Tag Archives: Regular Meeting

Operating at a slower pace VLCIA 17 May 2011

Chairman Jerry Jennett reported that VLCIA was generally operating at a slower pace due to the economy. Roy Copeland asked for the board to come back to the operating budget later in the meeting when they could ask their CPA a few questions. He was out of town, so they agreed to try to get him on the telephone later.

Here’s Part 1 of 2: Continue reading

The illusion of knowledge —Michael G. Noll

This comment by Michael G. Noll, president of WACE, came in yesterday on The backfire effect. There are more comments on that blog entry, and also on Seth Gunning’s posts, a key to community organizing work and organizing and activism. -jsq
Not sure what started this particular post, but as Stephen Hawking put it: “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” –

We are where we are as a community in relationship to the biomass issue because of our holistic approach, and with “we” I do not mean WACE exclusively. There have been countless

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Protesters at VLCIA 17 May 2011

Those biomass protesters were back, playing hopscotch!

Industrial Authority board meetings have turned into sidewalk cultural events. This was outside the 17 May 2011 meeting.

A couple of different signs: Susan Wehling with her traffic signal stop biomass sign, and a Honk for Clean Air sign.


Rezoning on Old Pine Road again: is anything different this time?

Has anything changed since the contentious Glen Laurel rezoning on Old Pine Road? Maybe yes.

The new case decided yesterday (REZ-2011-05 – Laurel Brooke), was also represented by Bill Nijem, who got up and started speaking for it, and after a bit said:

First let me introduce myself, there are new faces up here. Bill Nijem. I represent the applicant.
Assuming that Commissioners should just know who he is may not sound like a good start, But, as he already said, nobody was speaking against this rezoning. Why is that?

I would like to note when the applicant first submitted this application, it was submitted as planned development, and worked with Mr. Davenport, we did tweak the site plan somewhat, made larger lots, and now it’s R-10.
And that’s what the opponents of the Glen Laurel rezoning asked for. At least a couple of them were present this time. Gretchen talked to them later, and they told her that since this subdivision had what they asked for last time, they had no objections this time.

Bill Nijem even discussed traffic and accidents, which you may recall Continue reading