Tag Archives: Regular Session

Videos: Naylor Boat Ramp and Appointments to Public Facilities Authority @ LCC 2017-10-10

By far the most time, almost eight minutes, on 6b. Abandonment of Portions of Old Lake Park Road and Hickory Grove Road SE, the Lowndes County Commissioners spent two weeks ago, involving reference to minutes they approved in that meeting but that still aren’t on the county’s website two weeks later, and resulting in a split vote.

More interesting: the county is finally starting construction on the Naylor Boat Ramp.

By their customary silent “acclamation” they appointed people to the Lowndes County Public Facilities Authority.

Below are Continue reading

Videos: Curfew resolution second reading @ VCC 2016-10-05

Last Thursday the Valdosta City Council asked “every police officer, civilian and sworn” to come up front for 2a. Special Presentation of the CALEA Law Enforcement Accreditation Award, which took more than 15 minutes. That item alone was longer than yesterday’s entire Lowndes County Commission meeting.

Like the County Commission, the City Council apparently thinks silence is acclamation, at least for their minutes. They did at least actually vote on going into executive session to discuss real estate.

They did not vote on the Loitering Ordinance amendments because there will be a third reading. There will also be a third VPD Community Forum to discuss Proposed Curfew Ordinance, 8PM, Thursday, October 12, 2017, at Morningside Baptist Church. They have gotten some feedback already. They got more from a citizen who wished to be heard. Sorry I didn’t get her name: the city’s sound is very muddy. She seemed to recommend after-school programs and jobs intead of a curfew. She said we need to support the parents. Roy Taylor Sr. said something similar. John Robinson recommended building the community with jobs and activities. Elsie Napier talked about community grants.

Unlike the county, the city uses Continue reading

Curfew resolution second reading @ VCC 2016-10-05

The big item is the controversial teen curfew, first discussed in August, twice, and negotiated in September between the police chief and the city manager, according to WALB.

VPD Chief Brian K. Childress

According to WCTV, it was Valdosta Police Chief Brian Childress who originally proposed this curfew, but apparently the city manager had more draconian ideas.

Here’s the agenda. Continue reading

Videos: Ten cases @ ZBOA 2017-10-03

A backlog since June is a lot of cases, and in the interests of time I have not watched the whole thing; instead I’m posting now. A Summary of Actions should appear soon on the Valdosta website for the decision-making Zoning Board of Appeals. See also the agenda and board packet, is which is on the LAKE website, courtesy of ZBOA member Gretchen Quarterman. Gretchen also set up the LAKE video camera behind the board this time. Links to the two LAKE videos appear below, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

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Ten cases @ ZBOA 2017-10-03

They haven’t met since June, and today the decision-making Zoning Board of Appelas has the longest agenda ever. The packet, courtesy of ZBOA member Gretchen Quarterman, is on the LAKE website.

Valdosta – Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals

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Videos: Hurricane Irma, Register rezoning, Utility Authority @ LCC 2017-09-26

23 minutes last night to approve 3:2 with many conditions rezoning the 6c. REZ-2017-09 Robert A. Register Estate, with no shouting afterwards like there was at at the previous evening’s Planning Commission meeting, yet a lot of grumbling at the Lowndes County Commission Regular Session, especially since they seem to have forgotten the greenspace condition.

Biggest crowd in a long time, REZ-2017-09 Robert A. Register Estate

I would like to commend the Commission for the amount and depth of discussion in this meeting, especially in the unscheduled 10. Commission Comments and Recognitions and Meeting Adjournment, which was mostly about Clay Griner’s idea of having a county-wide utility authority including all the cities in the county. Update 2017-10-20: moved the rest of this utility authority commentary down to the video item below.

Also not on the agenda was Chairman Slaughter comments on community response to Hurricane Irma (which were mostly about county staff; well-deserved especially for Ashley Tye) and Georgia Power Representative recognizes county hurricane response.

While it’s great that Georgia Power came to compliment the county, does that electric utility rep. reside in or pay property taxes in Lowndes County, and why was he not required to state his name and address? Ditto the software salesman for Continue reading

Videos: Return of Register + Laurel Run, Tucker Road @ GLPC 2017-09-25

There was shouting last night at the end of REZ-2017-09 Robert A. Register Estate, because some people didn’t like a recommendation for rezoning even with numerous conditions attached. That one took almost an hour, far longer than all the rest of the agenda. Tonight at 5:30 PM this rezoning in Lake Park goes to the Lowndes County Commision for the actual decision; they already discussed it yesterday morning.

Below are LAKE videos of last night’s Planning Commission meeting. See also Continue reading

Return of Register + Laurel Run, Tucker Road @ GLPC 2017-09-25

Tabled last month, REZ-2017-09 Robert A. Register Estate is back on the Planning Commission agenda for tonight. Meanwhile the Lowndes County Commission already discussed it this morning and is scheduled to vote on this rezoning Tuesday evening.

TRC table of recommendations, REZ-2017-19 Register Estate
TRC Table of recommendations for REZ-2017-09.

Plus REZ-2017-10 Laurel Run Homes, LLC and REZ-2017-08 West Ridge Business Park.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission Continue reading

Videos: Tiny to large, Lake Park and Lowndes County @ GLPC 2017-08-28

At the Planning Commission,

Below are links to each LAKE video from this GLPC meeting. See also the Continue reading

Cancelled: Lowndes County Commission Regular Session @ LCC 2017-09-12

The Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission is cancelled. There is no notice of this on lowndescounty.com because county offices are still closed today and power is still out in parts of the county, according to Commissioner Scott Orenstein. He responded to an inquiry from Gretchen Quarterman after no county business numbers answered this morning.

2017-09-11 5PM Cone of Probable Path
2017-09-11 5PM Cone of Probable Path of Tropical Storm Irma, National Hurricane Center, NOAA.

Lowndes County Emergency Management did include a notice of cancellation of yesterday’s Lowndes County Work Session in its PR of Continue reading