Last month,
Laverne Gaskins announced she did not want to be reappointed to ZBOA.
Fairway got to put its
back up at the new overpass, but only at 50 feet high.
Plus in the county, a
building location variance
and a
Family Ties variance
were both approved unanimously.
They meet again today at 2:30PM. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Regular Session
Doublewide, Commercial, Professional, Residential, Landscape, Stormwater, Suburban, Agriculture, Schools, and Moody @ GLPC 2015-05-26
The busiest Planning Commission agenda I can recall,
is scheduled at exactly the same time as the Lowndes County Commission Regular Session because of the Memorial Day holiday.
The biggest item is
REZ-2015-11 The Orchard at Stone Creek,
yet another subdivision on Old US 41 N,
this one due west of Nelson Hill on Val Del.
Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Continue reading
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue
Tuesday, May 26, 2015 * 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing
Videos: Baseball and water; electric sign withdrawn @ ZBOA 2015-04-07
They’re meeting again today, and last month
baseball diamond west of Hahira was approved with conditions 4-1.
The water connection variance on
Jumping Gully Road,
was approved 5-0,
and the electric company parking variance on
Norman Drive, tabled
the previous month,
was withdrawn by applicant (before the meeting),
all according to
ZBOA’s own Summary of Results.
See also the agenda for the 7 April 2015 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. Here’s the LAKE video of the meeting:
Continue readingBillboard and building locations @ ZBOA 2015-05-05
Today at 2:30 PM, Fairway wants to put its billboard back up at the new overpass:
way up.
Will ZBOA approve a
60-foot-high billboard?
Plus in the county, a
building location variance
and a
Family Ties variance.
Here’s the agenda, from the City of Valdosta website.
Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals
Matt Martin, Valdosta Planning and Zoning Administrator
300 North Lee Street, Valdosta, Georgia
(229) 259-3563Carmella Braswell, Lowndes County Zoning Administrator
327 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia
(229) 671-2430AGENDA
Continue reading
May 5, 2015
2:30 p.m.
Highway-Commercial and Planned Development in Valdosta @ GLPC 2015-04-27
One case on
St. Augustine Road
and the other
on Slater Street
due east of VSU and a block north of Drexel Park and One Mile Creek.
Here’s the
Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue
Monday, April 27, 2015 * 5:30 P.M. * Public HearingCALL TO ORDER, INVOCATION, PLEDGE
Continue reading CITY OF VALDOSTA CASE:
FINAL ACTION by the City of Valdosta Mayor-Council
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Valdosta City Hall, 216 E. Central Street, Valdosta, Georgia
Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
5:30 p.m.
Videos: Trash, Vallotton agriculture, animals, body armor, HEAT, water, and a canopy road @ LCC 2015-04-14
ADS trash collection price and performance
wasn’t on the agenda, but even
former Commissioner Richard Lee
stood up to speak about it two weeks ago at the April 14th 2015 Regular Session, along with two other citizens
David Eaton
See also
VDT trash story.
The VDT didn’t pick up on
Ann Swayze’s smoot and soot concerns
also being related, because nobody stood up to complain about burning in
Foxborough before the collection centers closed.
Commissioners did the right thing and unanimously rezoned Vallotton Farms back to Estate Agriculture, like it was before county-wide rezoning happened. It wasn’t like the County Planner said, “it has developed around it in an urban way”. The subject land and landowners didn’t do that: other people have built subdivisions around it the the county’s active promotion. And for once agriculture won, after landowner attorney Bill Langdale, Commissioner Demarcus Marshall, and I spoke up for it.
They’re even going to preserve the canopy on Boring Pond Road and I thanked the County Engineer for that.
The two Sheriff’s requests for Continue reading
Why Vallotton wants to rezone back to agricultural @ GLPC 2015-03-30
Yesterday morning the County Planner seemed perplexed about
the Vallotton family request to go back to the most agricultural
zoning, E-A.
Yet he was there when Bill Langdale explained
that at the
Planning Commission 30 March 2015, aided by multiple Planning Commissioners,
plus a few words from me.
He didn’t bring agriculture to the city; the city come to him….
I think it’s going to be real hard one day trying to eat this concrete.
–Tommy Willis
See for yourself. And remember the County Commission votes on this case this evening at 5:30 PM; maybe you’d like to come speak for. Continue reading
Videos: Vallotton agriculture on Bemiss Road, historic preservation, personal services @ GLPC 2015-03-30
They took the
Lake Park personal services case
first and recommended it 8:0.
REZ-2015-06 Vickers was withdrawn by applicant.
Vallotton Farms‘ reversion to Estate Agricultural was recommended 8:0
after an explanation by attorney Bill Langdale (and yours truly chimed in).
Denser zoning for
Edward Jennings LLC
was recommended 5:4 with a rare example of the Chairman voting, this time in favor.
And the Valdosta historic preservation
LDR changes were recommended 8:0.
Those two Lowndes County cases have already been heard at the
Lowndes County Commission
Work Session yesterday morning
and will be voted on tonight at the Regular Session.
The Vallotton case greatly puzzled the County Planner and at least one of the Commissioners.
Here’s the agenda, reordered according to how they actually considered the cases, with links to the videos, results of the votes, and a few notes. Continue reading
County revenue and property tax appeals –Craig Cardella @ LCC 2015-03-24
A local citizen got cut off just as he said the county attorney’s
opinion was he could interpret state law about property taxes however he wished,
in the
24 March 2015 Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission.
9. Citizens Wishing to be Heard-Please State Your Name and Address
Video. Craig Cardella’s concern was that the County Commission does not have enough money to do things that are important to the community. He said he had given a similar talk to Valdosta Mayor and Council recently. He said he had been a city manager in the past, and had worked in and around local government nearly all his career.
In 2009 GA State Senate authorized Continue reading
Videos: Fire aid, drinking, driving, and air conditioning @ LCC 2015-03-24
One citizen got cut off
just as he said the county attorney
thought he could interpret state law however he liked.
In addition to the
Lake Park Fire Department Automatic Aid Agreement
the County Manager asked at the Work Session to add to
they also added
Southern Region Traffic Enforcement Network (SRTEN).
Plus not on the agenda there was
recognition of student guests.
See also the previous morning’s Work Session
Keep Lowndes-Valdosta Beautiful cleanup presentation.
They meet again this morning.
Also voted on two weeks ago were changes to the speed zone ordinance, a GEMA grant application, a proposal for engineering services for Exits 22 and 29, HVAC for county buildings, and a liquor license. Here’s the agenda with links to the videos and a few notes.
Continue reading
WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor