Tag Archives: Regular Session

CAC office on Skipper Bridge Rd. + a Wal-Mart on Bemiss Rd? @ GLPC 2016-02-29

Finally with the agenda for tonight’s Planning Commission, case codes and an address for the 3-in-1 Bemiss Road rezoning, but still no address for the CAC Skipper Bridge Road rezoning, and none of the board packet: no maps, text, nothing else on Lowndes county’s website, for tonight’s 6PM Planning Commission Regular Session.

Center of three properties: 4196 Bemiss Rd. That Valdosta three-part case includes an annexation request. The agenda says it’s for Gusto Development, but no such company is registered with the Georgia Secretary of State. Maybe they mean Gusto GA Valdosta (Guest), LLC, registered “12/8/2015” with Principal Office Address: 736 Cherry St., Chattanooga, TN, 37402, USA. That’s the address of The Hutton Company, “We Know Dirt; Real Estate Development Construction”. The land is owned by Bassford Properties LLC, as noted in the previous post with the LAKE videos of the previous week’s Work Session, which shows what little the public was allowed to know, such as that it’s for a grocery store and a gas station. This might be a clue as to which company: Alex Green, timesfreepress.com, 9 November 2014, 3 new grocery stores coming to Chattanooga, and they may be Wal-Marts, Continue reading

Videos: Crosspointe Church @ ZBOA 2016-02-02

In a split decision with a condition, they approved their one case, VAR-2016-01 (CrossPointe Church, Valdosta GA), with all members present for the Zoning Board of Appeals. Not clear what are the buffer or landscape requirements they want a variance from. If ZBOA published its board packets online, we all would be able to see that. Same issue as for Lowndes County Commission, Valdosta City Council, and the other four cities in the county. They did not approve minutes of their previous meeting, and still no decision on name badges. The meeting took only 45 minutes.

Agenda below, with results from ZBOA’s own Meeting Results Summary, followed by the LAKE video. Continue reading

Videos: Rivers and Pipeline, Rehab homes, LAMP Lease, Rezonings, Alcohol, public defender, paving Stafford Wright Road @ LCC 2016-02-09

Gretchen thanked them for putting most of the response to her open records request on CDs, shortly after they had said at their recent planning session that they wanted to promote interaction with the community. Still nothing from the county attorney about the Sabal Trail documents, and it’s been well over three days. I invited them on behalf of WWALS to a workshop and a movie; there’s more below. See also the contested rezoning 5.d. REZ-2016-05 Union Rd Subdivision, E-A to R-A, ~114 acres for more water issues.

Three citizens spoke explicitly about the pipeline, Jim Parker, Michael Noll, and Dr. Mario Bartoletti, as also noted in Jason Stewart, VDT, 11 February 2016, Sabal protests continue. As I noted in another post,

I go to a lot of county commission meetings in Georgia and Florida. Nowhere but Lowndes County do I see Continue reading

Lack of site plan disconcerting and unacceptable –Glenn Gregory about cemetery rezoning @ GLPC 2016-01-25

For an item also on the Valdosta agenda tonight, lack of transparency and concern for trees perplexed a prominent local citizen at the Planning Commission, Glenn Gregory speaking as you can see in the LAKE video of the 25 January 2016 GLPC Regular Session. Glenn Gregory said:

I think y’all might have a site plan, but the public does not have a site plan.

Commissioner Celine Godwin recommended Gregory take his transparency recommendation to the Valdosta City Council. We shall see, at 5:30 PM tonight. Gretchen will be there with the LAKE video camera.

Jason Stewart, VDT, 29 January 2016, Gregory opposes cemetery proposal, Continue reading

Cemetery, residence, parking, housing, appointments to 5 boards @ VCC 2016-02-11

For the Valdosta four public hearings tonight at 5:30 PM, see first the LAKE videos of the Planning Commission Work Session and Regular Session. That cemetery rezoning is quite controversial.

The housing resolution may be related to proposed joint city-county nonprofit for rehab housing in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity.

Also, Valdosta has a new website, apparently as of yesterday; follow this link for more about that and an online survey.

Here’s the agenda. Continue reading

Videos: Chancy R6M, Stallings Road Cemetery, 4 County cases, one to E-A @ GLPC 2016-01-25

The Lowndes County cases are the ones the County Commission is reviewing this morning in their Work Session. GLPC recommended approval for all of them, with conditions on one, REZ-2016-03 Jacob Eckwahl on US 41 South.

See also the GLPC agenda and the LAKE videos of the 19 Jan 2016 GLPC Work Session. Below are the LAKE videos of the 25 Jan 2016 GLPC Regular Session, followed by a video playlist. Continue reading

Videos: Chancy R6M, Stallings Road Cemetery, 4 County cases, one to E-A @ GLPC 2016-01-19

Not on the agenda, they started with a public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. Expecting from the email announcement about the Comprehensive Plan that this would be a typical SGRC tables-and-easels mill-about meeting, I didn’t show up on the dot and was quite surprised to find the Planning Commission and staff in their usual spots. See separate post.

Here are the LAKE videos with some notes, followed by a video playlist. Continue reading

Crosspointe Church @ ZBOA 2016-02-02

2:30 PM today, only one case on the Zoning Board of Appeals agenda: VAR-2016-01 (CrossPointe Church, Valdosta GA). Not clear what are the buffer or landscape requirements they want a variance from. If ZBOA published its board packets online, we all would be able to see that. Same issue as for Lowndes County Commission, Valdosta City Council, and the other four cities in the county. Continue reading

Videos: Sold out to Sabal Trail @ LCC 2016-01-26

Thank you Commissioner Demarcus Marshall for voting no. Calling it “a good business decision”, the CEO of Waller Heating and Air lauded the others for voting to sell county land for a pittance to a company from Houston, Texas, nevermind their resolution of a year ago. We thought we elected them to represent the people of Lowndes County, and we thought they did back in December 2014 when they unanimously voted “the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners opposes the construction of the Sabal Trail pipeline in any portion of Lowndes County.” But at least one of them (“Wisenbaker) didn’t even remember that the county voted to oppose Sabal Trail. Apparently most of them concur with what the County Engineer said about landowners who have not taken Sabal Trail’s money, “I don’t know who they are.”

Update 2016-01-28: WCTV report, plus Gret chen’s question: “Is less than 50 cents per person in Lowndes County enough to risk drinking water for all?”

Landowners who did take the money mostly did not have Continue reading

The hazardous waste Lowndes County Clyattville landfill is not just another Sabal Trail easement @ LCC 2016-01-26

There is no reason our only county-wide elected government should rush to take a pittance from a company from Houston, Texas for an easement through the closed landfill toxic waste site that would risk our drinking water and enable more easement takings from local landowners. On the front page of today’s VDT the County Clerk contradicted what Lowndes County Chairman Bill Slaughter has written repeatedly to FERC, that he and the Commission represent “Citizens of Lowndes County”. She also didn’t mention the GA-EPD permit for any work within that landfill that the Chairman previously demanded from Sabal Trail, nor the multiple state other and federal permits Sabal Trail does not have. Although it’s still not on the published agenda, the Commissioners have an opportunity tonight to vote to support their own unanimous resolution of December 2014 against Sabal Trail.

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The County Clerk tried to roll back the clock to Continue reading