m.
Anti-tethering ordinance proposal by Dr. Amanda Hall and others @ LCC 2015-01-27
All the anti-tethering videos from the
Monday morning 26 January 2015
Work Session (presentation by Dr. Amanda Hall)
and the
Tuesday evening 27 January 2015 Regular Session (four citizens and the Chairman)
of the Lowndes County Commission.
More details from the VDT
24 January 2015
and 28 January 2015, and see the
Break the Chains facebook page. Continue reading
Videos: Mike Allen, Anti-Tethering, Budget, Surplus, Abandonment, Evidence, Workers Comp, Manhole @ LCC 2015-01-27
The room was packed as
the Chairman commented on
Dr. Amanda Hall’s proposal
for an
anti-tethering ordinance,
as did
four citizens
(realtor Alan Canup,
veterinarian Jeff Creamer,
LCDP Chairman Tom Hochschild,
Carol Kellerman),
Chairman Slaughter again.
Frenchie DePasture
commented on trash,
at Tuesday evening’s Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission.
Mike Allen, Utilities Director until last Friday,
got an offer he couldn’t refuse from Hilton Head, South Carolina
a presentation from County Manager Joe Pritchard.
Finance Director Stephanie Black
read from the agenda
a budget award (or
passing grade) received by Lowndes County for the ninth year in a row,
as one of 1400 awardees this year.
No rezonings, but Continue reading
Videos: 1 church, 2 small, 1 subdivision @ GLPC 2015-01-26
Videos of the Planning Commission recommending Monday 26 January 2015.
The Central Avenue Church of Christ wants
to rezone 5.6 acres to Downtown Commercial,
while the two small rezonings are on
Old Pine Road
Skipper Bridge Road,
Devine Subdivision
on Tillman Crossing.
See the agenda.
1 church, 2 small, 1 subdivision @ GLPC 2015-01-26
The Central Avenue Church of Christ wants
to rezone 5.6 acres to Downtown Commercial,
while the two small rezonings are on
Old Pine Road
Skipper Bridge Road,
Devine Subdivision
on Tillman Crossing.
This meeting already happened tonight.
Thanks to Lowndes County for starting to post Planning Commission agendas including this one. -jsq
Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Continue reading
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue
Monday, January 26, 2015 * 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing
Videos: Packets, paving, safety, trash, education, appointment, jail, taxes, water @ LCC 2015-01-13
Teri Lupo
reappointed to VLDA
and almost all the Commissioners asked questions at some point during the
at the Tuesday 5:30 PM 13 January 2015
Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission, at which
two new Commissioners got to vote.
Several citizens spoke, on
getting board packets on the web,
getting their road paved,
safety on Val Del Road and reopening some of the waste collection sites,
National Council of Negro Women;
Chairman weighed in on a couple of topics.
They meet again Monday morning 26 January 2015 plus a Special Called Meeting on Waste Management that same morning.
The Alapaha River Water Trail resolution, according to the Chairman before the meeting, is waiting until they’re ready to dedicate the new boat ramp at US 84, which is waiting until the river water goes down enough to pour concrete. Maybe some time this spring.
See the agenda for details on what they were considering, and see the videos of the previous morning’s Work Session for background. Below are links to the LAKE videos of each agenda item, followed by a video playlist. See also the county’s own much more professional one big long video.
Continue reading